//-- lib.js: Core JS library for www.oracle.com var orainfo_exists = false, otnnm_exists = false var langjsLoad = false, confirm_is_redirect = false, survey_is_passthru = false var dash = '' var r_arrow = '' var d_arrow = '' var tl_img = '' var bl_img = '' var tr_img = '' var br_img = '' var l_crnr = '' var r_crnr = '' var see_image = '' var try_image = '' var buy_image = '' var block = '' //-- Determine Frame status var isFramed = false if (parent.frames.length != 0) var isFramed = true //-- Cookie Objects var ORA_UCM_VER; var ORA_UCM_INFO; var ORA_UCM_SRVC; var ORA_UCM_CMP; var user_info = new Array() var otn_info = new Array() // MW these constants represent array indexes for user_info array var FNAME=0, LNAME=1, TITLE=2, EMAIL=3, UID=4 var ROLE=5, Q2=6, Q3=7, Q4=8, Q5=9, OWNER=10, ASCII=11 var OTN_UID=0, OTN_IP=1, OTN_LVL=2 var OPP_LVL=3, OPP_PIN=4 //-- Utility function defs var min = (60 * 1000) var hour = (60 * min) var day = (24 * hour) var year = (365 * day) //-- Portlet Style defs var PLAIN = 3, WWW = 2 var portlet_title1 = "", portlet_title2 = "" // Campaign Style Defs var INLINE = 2, WRAPPED = 4 //-- Internal/external Adjustments if ((location.hostname.indexOf("us.oracle.com") != -1) && (location.hostname != "www-qa.us.oracle.com")) { var ora_host = "http://www-stage.us.oracle.com" var elog_host = "http://www.oracle.com" var odp_host = "http://profile-mktad.us.oracle.com" var auth_host = "http://profile-mktad.us.oracle.com" var apps_host = "http://www-stage.oracle.com/appsnet" var oln_host = "http://www-stage.us.oracle.com/education/oln" var iln_host = "http://ilearning.oracle.com" var emkt_host = "http://emarketing.oraclecorp.com/pls/cms/"; 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else if (msgID = 1){ msg = warnMsg; wurl = warnURL; } else if (msgID = 2){ msg = warnSrvc; wurl = warnSrvcURL; } if (confirm (msg))top.location = wurl; else return; } function goCheck(url, type, srvc) { if (!type || type == "") type = TOP; if (!orainfo_exists) promptUser(1); else { if (srvc){ if (ORA_UCM_SRVC.services.indexOf("/" + srvc + "/") == -1) promptUser(2); } else { if (type == TOP) top.location = "./" + url else if (type == NEWS) window.open(url, "newsWin", "resizable,scrollbars,width=460,height=575,top=0,screenY=0,left=0,screenX=0"); else if (type == OTHER) window.open(url, "otherWin", "resizable,scrollbars,width=350,height=525,top=0,screenY=0,left=0,screenX=0"); else if (type == FULL) window.open(url, "fullWin"); } } } function goWin(url, type, w, h, scroll) { if (!type || type == "") type = 1; if (type == 1) top.location = "./" + url; else if (type == 2) window.open(url, "smallWin", "toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=" + scroll + ",width=" + w + ",height=" + h + ",top=0,screenY=0,left=0,screenX=0"); 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var urldecodevalue = unescape(value); var ucmdecodevalue = ''; var ch = ''; for (i=0; i ( asciiArray.length - 1 ) ) { j -= asciiArray.length; } ucmdecodevalue += asciiArray.charAt( j ); } else { ucmdecodevalue += ch; } } return ucmdecodevalue; } function getCookieData(label) { var labelLen = label.length var cLen = document.cookie.length var i = 0 var cEnd while (i < cLen) { var j = i + labelLen if (document.cookie.substring(i,j) == label) { cEnd = document.cookie.indexOf(";",j) if (cEnd == -1) { cEnd = document.cookie.length } j++; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(j,cEnd)) } i++ } return ""; } function setCookie(name, value, time, ttype) { var exp = new Date(); var cookieval = name + "=" + escape(value) + "; "; var date = exp.getTime(); if (time > 0) { if (ttype == "year") exp.setTime(date + (time * year)); else if (ttype == "day") exp.setTime(date + (time * day)); else if (ttype == "hour") exp.setTime(date + (time * hour)); cookieval += "expires=" + exp.toGMTString(); } cookieval += "; domain=.oracle.com; path=/"; document.cookie = cookieval; } function getCookie(foo) { return getCookieData(foo); } //-- Hipbone to Netcall mapping //-- contact john burbridge to make changes!! function startCallback(ichannel,tmp) { var netcall_url = "http://" + location.hostname + "/admin/netcall/"; var w = 440; var h = 260; var codes = new Array(); codes[0] = [ "Oracle.com", "0i2wzK12842", "321884", "0", "0", "1", "launcher.html", "thankyou.html", "error.html", "5:00am - 6:00pm PST" ]; codes[1] = [ "Oracle Education", "2WcKOh12631", "322065", "0", "0", "1", "launcher.html", "thankyou.html", "error.html", "5:00am - 5:00pm PST" ]; codes[2] = [ "Oracle Brazil", "QoEOxb13081", "344401", "0", "0", "55", "launcher-br.html", "thankyou-br.html", "error-br.html", "9h00 - 18h00" ]; codes[3] = [ "Oracle Consulting", "invalid", "379366", "0", "0", "1", "launcher.html", "thankyou.html", "error.html", " " ]; codes[4] = [ "Oracle Netherlands", "8StUfs2022", "365383", "0", "0", "31", "launcher.html", "thankyou.html", "error.html", " " ]; 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win.opener = self; break; } } } libjsLoad = true; //-- elogger.js: JS library for the elogger var g_url = elog_host + "/webapps/elog/trackurl"; var base_url = "http://" + location.hostname; function escapeURL(p_text) { re1 = /\&/gi; re2 = / /gi; re3 = /\+/gi; var p_str = p_text; p_str = p_str.replace(re1,"%26"); p_str = p_str.replace(re2,"%2B"); p_str = p_str.replace(re3,"%2B"); return p_str; } function goAURL(p_url, p_object_id, p_subobject_id) { getUCMCookies(); ORA_UCM_VER = top.ORA_UCM_VER; ORA_UCM_INFO = top.ORA_UCM_INFO; ORA_UCM_SRVC = top.ORA_UCM_SRVC; if (!isUCMRegistered()) { alert("You don't appear to be signed in." + " Please sign-in or register to the upper right."); } else { goURL(p_url, p_object_id, p_subobject_id); } } function trackURL(p_url, p_object_id, p_subobject_id) { var from_url = escapeURL(document.URL); var to_url = escapeURL(p_url); var dest_url = ""; var src_url = ""; var trackable_url = ""; dest_url = (to_url.indexOf("http") == -1) ? base_url + to_url : to_url; src_url = (from_url.indexOf("http") == -1) ? base_url + from_url : from_url; trackable_url = g_url + "?d=" + dest_url + "&s=" + src_url + "&di=" + p_object_id ; return trackable_url; } function goURL(p_url, p_object_id, p_subobject_id) { trackable_url = trackURL(p_url,p_object_id,p_subobject_id); location = trackable_url; } // for 1x1 images function logURL(p_object_id, p_subobject_id ) { var from_url = escapeURL(document.referrer); var to_url = escape(document.URL); var dest_url = ""; var src_url = ""; var trackable_url = ""; if ( to_url.indexOf("http") == -1) dest_url = base_url + to_url; if ( from_url.indexOf("http") == -1) src_url = base_url + from_url; trackable_url = g_url + "?d=" + dest_url + "&s=" + src_url + "&di=" + p_object_id + "&a=image" ; document.write(""); } //for ebn show the Ondemand window and show Quote window function showOndemand(showid, cmsid, regsite, bitrate) { showLiveViewer(showid,cmsid); /* var v_regsite; var v_bitrate; if (!bitrate) v_bitrate = 'L150'; else v_bitrate = bitrate; if (!regsite) v_regsite = ''; else v_regsite = regsite; mywin = SpecialWin("onDemandWin", "popup.on_demand", showid, cmsid, v_regsite, v_bitrate, "N", 405, 675); */ } function showOndemand2(showid, cmsid, src, act, bitrate) { var v_bitrate; if (!bitrate) v_bitrate = 'L150'; else v_bitrate = bitrate; if(src && act) { getUCMCookies(); if (!isUCMRegistered()) { if ( confirm("This functionality is available to registered users only.\n\nWould you like to register or sign in?\n\n") ) { top.location = auth_host + "/jsp/reg/register.jsp?src="+src+"&Act="+act+"&nextURL=" + escape(top.location.href); } return; } } mywin = SpecialWin("onDemandWin", "popup.on_demand", showid, cmsid, '', v_bitrate, "N", 405, 675); } function showISeminar(showid, cmsid, regsite, bitrate) { if(parseInt(showid)<=1546274) { var v_regsite; var v_bitrate; if (!bitrate) v_bitrate = 'L150'; else v_bitrate = bitrate; if (!regsite) v_regsite = ''; else v_regsite = regsite; mywin = SpecialWin("ISeminarWin", "iseminar_viewer.ondemand", showid, cmsid, v_regsite, v_bitrate, "Y", 635, 450); } else { showLiveViewer(showid,cmsid,1180587,6); } } function showLiveViewer(showid,cmsid,src,act) { if(src && act) { getUCMCookies(); if (!isUCMRegistered()) { if ( confirm("This functionality is available to registered users only.\n\nWould you like to register or sign in?\n\n") ) { top.location = auth_host + "/jsp/reg/register.jsp?src="+src+"&Act="+act+"&nextURL=" + escape(top.location.href); } return; } } var vWidth = 800; var vHeight = 360; var vTop = Math.ceil((screen.availHeight - vHeight)/2) - 25; var vLeft = Math.ceil((screen.availWidth - vWidth)/2); if(screen.width <= 800) { if(screen.width < 700) { alert("800x600 screen resolution or higher is recommended."); } vTop = 0; vLeft = 0; vWidth = screen.availWidth - 10; vHeight = screen.availHeight-46; } url = "http://www.oracle.com/pls/ebn/live_viewer.main?p_shows_id=" + showid + "&p_referred=" + cmsid; window.open(url,"liveWin","top="+vTop+",left="+vLeft+",width="+vWidth+",height="+vHeight+",status=yes,resizable=no"); } function ISLive(showid, cmsid, regsite, bitrate) { var v_regsite; var v_bitrate; if (!bitrate) v_bitrate = 'L150'; else v_bitrate = bitrate; if (!regsite) v_regsite = ''; else v_regsite = regsite; mywin = SpecialWin("ISLiveWin", "iseminar_viewer.live", showid, cmsid, v_regsite, v_bitrate, "Y", 635, 600); } function screenWatch(showid, cmsid, regsite, bitrate) { var v_regsite; var v_bitrate; if (!bitrate) v_bitrate = ''; else v_bitrate = bitrate; if (!regsite) v_regsite = ''; else v_regsite = regsite; mywin = SpecialWin("ScreenWatchWin", "screenwatch.video", showid, cmsid, v_regsite, v_bitrate, "N", 812, 637); } function SpecialWin(name, purl, showid, cmsid, regsite, bitrate, reg, w, h) { mywin=window.open('http://www.oracle.com/pls/ebn/' + purl + '?p_shows_id='+ showid + '&p_regreq=' + reg + '&p_referred=' + cmsid + '&p_regsite=' + regsite + '&p_win_size=' + bitrate, name,'toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=no,width=' + w + ',height=' + h ); return mywin; } function showDemo(id,ref,vWidth,vHeight) { if(!vHeight) vHeight = 600; if(!vWidth) vWidth = 800; var vTop = Math.ceil((screen.availHeight - vHeight)/2) - 25; var vLeft = Math.ceil((screen.availWidth - vWidth)/2); if(screen.width <= 800) { if(screen.width < 700) { alert("800x600 screen resolution or higher is recommended."); } vTop = 0; vLeft = 0; vWidth = screen.availWidth - 10; vHeight = screen.availHeight-46; } window.open("http://www.oracle.com/pls/ebn/swf_viewer.load?p_shows_id="+id+"&p_referred="+ref+"&p_width="+vWidth+"&p_height="+vHeight,"demoWin","width="+vWidth+",height="+vHeight+",resizable=0,top="+vTop+",left="+vLeft); } function open_window( Dest, Name ) { lov_win = window.open( Dest, Name, "width=470,height=170,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,menubar=yes,location=yes,status=yes,toolbar=yes" ); lov_win.opener = self; } function Shwing(login, page, name, popup_width, popup_height) { var test = login.indexOf('%'); if (test < 0) login = escape(login); page = page + '&args=' + login; window.open(page, name, 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,scrollbars=yes,width=' + popup_width + ',height=' + popup_height); } function drawIdentBlock() { getUCMCookies(); if (isUCMRegistered()) { // MW: must check ascii flag for v2 cookies if (ORA_UCM_INFO.ascii == 1) { var uname = ORA_UCM_INFO.firstname + " " + ORA_UCM_INFO.lastname } else { var uname = ORA_UCM_INFO.username } block = ' Welcome ' + uname + ' ('; block += 'Sign Out)\n' } else { block = ' (Click Here to register for a free Oracle web account)\n' } document.write(block) document.close() } //This is an additional function to handle certain Broadband shows which work only on Windows Media Player function showWmViewer(showid,cmsid,src,act) { if(src && act) { getUCMCookies(); if (!isUCMRegistered()) { if ( confirm("This functionality is available to registered users only.\n\nWould you like to register or sign in?\n\n") ) { top.location = auth_host + "/jsp/reg/register.jsp?src="+src+"&Act="+act+"&nextURL=" + escape(top.location.href); } return; } } var vWidth = 800; var vHeight = 360; var vTop = Math.ceil((screen.availHeight - vHeight)/2) - 25; var vLeft = Math.ceil((screen.availWidth - vWidth)/2); if(screen.width <= 800) { if(screen.width < 700) { alert("800x600 screen resolution or higher is recommended."); } vTop = 0; vLeft = 0; vWidth = screen.availWidth - 10; vHeight = screen.availHeight-46; } url = "http://www.oracle.com/pls/ebn/wm_viewer.main?p_shows_id=" + showid; window.open(url,"WmvWin","top="+vTop+",left="+vLeft+",width="+vWidth+",height="+vHeight+",status=yes,resizable=no"); }