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Oracle® Database 2 Day Developer's Guide
11g Release 1 (11.1)
Part Number B28843-04
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Overview of Oracle Database and Development
Overview of Oracle Database Schemas
Introducing Schema Objects
Introducing the HR Schema
Overview of Application Development with Oracle Database
Introducing SQL and PL/SQL Development Languages
Introducing SQL Developer
Introducing SQL*Plus
Connecting to the Database
Unlocking a User Account
Connecting to Oracle Database from SQL*Plus
Connecting to Oracle Database from SQL Developer
Overview of Other Development Environments
Querying and Manipulating Data
Exploring Database Objects
Looking at Schema Object Types
Exploring Tables and Viewing Data
Retrieving Data with Queries
Selecting Data from a Table
Using Column Aliases
Restricting Data to Match Specific Conditions
Searching for Patterns in Data
Sorting Data
Using Built-In and Aggregate Functions
Using Arithmetic Operators
Using Numeric Functions
Using Character Functions
Using Datetime Functions
Using Data Type Conversion Functions
Using Aggregate Functions
Using NULL Value Functions
Using Conditional Functions
Adding, Changing, and Deleting Data
Inserting Information
Updating Information
Deleting Information
Controlling Transactions
Committing Transaction Changes
Rolling Back Transaction Changes
Setting Savepoints
Creating and Using Database Objects
Using Data Types
Creating and Using Tables
Creating a Table
Ensuring Data Integrity
Understanding Types of Data Integrity Constraints
Adding Integrity Constraints
Adding Data to a Table, Modifying, and Deleting
Indexing Tables
Dropping Tables
Using Views
Creating a View
Updating a View
Dropping a View
Using Sequences
Creating a Sequence
Dropping a Sequence
Using Synonyms
Developing and Using Stored Procedures
Overview of Stored Procedures
Creating and Using Standalone Procedures and Functions
Creating Procedures and Functions
Modifying Procedures and Functions
Testing Procedures and Functions
Dropping Procedures and Functions
Creating and Using Packages
Guidelines for Packages
Creating a Package
Modifying a Package
Dropping a Package
Using Variables and Constants
PL/SQL Data Types
Using Variables and Constants
Using Comments
Using Identifiers
Declaring Variables and Constants
Declaring Variables with Structure Identical to Database Columns
Assigning Values to Variables
Assigning Values with the Assignment Operator
Assigning Values from the Database
Controlling Program Flow
Using Conditional Selection Control
Using IF...THEN...ELSE Selection Control
Using CASE...WHEN Selection Control
Using Iterative Control
Using the FOR...LOOP
Using the WHILE...LOOP
Using the LOOP...EXIT WHEN
Using Composite Data Structures; Records
Retrieving Data from a Set Using Cursors and Cursor Variables
Using Explicit Cursors
Using Cursor Variables: REF Cursors
Using Collections; Index-By Tables
Creating Cursors for Index-by Tables
Defining Index-by Tables
Populating Index-by PLS_INTEGER Tables; BULK COLLECT
Populating Index-by VARCHAR2 Tables
Iterating Through an Index-by Table
Handling Errors and Exceptions
Existing PL/SQL and SQL Exceptions
Custom Exceptions
Using Triggers
Designing Triggers
Types of Triggers
Timing Triggers
Guidelines and Restrictions for Trigger Design
Creating and Using Triggers
Creating a Statement Trigger
Creating a Row Trigger
Creating an INSTEAD OF Trigger
Creating LOGON and LOGOFF Triggers
Modifying Triggers
Disabling and Enabling Triggers
Compiling Triggers
Dropping Triggers
Working in a Global Environment
Overview of Globalization
Globalization Support Features
Viewing the Current NLS Parameter Values
Using NLS Parameter Values in the SQL Developer Environment
Changing NLS Parameter Values for All Sessions
Establishing a Globalization Support Environment
Choosing a Locale with the NLS_LANG Parameter
Setting NLS Parameters
Setting Language and Territory Parameters
Using the NLS_LANGUAGE Parameter
Using the NLS_TERRITORY Parameter
Setting Date and Time Parameters
Using Date Formats
Using Time Formats
Setting Calendar Definitions
Overview of Calendar Formats
Using the NLS_CALENDAR Parameter
Using Numeric Formats
Using Monetary Parameters
Overview of Currency Formats
Using the NLS_CURRENCY Parameter
Using the NLS_ISO_CURRENCY Parameter
Using the NLS_DUAL_CURRENCY Parameter
Using Linguistic Sort and Search
Using the NLS_SORT Parameter
Using the NLS_COMP Parameter
Using Case-Insensitive and Accent-Insensitive Search
Using Length Semantics
Using the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS Parameter
Developing Globalized Applications
Overview of Unicode
Using SQL Character Data Types
Using the NCHAR Data Type
Using the NVARCHAR2 Data Type
Using Unicode String Literals
NCHAR Literal Replacement
Using Locale-Dependent Functions with NLS Parameters
Specifying NLS Parameters in SQL Functions
Unacceptable NLS Parameters in SQL Functions
Deploying a Database Application
Overview of Deployment
Deployment Environments
Planning for Deployment
Exporting the Database Objects
Using SQL Developer to Export Database Objects
Special Considerations for Exporting Sequences and Triggers
Generating a Script for Creating the Sequence and Tables
Generating a Script for Creating the PL/SQL Objects
Generating a Script for Creating a Synonym and a View
Exporting the Data
Performing the Installation
Validating the Installation
Archiving the Installation Scripts