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Oracle® Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.)

Part Number B28419-02
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The DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER package maintains plans, consumer groups, and plan directives. It also provides semantics so that you may group together changes to the plan schema.

See Also:

For more information on using the Database Resource Manager, see Oracle Database Administrator's Guide.

This chapter contains the following topics:


Deprecated Subprograms


Oracle recommends that you do not use deprecated procedures in new applications. Support for deprecated features is for backward compatibility only.

The following subprograms are deprecated with Oracle Database 11g:

Security Model

The invoker must have the ADMINISTER_RESOURCE_MANAGER system privilege to execute these procedures. The procedures to grant and revoke this privilege are in the package Chapter 106, "DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS".


Table 105-1 DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER Constants

Constant Definition

Summary of DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER Subprograms

Table 105-2 DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER Package Subprograms

Subprogram Description
Calibrates the I/O capabilities of storage
Clears the work area for the resource manager
Creates entries which define resource consumer groups
Creates a work area for changes to resource manager objects
Creates entries which define resource plans
Creates resource plan directives
Creates a single-level resource plan containing up to eight consumer groups in one step
Deletes entries which define resource consumer groups
Deletes the specified plan as well as all the plan directives it refers to
Deletes the specified plan as well as all its descendants (plan directives, subplans, consumer groups)
Deletes resource plan directives
Adds, deletes, or modifies pairs for the login and run-time attribute mappings
Creates the session attribute mapping priority list
Assigns the initial resource consumer group for a user (Caution: Deprecated Subprogram)
Submits pending changes for the resource manager
Changes the resource consumer group of a specific session
Changes the resource consumer group for all sessions with a given user name
Sets the current resource manager plan
Updates entries which define resource consumer groups
Updates entries which define resource plans
Updates resource plan directives
Validates pending changes for the resource manage


This procedure calibrates the I/O capabilities of storage. Calibration status is available from the V$IO_CALIBRATION_STATUS view and results for a successful calibration run are located in DBA_RSRC_IO_CALIBRATE table.


   num_physical_disks      IN  PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 1,
   max_latency             IN  PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 20,
   max_iops                OUT PLS_INTEGER,
   max_mbps                OUT PLS_INTEGER,
   actual_latency          OUT PLS_INTEGER); 


Table 105-3 CALIBRATE_IO Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description
num_physical_disks Approximate number of physical disks in the database storage
max_latency Maximum tolerable latency in milliseconds for database-block-sized IO requests
max_iops Maximum number of I/O requests per second that can be sustained. The I/O requests are randomly-distributed, database-block-sized reads.
max_mbps Maximum throughput of I/O that can be sustained, expressed in megabytes per second. The I/O requests are randomly-distributed, 1 megabyte reads.
actual_latency Average latency of database-block-sized I/O requests at max_iops rate, expressed in milliseconds

Usage Notes

See Also:

Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide for more information about calibration


Example of using I/O Calibration procedure

  lat  INTEGER;
  iops INTEGER;
  mbps INTEGER;
   DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CALIBRATE_IO (2, 10, iops, mbps, lat);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('max_iops = ' || iops);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('latency  = ' || lat);
  dbms_output.put_line('max_mbps = ' || mbps);

View for I/O calibration results

  Name                                      Null?    Type
  ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
  STATUS                                             VARCHAR2(13)
  CALIBRATION_TIME                                   TIMESTAMP(3)
SQL> desc gv$io_calibration_status
  Name                                      Null?    Type
  ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
  INST_ID                                            NUMBER
  STATUS                                             VARCHAR2(13)
  CALIBRATION_TIME                                   TIMESTAMP(3)
Column explanation:
  IN PROGRESS   : Calibration in Progress (Results from previous calibration
                  run displayed, if available)
  READY         : Results ready and available from earlier run
  NOT AVAILABLE : Calibration results not available.
CALIBRATION_TIME: End time of the last calibration run

DBA table that stores I/O Calibration results

  Name                                      Null?    Type
  ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
  START_TIME                                         TIMESTAMP(6)
  END_TIME                                           TIMESTAMP(6)
  MAX_IOPS                                           NUMBER
  MAX_MBPS                                           NUMBER
  MAX_PMBPS                                          NUMBER
  LATENCY                                            NUMBER
  NUM_PHYSICAL_DISKS                                 NUMBER
comment on table DBA_RSRC_IO_CALIBRATE is
'Results of the most recent I/O calibration'
'start time of the most recent I/O calibration'
comment on column DBA_RSRC_IO_CALIBRATE.END_TIME is
'end time of the most recent I/O calibration'
comment on column DBA_RSRC_IO_CALIBRATE.MAX_IOPS is
'maximum number of data-block read requests that can be sustained per second'
comment on column DBA_RSRC_IO_CALIBRATE.MAX_MBPS is
'maximum megabytes per second of maximum-sized read requests that can be
comment on column DBA_RSRC_IO_CALIBRATE.MAX_PMBPS is
'maximum megabytes per second of large I/O requests that
can be sustained by a single process'
comment on column DBA_RSRC_IO_CALIBRATE.LATENCY is
'latency for data-block read requests'
'number of physical disks in the storage subsystem (as specified by user)'


This procedure clears pending changes for the resource manager.




This procedure creates entries which define resource consumer groups.


   consumer_group  IN VARCHAR2,
   comment         IN VARCHAR2, 
   cpu_mth         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   mgmt_mth        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ROUND-ROBIN'); 


Table 105-4 CREATE_CONSUMER_GROUP Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description
consumer_group The name of the consumer group.
comment The user's comment.
cpu_mth Name of CPU resource allocation method (deprecated)
mgmt_mth Name of CPU resource allocation method


This procedure makes changes to resource manager objects.

All changes to the plan schema must be done within a pending area. The pending area can be thought of as a "scratch" area for plan schema changes. The administrator creates this pending area, makes changes as necessary, possibly validates these changes, and only when the submit is completed do these changes become active.



Usage Notes

You may, at any time while the pending area is active, view the current plan schema with your changes by selecting from the appropriate user views.

At any time, you may clear the pending area if you want to stop the current changes. You may also call the VALIDATE procedure to confirm whether the changes you has made are valid. You do not have to do your changes in a given order to maintain a consistent group of entries. These checks are also implicitly done when the pending area is submitted.


Oracle allows "orphan" consumer groups (in other words, consumer groups that have no plan directives that refer to them). This is in anticipation that an administrator may want to create a consumer group that is not currently being used, but will be used in the future.

The following rules must be adhered to, and they are checked whenever the validate or submit procedures are executed:

If any of the preceding rules are broken when checked by the VALIDATE or SUBMIT procedures, then an informative error message is returned. You may then make changes to fix the problem(s) and reissue the validate or submit procedures.


This procedure creates entries which define resource plans.


   plan                       IN   VARCHAR2, 
   comment                    IN   VARCHAR2, 
   cpu_mth                    IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated
   active_sess_pool_mth       IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ACTIVE_SESS_POOL_ABSOLUTE', 
   parallel_degree_limit_mth  IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 
   queueing_mth               IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'FIFO_TIMEOUT',
   mgmt_mth                   IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'EMPHASIS'); 


Table 105-5 CREATE_PLAN Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description
plan The name of the resource plan.
comment User's comment.
cpu_mth Allocation method for CPU resources (deprecated)
active_sess_pool_mth The Active session pool resource allocation method. Limits the number of active sessions. All other sessions are inactive and wait in a queue to be activated. ACTIVE_SESS_POOL_ABSOLUTE is the default and only method available.
parallel_degree_limit_mth The resource allocation method for specifying a limit on the degree of parallelism of any operation. PARALLEL_DEGREE_LIMIT_ABSOLUTE is the default and only method available.
queueing_mth The Queuing resource allocation method. Controls order in which queued inactive sessions will execute. FIFO_TIMEOUT is the default and only method available
mgmt_mth The resource allocation method for specifying how much resources (e.g. CPU or I/O) each consumer group or sub-plan gets
  • EMPHASIS - for multi-level plans that use percentages to specify how I/O is resources are distributed among consumer groups.

  • RATIO - for single-level plans that use ratios to specify how I/O is resources are distributed.

Usage Notes

If you want to use any default resource allocation method, then you do not need not specify it when creating or updating a plan.


This procedure creates resource plan directives.


   plan                      IN VARCHAR2, 
   group_or_subplan          IN VARCHAR2, 
   comment                   IN VARCHAR2, 
   cpu_p1                    IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated
   cpu_p2                    IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated
   cpu_p3                    IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated
   cpu_p4                    IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated
   cpu_p5                    IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated
   cpu_p6                    IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated
   cpu_p7                    IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated
   cpu_p8                    IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated
   active_sess_pool_p1       IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   queueing_p1               IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   parallel_degree_limit_p1  IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   switch_group              IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   switch_time               IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   switch_estimate           IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE,
   max_est_exec_time         IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   undo_pool                 IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   max_idle_time             IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   max_idle_blocker_time     IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   switch_time_in_call       IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated
   mgmt_p1                   IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   mgmt_p2                   IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   mgmt_p3                   IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   mgmt_p4                   IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   mgmt_p5                   IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   mgmt_p6                   IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   mgmt_p7                   IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   mgmt_p8                   IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   switch_io_megabytes       IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   switch_io_reqs            IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   switch_for_call           IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT NULL); 


Table 105-6 CREATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description
plan The name of the resource plan.
group_or_subplan The name of the consumer group or subplan.
comment Comment for the plan directive.
cpu_p1 First parameter for the CPU resources allocation method (deprecated use mgmt_p1 instead)
cpu_p2 Second parameter for the CPU resources allocation method (deprecated use mgmt_p2 instead)
cpu_p3 Third parameter for the CPU resources allocation method (deprecated use mgmt_p3 instead)
cpu_p4 Fourth parameter for the CPU resources allocation method (deprecated use mgmt_p4 instead)
cpu_p5 Fifth parameter for the CPU resources allocation method (deprecated use mgmt_p5 instead)
cpu_p6 Sixth parameter for the CPU resources allocation method (deprecated use mgmt_p6 instead)
cpu_p7 Seventh parameter for the CPU resources allocation method (deprecated use mgmt_p7 instead)
cpu_p8 Eighth parameter for the CPU resources allocation method (deprecated use mgmt_p8 instead)
active_sess_pool_p1 Specifies maximum number of concurrently active sessions for a consumer group. Default is NULL, which means unlimited.
queueing_p1 Specified time (in seconds) after which a job in the inactive session queue (waiting for execution) will time out. Default is NULL, which means unlimited.
parallel_degree_limit_p1 Specifies a limit on the degree of parallelism for any operation. Default is NULL, which means unlimited.
switch_group Specifies consumer group to switch to, once a switch condition is met. If the group name is 'CANCEL_SQL', then the current call is canceled when the switch condition is met. If the group name is 'KILL_SESSION', then the session is killed when the switch condition is met. Default is NULL.
switch_time Specifies time (in seconds) that a session can execute before an action is taken. Default is NULL, which means unlimited.
switch_estimate If TRUE, tells Oracle to use its execution time estimate to automatically switch the consumer group of an operation before beginning its execution. Default is FALSE.
max_est_exec_time Specifies the maximum execution time (in seconds) allowed for a session. If the optimizer estimates that an operation will take longer than MAX_EST_EXEC_TIME, the operation is not started and ORA-07455 is issued. If the optimizer does not provide an estimate, this directive has no effect. Default is NULL, which means unlimited.
undo_pool Sets a maximum in kilobytes (K) on the total amount of undo generated by a consumer group. Default is NULL, which means unlimited.
max_idle_time Indicates the maximum session idle time. Default is NULL, which means unlimited.
max_idle_blocker_time The maximum amount of time in seconds that a session can be idle while blocking another session's acquisition of a resource.
switch_time_in_call Deprecated. If this parameter is specified, switch_time will be effectively set to switch_time_in_call and switch_for_call will be effectively set to TRUE.
mgmt_p1 Resource allocation value for level 1 (replaces cpu_p1):
  • EMPHASIS - specifies the resource percentage at the first level

  • RATIO - specifies the weight of resource usage

mgmt_p2 Resource allocation value for level 2 (replaces cpu_p2)
  • EMPHASIS - specifies the resource percentage at the second level

  • RATIO - non-applicable

mgmt_p3 Resource allocation value for level 3 (replaces cpu_p3)
  • EMPHASIS - specifies the resource percentage at the third level

  • RATIO - non-applicable

mgmt_p4 Resource allocation value for level 4 (replaces cpu_p4)
  • EMPHASIS - specifies the resource percentage at the fourth level

  • RATIO - non-applicable

mgmt_p5 Resource allocation value for level 5 (replaces cpu_p5)
  • EMPHASIS - specifies the resource percentage at the fifth level

  • RATIO - non-applicable

mgmt_p6 Resource allocation value for level 6 (replaces cpu_p6)
  • EMPHASIS - specifies the resource percentage at the sixth level

  • RATIO - non-applicable

mgmt_p7 Resource allocation value for level 7 (replaces cpu_p7)
  • EMPHASIS - specifies the resource percentage at the seventh level

  • RATIO - non-applicable

mgmt_p8 Resource allocation value for level 8 (replaces cpu_p8)
  • EMPHASIS - specifies the resource percentage at the eighth level

  • RATIO - non-applicable

switch_io_megabytes Specifies the amount of I/O (in MB) that a session can issue before an action is taken. Default is NULL, which means unlimited.
switch_io_reqs Specifies the number of I/O requests that a session can issue before an action is taken. Default is NULL, which means unlimited.
switch_for_call Specifies that if an action is taken because of the switch_time, switch_io_megabytes, or switch_io_reqs parameters, the consumer group is restored to its original consumer group at the end of the top call. Default is FALSE, which means that the original consumer group is not restored at the end of the top call.

Usage Notes


This procedure creates a single-level resource plan containing up to eight consumer groups in one step. You do not need to create a pending area manually before creating a resource plan, or use the CREATE_CONSUMER_GROUP and CREATE_RESOURCE_PLAN_DIRECTIVES procedures separately.


   simple_plan      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   consumer_group1  IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   group1_cpu       IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,   -- deprecated
   consumer_group2  IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   group2_cpu       IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,   -- deprecated
   consumer_group3  IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   group3_cpu       IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,   -- deprecated
   consumer_group4  IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   group4_cpu       IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,   -- deprecated
   consumer_group5  IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   group5_cpu       IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,   -- deprecated
   consumer_group6  IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   group6_cpu       IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,   -- deprecated
   consumer_group7  IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   group7_cpu       IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,   -- deprecated
   consumer_group8  IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   group8_cpu       IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,   -- deprecated
   group1_percent   IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
   group2_percent   IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
   group3_percent   IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
   group4_percent   IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
   group5_percent   IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
   group6_percent   IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
   group7_percent   IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
   group8_percent   IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL);


Table 105-7 CREATE_SIMPLE_PLAN Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description
simple_plan The name of the resource plan.
consumer_group1 Name of the consumer group
group1_cpu Percentage for group (deprecated)
consumer_group2 Name of the consumer group
group2_cpu Percentage for group (deprecated)
consumer_group3 Name of the consumer group
group3_cpu Percentage for group (deprecated)
consumer_group4 Name of the consumer group
group4_cpu Percentage for group (deprecated)
consumer_group5 Name of the consumer group
group5_cpu Percentage for group (deprecated)
consumer_group6 Name of the consumer group
group6_cpu Percentage for group (deprecated)
consumer_group7 Name of the consumer group
group7_cpu Percentage for group (deprecated)
consumer_group8 Name of the consumer group
group8_cpu Percentage for group (deprecated)
group1_percent Percentage of resources allocated for this consumer group
group2_percent Percentage of resources allocated for this consumer group
group3_percent Percentage of resources allocated for this consumer group
group4_percent Percentage of resources allocated for this consumer group
group5_percent Percentage of resources allocated for this consumer group
group6_percent Percentage of resources allocated for this consumer group
group7_percent Percentage of resources allocated for this consumer group
group8_percent Percentage of resources allocated for this consumer group


This procedure delete entries which define resource consumer groups.


   consumer_group IN VARCHAR2); 


Table 105-8 DELETE_CONSUMER_GROUP Procedure Parameters

Parameters Description
consumer_group The name of the consumer group to be deleted.


This procedure deletes the specified plan as well as all the plan directives to which it refers.


   plan IN VARCHAR2); 


Table 105-9 DELETE_PLAN Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description
plan The name of the resource plan to delete.


This procedure deletes the specified plan and all of its descendants (plan directives, subplans, consumer groups). Mandatory objects and directives are not deleted.


   plan IN VARCHAR2); 


Table 105-10 DELETE_PLAN_CASCADE Procedure Parameters

Parameters Description
plan The name of the plan.

Usage Notes

If DELETE_PLAN_CASCADE encounters any error, then it rolls back, and nothing is deleted.


This procedure deletes resource plan directives.


   plan              IN VARCHAR2, 
   group_or_subplan  IN VARCHAR2);


Table 105-11 DELETE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description
plan The name of the resource plan.
group_or_subplan The name of the group or subplan.


This procedure adds, deletes, or modifies entries that map sessions to consumer groups, based on the session's login and runtime attributes.


   attribute       IN VARCHAR2, 
   value            IN VARCHAR2, 
   consumer_group  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); 


Table 105-12 SET_CONSUMER_GROUP_MAPPING Procedure Parameters

Parameters Description
attribute The mapping attribute to add/modify. It can be one of the Constants listed.
value The attribute value to match.
consumer_group The name of the mapped consumer group, or NULL to delete a mapping.

Usage Notes

If no mapping exists for the given attribute and value, a mapping to the given consumer group will be created. If a mapping already exists for the given attribute and value, the mapped consumer group will be updated to the one given. If the consumer_group argument is NULL, then any mapping from the given attribute and value will be deleted.


Multiple attributes of a session can be used to map the session to a consumer group. This procedure prioritizes the attribute mappings.


   explicit               IN NUMBER, 
   oracle_user            IN NUMBER, 
   service_name           IN NUMBER, 
   client_os_user         IN NUMBER, 
   client_program         IN NUMBER, 
   client_machine         IN NUMBER, 
   module_name            IN NUMBER, 
   module_name_action     IN NUMBER,
   service_module         IN NUMBER,
   service_module_action  IN NUMBER);


Table 105-13 SET_CONSUMER_GROUP_MAPPING_PRI Procedure Parameters

Parameters Description
explicit The priority of the explicit mapping.
oracle_user The priority of the Oracle user name mapping.
service_name The priority of the client service name mapping.
client_os_user The priority of the client operating system user name mapping.
client_program The priority of the client program mapping.
client_machine The priority of the client machine mapping.
module_name The priority of the application module name mapping.
module_name_action The priority of the application module name and action mapping.
service_module The priority of the service name and application module name mapping.
module_name_action The priority of the service name, application module name, and application action mapping.

Usage Notes



This procedure is deprecated in Release 11gR1. While the procedure remains available in the package, Initial Consumer Group is set by the session-to-consumer group mapping rules.

The initial consumer group of a user is the consumer group to which any session created by that user initially belongs. This procedure sets the initial resource consumer group for a user.


   user           IN VARCHAR2, 
   consumer_group IN VARCHAR2);


Table 105-14 SET_INITIAL_CONSUMER_GROUP Procedure Parameters

Parameters Description
user The name of the user.
consumer_group The user's initial consumer group.

Usage Notes

The ADMINISTER_RESOURCE_MANAGER or the ALTER USER system privilege are required to be able to execute this procedure. The user, or PUBLIC, must be directly granted switch privilege to a consumer group before it can be set to be the user's initial consumer group. Switch privilege for the initial consumer group cannot come from a role granted to that user.


These semantics are similar to those for ALTER USER DEFAULT ROLE.

If the initial consumer group for a user has never been set, then the user's initial consumer group is automatically the consumer group: DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP.

DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP has switch privileges granted to PUBLIC; therefore, all users are automatically granted switch privilege for this consumer group. Upon deletion of a consumer group, all users having the deleted group as their initial consumer group now have DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP as their initial consumer group. All currently active sessions belonging to a deleted consumer group are switched to DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP.


This procedure submits pending changes for the resource manager. It clears the pending area after validating and committing the changes (if valid).


A call to SUBMIT_PENDING_AREA may fail even if VALIDATE_PENDING_AREA succeeds. This may happen if a plan being deleted is loaded by an instance after a call to VALIDATE_PENDING_AREA, but before a call to SUBMIT_PENDING_AREA.




This procedure changes the resource consumer group of a specific session. It also changes the consumer group of any (PQ) slave sessions that are related to the top user session.


   session_id      IN NUMBER, 
   session_serial  IN NUMBER, 
   consumer_group  IN VARCHAR2);


Table 105-15 SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP_FOR_SESS Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description
session_id SID column from the view V$SESSION.
session_serial SERIAL# column from view V$SESSION.
consumer_group The name of the consumer group to switch to.


This procedure changes the resource consumer group for all sessions with a given user ID. It also change the consumer group of any (PQ) slave sessions that are related to the top user session.


   user            IN VARCHAR2, 
   consumer_group  IN VARCHAR2);


Table 105-16 SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP_FOR_USER Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description
user The name of the user.
consumer_group The name of the consumer group to switch to.

Usage Notes

The SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP_FOR_SESS Procedure and SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP_FOR_USER procedures let you to raise or lower the allocation of CPU resources of certain sessions or users. This provides a functionality similar to the nice command on UNIX.

These procedures cause the session to be moved into the newly specified consumer group immediately.


This procedure sets the current resource manager plan.


   plan_name                     IN   VARCHAR2,
   sid                           IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '*',
   allow_scheduler_plan_switches IN   BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE);


Table 105-17 SWITCH_PLAN Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description
plan_name The name of the plan to which to switch. Passing in an empty string ('') for the plan_name, disables the resource manager
sid The sid parameter is relevant only in a Oracle Real Application Clusters environment. This parameter lets you change the plan for a particular instance. Specify the sid of the instance where you want to change the plan. Or specify '*' if you want Oracle to change the plan for all instances.
allow_scheduler_plan_switches FALSE - disables automated plan switches by the job scheduler at window boundaries. To re-enable automated plan switches, switch_plan must be called again by the administrator with allow_scheduler_plan_switches set to TRUE. By default automated plan switches by the job scheduler are enabled.


This procedure updates entries which define resource consumer groups.


   consumer_group  IN VARCHAR2, 
   new_comment     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
   new_cpu_mth     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   new_mgmt_mth    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); 


Table 105-18 UPDATE_CONSUMER_GROUP Procedure Parameter

Parameter Description
consumer_group The name of consumer group
new_comment New user's comment
new_cpu_mth Name of new method for CPU resource allocation (deprecated)
new_mgmt_mth Name of new method for CPU resource allocation

Usage Notes

If the parameters to the UPDATE_CONSUMER_GROUP procedure are not specified, then they remain unchanged in the data dictionary.


This procedure updates entries which define resource plans.


   plan                               IN VARCHAR2, 
   new_comment                        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
   new_cpu_mth                        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated
   new_active_sess_pool_mth           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   new_parallel_degree_limit_mth      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   new_queueing_mth                   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   new_queueing_mth                   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   new_mgmt_mth                       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); 


Table 105-19 UPDATE_PLAN Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description
plan The name of resource plan.
new_comment New user's comment.
new_cpu_mth The name of new allocation method for CPU resources (deprecated).
new_active_sess_pool_mth The name of new method for maximum active sessions.
new_parallel_degree_limit_mth The name of new method for degree of parallelism.
new_queueing_mth Specifies type of queuing policy to use with active session pool feature.
new_mgmt_mth The resource allocation method for specifying how much resources (e.g. CPU or I/O) each consumer group or sub-plan gets
  • EMPHASIS - for multi-level plans that use percentages to specify how I/O is resources are distributed among consumer groups.

  • RATIO - for single-level plans that use ratios to specify how I/O is resources are distributed.

Usage Notes


This procedure updates resource plan directives.


   plan                          IN VARCHAR2, 
   group_or_subplan              IN VARCHAR2, 
   new_comment                   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
   new_cpu_p1                    IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated 
   new_cpu_p2                    IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated 
   new_cpu_p3                    IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated 
   new_cpu_p4                    IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated 
   new_cpu_p5                    IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated 
   new_cpu_p6                    IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated 
   new_cpu_p7                    IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated 
   new_cpu_p8                    IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated 
   new_active_sess_pool_p1       IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   new_queueing_p1               IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   new_parallel_degree_limit_p1  IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   new_switch_group              IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
   new_switch_time               IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, 
   new_switch_estimate           IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE, 
   new_max_est_exec_time         IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, 
   new_undo_pool                 IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   new_max_idle_time             IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   new_max_idle_blocker_time     IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   switch_time_in_call           IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated
   mgmt_p1                       IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   mgmt_p2                       IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   mgmt_p3                       IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   mgmt_p4                       IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   mgmt_p5                       IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   mgmt_p6                       IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   mgmt_p7                       IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   mgmt_p8                       IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   switch_io_megabytes           IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   switch_io_reqs                IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   switch_for_call               IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT NULL); 


Table 105-20 UPDATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description
plan The name of the resource plan.
group_or_subplan The name of the consumer group or subplan.
new_comment Comment for the plan directive.
new_cpu_p1 First parameter for the CPU resources allocation method ((deprecated - use new_mgmt_p1 instead)
new_cpu_p2 Parameter for the CPU resources allocation method ((deprecated - use new_mgmt_p2 instead)
new_cpu_p3 Parameter for the CPU resources allocation method (deprecated - use new_mgmt_p3 instead)
new_cpu_p4 Parameter for the CPU resources allocation method (deprecated- use new_mgmt_p4 instead)
new_cpu_p5 Parameter for the CPU resources allocation method (deprecated - use new_mgmt_p5 instead)
new_cpu_p6 Parameter for the CPU resources allocation method (deprecated- use new_mgmt_p6 instead)
new_cpu_p7 Parameter for the CPU resources allocation method (deprecated- use new_mgmt_p7 instead)
new_cpu_p8 Parameter for the CPU resources allocation method (deprecated- use new_mgmt_p8 instead)
new_active_sess_pool_p1 Specifies maximum number of concurrently active sessions for a consumer group. Default is NULL, which means unlimited.
new_queueing_p1 Specified time (in seconds) after which a job in the inactive session queue (waiting for execution) will time out. Default is NULL, which means unlimited.
new_switch_group Specifies a limit on the degree of parallelism for any operation. Default is NULL, which means unlimited. Switches to another group once a switch condition is met.
new_switch_time Specifies consumer group to which this session is switched if other switch criteria is met. Default is NULL. If the group name is 'CANCEL_SQL', the current call will be canceled when other switch criteria are met. If the group name is 'KILL_SESSION', the session will be killed when other switch criteria are met.
new_switch_estimate Specifies time (in seconds) that a session can execute before an action is taken. Default is NULL, which means unlimited.
new_max_est_exec_time If TRUE, tells Oracle to use its execution time estimate to automatically switch the consumer group of an operation before beginning its execution. Default is FALSE.
new_undo_pool Specifies the maximum execution time (in seconds) allowed for a session. If the optimizer estimates that an operation will take longer than MAX_EST_EXEC_TIME, the operation is not started and ORA-07455 is issued. If the optimizer does not provide an estimate, this directive has no effect. Default is NULL, which means unlimited.
new_parallel_degree_limit_p1 Sets a maximum in kilobytes (K) on the total amount of undo generated by a consumer group. Default is NULL, which means unlimited.
new_max_idle_time Indicates the maximum session idle time. Default is NULL, which means unlimited.
new_max_idle_blocker_time The maximum amount of time in seconds that a session can be idle while blocking another session's acquisition of a resource.
new_switch_time_in_call Deprecated. If this parameter is specified, new_switch_time will be effectively set to new_switch_time_in_call and new_switch_for_call will be effectively set to TRUE.
new_mgmt_p1 Resource allocation value for level 1 (replaces new_cpu_p1):
  • EMPHASIS - specifies the resource percentage at the first level

  • RATIO - specifies the weight of resource usage

new_mgmt_p2 Resource allocation value for level 2 (replaces new_cpu_p2)
  • EMPHASIS - specifies the resource percentage at the second level

  • RATIO - non-applicable

new_mgmt_p3 Resource allocation value for level 3 (replaces new_cpu_p3)
  • EMPHASIS - specifies the resource percentage at the third level

  • RATIO - non-applicable

new_mgmt_p4 Resource allocation value for level 4 (replaces new_cpu_p4)
  • EMPHASIS - specifies the resource percentage at the fourth level

  • RATIO - non-applicable

new_mgmt_p5 Resource allocation value for level 5 (replaces new_cpu_p5)
  • EMPHASIS - specifies the resource percentage at the fifth level

  • RATIO - non-applicable

new_mgmt_p6 Resource allocation value for level 6 (replaces new_cpu_p6)
  • EMPHASIS - specifies the resource percentage at the sixth level

  • RATIO - non-applicable

new_mgmt_p7 Resource allocation value for level 7 (replaces new_cpu_p7)
  • EMPHASIS - specifies the resource percentage at the seventh level

  • RATIO - non-applicable

new_mgmt_p8 Resource allocation value for level 8 (replaces new_cpu_p8)
  • EMPHASIS - specifies the resource percentage at the eighth level

  • RATIO - non-applicable

new_switch_io_megabytes Specifies the amount of I/O (in MB) that a session can issue before an action is taken. Default is NULL, which means unlimited.
new_switch_io_reqs Specifies the number of I/O requests that a session can issue before an action is taken. Default is NULL, which means unlimited.
new_switch_for_call Specifies that if an action is taken because of the new_switch_time, new_switch_io_megabytes, or new_switch_io_reqs parameters, the consumer group is restored to its original consumer group at the end of the top call. Default is FALSE, which means that the original consumer group is not restored at the end of the top call.

Usage Notes


This procedure validates pending changes for the resource manager.
