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Class oracle.aurora.jndi.sess_iiop.ServiceCtx


public class ServiceCtx
extends Object
ServiceCtx represents servers in the sess_iiop URL context. The child contexts of services are sessions hosted by that server. Session names start with the prefix ":", and are optional parts of the sess_iiop URL. If no session name is specified in the URL, the default session, ":default", is used.

When the first session is resolved in a service context, it is aliased to the name ":default".

Session names are symbolic only. This means that a fully qualified URL, which includes the session name, may not be passed to another client and resolve to the same session. This is a security feature.

Hal Hildebrand
See Also:

Variable Index

 o _tpType
The name which represnts the default session
The value which represents non-ssl credential authentication
The value which represents non-ssl credential authentication
The value which represents non-ssl login authentication
The value which represents non-ssl credential authentication
 o SSL_20
 o SSL_30
The value which represents non-ssl credential authentication
The value which represents non-ssl credential authentication
The value which represents non-ssl credential authentication

Method Index

 o _lookup(Name)
Lookup, but do not activate, the object associated with the name.
 o _lookup(String)
Lookup, but do not activate, the object associated with the string name.
 o addToEnvironment(String, Object)
Add the key/value pair to the receiver's environment
 o bind(Name, Object)
Bind the value to the key in the reciever.
 o bind(String, Object)
Bind the value to the key in the reciever.
 o close()
Close up all resources associated with the receiver
 o composeName(Name, Name)
Compose two names.
 o composeName(String, String)
Compose two names.
 o createSubcontext(Name)
Creat a subcontext identified by the name.
 o createSubcontext(String)
Creat a subcontext identified by the name.
 o destroySubcontext(Name)
Destroy the context associated with the name.
 o destroySubcontext(String)
Destroy the context associated with the name.
 o equals(Object)
Answer whether the receiver is equivalent to another Object
 o getEnvironment()
Answer the receiver's environment.
 o getNameParser(Name)
Answer the parser for the receiver
 o getNameParser(String)
Answer the parser for the receiver
 o hashCode()
Answer the hashCode of the receiver
 o init(String, String, String, boolean, Properties)
Entry point created for CORBA users trying to re-enter a session In this case, they will have to use credentials as means for authentication.
 o list(Name)
List the bindings associated with the context bound to a name
 o list(String)
List the bindings associated with the context bound to a name
 o listBindings(Name)
List the bindings associated with the context bound to a name
 o listBindings(String)
List the bindings associated with the context bound to a name
 o login()
Login to the service represented by the receiver.
 o lookup(Name)
Services return the activated object of the session context lookup See SessionCtx.lookup SessionCtx.lookup(name) returns an object that implements the oracle.aurora.AuroraPublishing.PublishedObject interface.
 o lookup(String)
Services return the activated object of the session context lookup See SessionCtx.lookup SessionCtx.lookup(name) returns an object that implements the oracle.aurora.AuroraPublishing.PublishedObject interface.
 o lookupLink(Name)
Services return the activated object of the session context lookup See SessionCtx.lookup SessionCtx.lookup(name) returns an object that implements the oracle.aurora.AuroraPublishing.PublishedObject interface.
 o lookupLink(String)
Services return the activated object of the session context lookup See SessionCtx.lookup SessionCtx.lookup(name) returns an object that implements the oracle.aurora.AuroraPublishing.PublishedObject interface.
 o password()
Answer the password from the environment
 o rebind(Name, Object)
Rebind the name to the Object.
 o rebind(String, Object)
Rebind the name to the Object.
 o removeFromEnvironment(String)
Remove the key and associated value from the receiver's environment.
 o rename(Name, Name)
Rename the object bound to the from name to the to name.
 o rename(String, String)
Rename the object bound to the from name to the to name.
 o toString()
 o unbind(Name)
Unbind the Object associated with the name
 o unbind(String)
Unbind the Object associated with the name


 public static final String DEFAULT_SESSION
The name which represnts the default session

 public static final String NON_SSL_CREDENTIAL
The value which represents non-ssl credential authentication

 public static final String NON_SSL_LOGIN
The value which represents non-ssl login authentication

 public static final String SSL_CREDENTIAL
The value which represents non-ssl credential authentication

 public static final String SSL_LOGIN
The value which represents non-ssl credential authentication

 public static final String SSL_CLIENT_AUTH
The value which represents non-ssl credential authentication

 public static final Integer SESS_IIOP
The value which represents non-ssl credential authentication

 public static final Integer IIOP
The value which represents non-ssl credential authentication

 public static final String SSL_UNDETERMINED
 o SSL_30
 public static final String SSL_30
 o SSL_20
 public static final String SSL_20
 public static final String SSL_30_WITH_20_HELLO
 public static final String UNSECURE_CREDENTIAL
 public static final String UNSECURE_LOGIN
 public static final String SECURE_CREDENTIAL
 public static final String SECURE_LOGIN
 public static final String CREDENTIAL_AUTHENTICATION
 o _tpType
 public static Integer _tpType


 o _lookup
 public Object _lookup(String string) throws NamingException
Lookup, but do not activate, the object associated with the string name. This method will return the instance of the PublishedObject, rather than the object that is published.

 o _lookup
 public Object _lookup(Name name) throws NamingException
Lookup, but do not activate, the object associated with the name. This method will return the instance of the PublishedObject, rather than the object that is published.

 o addToEnvironment
 public Object addToEnvironment(String key,
                                Object value) throws NamingException
Add the key/value pair to the receiver's environment

 o bind
 public void bind(String key,
                  Object value) throws NamingException
Bind the value to the key in the reciever.

 o bind
 public void bind(Name name,
                  Object object) throws NamingException
Bind the value to the key in the reciever.

 o close
 public void close() throws NamingException
Close up all resources associated with the receiver

 o composeName
 public String composeName(String name1,
                           String name2) throws NamingException
Compose two names.

 o composeName
 public Name composeName(Name name1,
                         Name name2) throws NamingException
Compose two names.

 o createSubcontext
 public Context createSubcontext(String name) throws NamingException
Creat a subcontext identified by the name. If the first component of the name does not exist in the service context, this method will create a session on the service, and bind it to that name. This name is only meaningful in the ServiceCtx, and other clients will not be able to refer to the session via this name. If the session is the first session bound to this ServiceCtx, it is aliased to the ":default" session name. The session will be logged in using the environment properties set in the receiver.

 o createSubcontext
 public Context createSubcontext(Name name) throws NamingException
Creat a subcontext identified by the name. If the first component of the name does not exist in the service context, this method will create a session on the service, and bind it to that name. This name is only meaningful in the ServiceCtx, and other clients will not be able to refer to the session via this name. If the session is the first session bound to this ServiceCtx, it is aliased to the ":default" session name. The session will be logged in using the environment properties set in the receiver.

 o destroySubcontext
 public void destroySubcontext(String string) throws NamingException
Destroy the context associated with the name. This does not close the session, rather it simply removes it from the receiver context.

 o destroySubcontext
 public void destroySubcontext(Name name) throws NamingException
Destroy the context associated with the name. This does not close the session, rather it simply removes it from the receiver context.

 o equals
 public boolean equals(Object obj)
Answer whether the receiver is equivalent to another Object

equals in class Object
 o getEnvironment
 public Hashtable getEnvironment() throws NamingException
Answer the receiver's environment.

 o getNameParser
 public NameParser getNameParser(String arg1) throws NamingException
Answer the parser for the receiver

 o getNameParser
 public NameParser getNameParser(Name arg1) throws NamingException
Answer the parser for the receiver

 o hashCode
 public int hashCode()
Answer the hashCode of the receiver

hashCode in class Object
 o init
 public static ORB init(String un,
                        String pw,
                        String role,
                        boolean ssl,
                        Properties props)
Entry point created for CORBA users trying to re-enter a session In this case, they will have to use credentials as means for authentication.

 o list
 public NamingEnumeration list(String name) throws NamingException
List the bindings associated with the context bound to a name

 o list
 public NamingEnumeration list(Name name) throws NamingException
List the bindings associated with the context bound to a name

 o listBindings
 public NamingEnumeration listBindings(String string) throws NamingException
List the bindings associated with the context bound to a name

 o listBindings
 public NamingEnumeration listBindings(Name name) throws NamingException
List the bindings associated with the context bound to a name

 o login
 public synchronized SessionCtx login() throws NamingException
Login to the service represented by the receiver. Answer the session context this login creates. This method always creates a new session on the service using the security credentials stored in the environment of the receiver.

 o lookup
 public Object lookup(String string) throws NamingException
Services return the activated object of the session context lookup See SessionCtx.lookup SessionCtx.lookup(name) returns an object that implements the oracle.aurora.AuroraPublishing.PublishedObject interface. These objects are activated to return the activated state of a published object in a session's context. To retrieve the PublishedObject itself, rather than the object the PublishedObject activates, using the method _lookup()

 o lookup
 public Object lookup(Name name) throws NamingException
Services return the activated object of the session context lookup See SessionCtx.lookup SessionCtx.lookup(name) returns an object that implements the oracle.aurora.AuroraPublishing.PublishedObject interface. These objects are activated to return the activated state of a published object in a session's context. To retrieve the PublishedObject itself, rather than the object the PublishedObject activates, using the method _lookup()

 o lookupLink
 public Object lookupLink(String string) throws NamingException
Services return the activated object of the session context lookup See SessionCtx.lookup SessionCtx.lookup(name) returns an object that implements the oracle.aurora.AuroraPublishing.PublishedObject interface. These objects are activated to return the activated state of a published object in a session's context. To retrieve the PublishedObject itself, rather than the object the PublishedObject activates, using the method _lookup()

 o lookupLink
 public Object lookupLink(Name name) throws NamingException
Services return the activated object of the session context lookup See SessionCtx.lookup SessionCtx.lookup(name) returns an object that implements the oracle.aurora.AuroraPublishing.PublishedObject interface. These objects are activated to return the activated state of a published object in a session's context. To retrieve the PublishedObject itself, rather than the object the PublishedObject activates, using the method _lookup()

 o password
 public String password()
Answer the password from the environment

 o rebind
 public void rebind(String string,
                    Object obj) throws NamingException
Rebind the name to the Object.

 o rebind
 public void rebind(Name name,
                    Object object) throws NamingException
Rebind the name to the Object.

 o removeFromEnvironment
 public Object removeFromEnvironment(String key) throws NamingException
Remove the key and associated value from the receiver's environment.

 o rename
 public void rename(String from,
                    String to) throws NamingException
Rename the object bound to the from name to the to name.

 o rename
 public void rename(Name from,
                    Name to) throws NamingException
Rename the object bound to the from name to the to name.

 o toString
 public String toString()
toString in class Object
 o unbind
 public void unbind(String string) throws NamingException
Unbind the Object associated with the name

 o unbind
 public void unbind(Name name) throws NamingException
Unbind the Object associated with the name

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