OracleŽ Fusion Middleware Helpset for Oracle Enterprise Repository
11g Release 1 (
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Registering an Asset

This procedure is performed in the Asset Editor.

Overview Tab

  1. Click the Overview tab in the selected asset.
  2. Enter the appropriate information in each of the fields.
  3. Click Approve. The text in the Overview tab label changes color and the Approve button changes to Unapprove.

Taxonomy Tab

Documentation Tab

  1. Click the Documentation tab in the selected asset. A number of suggested document titles are listed in the Documentation window. Appropriate documentation may be associated with each of these titles, and new documents may be added to the list.

    To add a new document:
  2. Click Add. The Edit dialog is displayed.
  3. Enter the appropriate information in the Name text box.
  4. Click the Edit button next to the URL text box. The Edit URL dialog is displayed.
  5. Select Repository File or External File, as appropriate.
  6. Enter all necessary information in the available text boxes.
  7. Click OK. The new document appears in the list.
  8. To edit file information for an existing document, select the document, click Edit, and repeat Steps 18 - 22.
  9. When finished, click Approve. The text in the Documentation tab label changes color and the Approve button changes to Unapprove.

Relationships Tab

  1. Click the Relationships tab in the selected asset.
  2. Click the Add button. The Add Relationships dialog is displayed.
  3. Use the Search or List All Active buttons to display assets in the Asset section of the dialog.
  4. Select an asset from the list.
  5. Use the Relationship Type list to select the appropriate relationship between the two assets.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Add other asset relationships as necessary.
  8. When finished, click Approve. The text in the Relationships tab label changes color and the Approve button changes to Unapprove.

See the Oracle Enterprise Repository Configuration Guide for information on configuring relationships.

Completing the Tab Approval Process

While certain tabs are common to all asset types, the specific Asset Editor tabs for any asset are determined by the configuration of the Type template to which the asset is assigned on submission. Similarly, the metadata elements that appear on any tab are also determined by the Type configuration. While the specific tabs and elements may vary from Type to Type, the approval process for each tab involves the entry and/or review of the information in each element.

Administration Tab

Every asset in Oracle Enterprise Repository has an Administration tab. Use the Administration tab to:

Click the Register button to complete the registration process. Note: A registered asset can include unapproved tabs.

Completing the Registration Process

Saving Changes

  1. Click Save in the File menu.

Adding a Note to the Asset

  1. Click Add Note in the Asset Editor File menu. The Add a Note for... dialog is displayed.
  2. Enter the appropriate information in the text box.
  3. Click OK. The note is added to the list in the Logs section on the asset's Administration tab. (It may be necessary to click the Refresh button in the Logs section.)

For more information about using the Asset Editor, see Oracle Fusion Middleware User Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository User Guide.