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Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE Servlet Developer's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10321-01
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  O  P  R  S  T  U  W 


admin.jar utility
admin user/password, 5-35
bindWebApp command, 5-41
deploy command, 5-39
redeploy command, 5-52
undeploy command, 5-52
AJP (Apache JServ Protocol), 2-34
AJP (Apache JServ Protocol), secure, 2-49
AJPS, 2-49
Apache Jakarta Project open source frameworks, config and use, A-1
Apache JServ Protocol (AJP), 2-34
Apache JServ Protocol (AJP), secure, 2-49
application descriptors, 5-17, 5-21
application packaging, 5-30
Application Server Control
Deploy J2EE Application Page, 7-6
Deploy Web Application Page, 7-8
introduction, 7-2
OC4J Administration Page, 7-9
OC4J Applications Page, 7-5
OC4J Home Page, 7-3
Web Module Advanced Properties Page, 7-21
Web Module Environment Page, 7-19
Web Module Filtering and Chaining Page, 7-17
Web Module Mappings Page, 7-15
Web Module Page, 7-11
Web Module Properties Page, 7-12
Website Properties Page, 7-10
application structure, 5-30
application.xml config file
example, 4-18, 5-44
OC4J/global, 5-18
standard/application-level, 5-17
also see security
disabling for forward/include targets, 2-16
autoencode-xxx attributes (not supported), 6-12
auto-encoding (not supported), 2-40
autoreload-jsp-xxx attributes (not supported), 6-2


buffer size, output buffer, 6-3


caching, sharing Java Object Cache objects, 2-14
cancellation of session, 2-42
chaining, servlets, 6-11
classloading, servlets
loading WAR classes before system classes, 2-13
OC4J class reloading, 2-11
sharing cached Java objects across OC4J servlets, 2-14
clustering (OC4J), 6-10, 6-28
code template, 2-7
co-location of servlet and EJB, 4-10
application descriptors, 5-17, 5-21
for servlet invocation, 2-34
global-web-application.xml, 6-2
orion-web-app element, 6-2
orion-web.xml, 6-2
overview, OC4J and J2EE config files, 5-9
server.xml file, 5-14
Web descriptors, 5-22, 5-25
Web site descriptors, 5-26
web-app element, 6-19
web-site element, 6-28
container, servlet, 1-5
context path, 2-28
cookies, 1-8
cookies, use in servlets, 2-38


data source, OC4J, 4-2
DCM, 5-7, 5-57
dcmctl utility, Oracle Application Server, 5-3, 5-4, 5-6, 5-56
general SSL debugging, 2-58
OC4J debugging flags, 2-24
through JDeveloper, 2-26
timing considerations in Oracle Application Server, 2-26
default application in OC4J standalone, 5-37
default Web application
deployment, standalone, 5-50
in OC4J standalone, 5-37
in Oracle Application Server, 5-58
default-web-site.xml config file
DTD, 6-39
element descriptions, 6-28
hierarchical representation, 6-41
sample file, 6-42
demo location, OTN, 1-1
admin user/password, 5-35
application packaging, 5-30
application structure, 5-30
EAR and WAR structure, 5-32
EAR file, standalone, 5-39
into J2EE application structure, standalone, 5-45
of EJB sample servlet, 4-15
of JDBC sample servlet, 4-6
overview of scenarios, 5-4
overview, standalone vs. Oracle Application Server, 5-2
sample, EAR file, 5-42
scenarios to OC4J standalone, 5-34
to Oracle Application Server, overview, 5-56
to Web module directory structure, standalone, 5-49
tools vs. expert modes, 5-6
WAR file, standalone, 5-47
destroy() servlet method, 1-4, 2-8
distributable application, 2-42
Distributed Configuration Management (DCM), 5-7, 5-57
doDelete() servlet method, 1-4
doFilter() filter method, 3-2
doGet() servlet method, 1-4
doPost() servlet method, 1-4
doPut() servlet method, 1-4


EAR file
deployment, standalone, 5-39
structure, 5-32
EJB calls from servlets
co-location, 4-10
configuration, 4-15, 4-26, 4-31
deployment, 4-15
local (co-located) lookup, 4-12
local interfaces vs. remote interfaces, 4-11
lookup categories, 4-10
remote lookup outside application, 4-27
remote lookup within application, 4-20
servlet-EJB scenarios, 4-10
use of remote flag, 4-21
ejb-jar.xml config file
for servlet EJB calls, 4-17, 4-27, 4-32
enable-jsp-dispatcher-shortcuts flag, 6-6
Enterprise Manager
Application Server Control Deploy J2EE Application Page, 7-6
Application Server Control Deploy Web Application Page, 7-8
Application Server Control OC4J Administration Page, 7-9
Application Server Control OC4J Applications Page, 7-5
Application Server Control OC4J Home Page, 7-3
Application Server Control Web Module Advanced Properties Page, 7-21
Application Server Control Web Module Environment Page, 7-19
Application Server Control Web Module Filtering and Chaining Page, 7-17
Application Server Control Web Module Mappings Page, 7-15
Application Server Control Web Module Page, 7-11
Application Server Control Web Module Properties Page, 7-12
Application Server Control Website Properties Page, 7-10
Application Server Control, introduction, 7-2
Web module configuration, 7-2
event listeners
coding and deployment guidelines, 3-21
declaration, invocation, use of web.xml, 3-20
event categories, 3-18
event listener interfaces, 3-18
introduction, 1-12
methods and related classes, 3-21
sample code, 3-24
typical scenario, 3-19
expert modes, config and deploy, 5-6


filter example #1, 3-4
filter example #2, 3-9
filter example #3, 3-12
generic code, 3-4
HelloWorldFilter, 3-5
introduction, 1-12
invocation by servlet container, 3-3
overview, 3-2
using a JSP page, 3-6
forwards (forwarding to another servlet), 2-15
front-end host, OC4J features, 2-35


GET, HTTP request, 2-7
getServletInfo() servlet method, 1-4, 2-8
global-web-application.xml config file
DTD, 6-19
element descriptions, 6-2
hierarchical representation, 6-24
overview, 5-23
sample file, 6-25


HTTPS, 6-29
HttpServlet class, 1-4
HttpSession interface, 1-8
HttpSessionAttributeListener interface, 3-23
HttpSessionBindingEvent class, 3-23
HttpSessionEvent class, 3-23
HttpSessionListener interface, 3-23
http-web-site.xml config file
DTD, 6-39
element descriptions, 6-28
hierarchical representation, 6-41


includes (including another servlet), 2-15
init() servlet method, 1-4, 2-8
invoking a servlet
by name (OC4J-specific), 2-32
context path routing info for OHS, 2-34
OC4J standalone, 2-35
Oracle Application Server production environment, 2-34
summary of URL components, 2-28
use of front-end host by OC4J, 2-35


J2EE, 1-3
JAAS, 1-3
Jakarta open source frameworks, config and use, A-1
Java Object Cache, sharing objects, 2-14
JDBC in servlets, 4-2
JDK 1.4 considerations, 2-19
JMS, 1-3
JNDI, 1-3
JSP parameters
jsp-cache-directory, 6-5
jsp-cache-tlds, 6-5
jsp-print-null, 6-4
jsp-taglib-locations, 6-5
jsp-timeout, 6-5
simple-jsp-mapping, 6-5
JTA, 1-3


lifecycle, servlet, 2-8
listeners--see event listeners
load-on-startup, OC4J, 2-9
additional Oracle Application Server log files, 2-23
log4j (Apache Jakarta Project), config and use, A-11
OC4J log files, 2-21
ODL (Oracle Diagnostic Logging), 2-23


mod_oc4j module, 1-6


ODL (Oracle Diagnostic Logging), 2-23
open source frameworks and utilities, A-1
OPMN, 2-24, 5-57
Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL), 2-23
Oracle Enterprise Manager--see Enterprise Manager
Oracle Process Management and Notification (OPMN), 2-24, 5-57
orion-application.xml config file, 5-20
example, 5-45
orion-web-app element, configuration, 6-2
orion-web.xml config file
DTD, 6-19
element descriptions, 6-2
example, 5-45
hierarchical representation, 6-24
overview, 5-24
output buffer size, 6-3


performance, servlets, 2-17
POST, HTTP request, 2-7
preloading, servlets in OC4J, 2-9


in Oracle Application Server with Enterprise Manager, 5-59
manually redeploy WAR, standalone, 5-53
standalone, 5-52
triggering application reloading, standalone, 5-53
remote flag, for servlet-EJB calls, 4-21
replication of session state, 2-42
RMI, 1-3


sample servlets
demo location, OTN, 1-1
EJB local lookup, 4-12
EJB remote lookup outside application, 4-27
EJB remote lookup within application, 4-20
event listeners, 3-24
filter example #1, 3-4
filter example #2, 3-9
filter example #3, 3-12
HelloWorldServlet, 1-14
JDBC query, 4-2
session servlet, 2-45
Secure Socket Layer--see SSL
additional considerations, 2-58
introduction, 2-49
OC4J and OHS configuration, 2-55
requesting client authentication, 2-54
SSL common problems and solutions, 2-57
SSL debugging, 2-58
using certificates with OC4J and OHS, 2-50
server.xml config file, 4-18
server.xml file (config), 5-14
service() servlet method, 1-4
servlet chaining, 6-11
servlet configuration object, 1-11
servlet container, 1-5
servlet context, 1-9
servlet filters
filter example #1, 3-4
filter example #2, 3-9
filter example #3, 3-12
generic code, 3-4
HelloWorldFilter, 3-5
invocation by servlet container, 3-3
overview, 3-2
using a JSP page, 3-6
Servlet interface, 1-4
servlet path, 2-28
ServletContextAttributeEvent class, 3-22
ServletContextAttributeListener interface, 3-22
ServletContextEvent class, 3-21
ServletContextListener interface, 3-21
cancellation, 2-42
details and examples, 2-37
introduction, 1-8
replication of state, 2-42
session servlet example, 2-45
session-tracking element, 6-12
timeout, 2-41
tracking, 1-8, 2-37
tracking, in OC4J, 2-39
shutdown, OC4J, 5-36
single-thread model, servlets, 2-17
SSL, 2-49, 6-29
starting OC4J, 5-36
stopping OC4J, 5-36
Struts (Apache Jakarta Project), config and use, A-2


template, servlet code, 2-7
thread models in servlets, 2-16
timeout of session, 2-41
tracking of sessions, 2-37


in Oracle Application Server with Enterprise Manager, 5-59
standalone, 5-52
URL components, summary, 2-28
URL rewriting, 1-8, 2-39


WAR file
deployment, standalone, 5-47
structure, 5-32
Web descriptors, 5-22, 5-25
Web module vs. Web application, 1-2
Web site descriptors, 5-26
Web site XML config files
bind Web module to Web site, 4-19
DTD, 6-39
element descriptions, 6-28
hierarchical representation, 6-41
mappings to and from, 5-28
overview, 5-26
web-app element, configuration, 6-19
web-site element, configuration, 6-28
web.xml config file
declaring event listeners, 3-20
example, 5-44
for servlet EJB calls, 4-16, 4-26
overview and example, 5-22

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