The screenshot shows the top portion of the Procedure Completion Status page. On the top left-hand side of the page, there is the heading Page Refreshed, followed by the timestamp May 18, 2007 12:32:33 PM PDT. To the right of the timestamp is a button labeled Refresh. Below the timestamp is the View Data action list, which in the screenshot shows the value Real Time: Manual Refresh.
There one main sections displayed in the screenshot: Status. This section has two subsections: General Information and Status Details. Below the Status heading, on the right-hand side of the page is a series of buttons. These buttons, from left to right, are: Run (grayed out), Stop, Suspend, Resume (grayed out), Retry (grayed out), and Done.
The General Information subsection displays the following information:
Run: Patch Oracle Standalone Database
Procedure: Patch Oracle Standalone Database
Procedure Version: 1.0
Error Handling Mode: Stop On Error
Status: Running
Created On: May 18, 12:31:57 PM PDT
Scheduled: May 18, 12:31:58 PM PDT
Start Date: May 18, 12:31:58 PM PDT
Last Updated: May 18, 12:32:31 PM PDT
Completed Date: no value
Elapsed Time: 35 Seconds
In the Status Detail section, there are 3 subtabs. They are, from left to right: Steps (selected), Jobs, and Log.
Below the Steps subtab there are two links: Expand All and Collapse All. Below these links is a table of the procedure steps. There are 4 columns, labeled: Name, Status, Type, and Description. The rows displayed in the screenshot have the following values:
(expanded entry) Patch Oracle Standalone Database, Running, no value, "Procedure to patch Standalone Oracle Database from DB Console."
Initialize (hyperlinked), Succeeded, Computational, "Initializes the runtime. Do not disable or delete this step."
(expanded entry) For all hosts (hyperlinked), Running, Parallel, "Iterates over a list of hosts."
(expanded entry) For all homes (hyperlinked), Running, Rolling, "Iterates over a list of Oracle Homes in a given host."
OHPreProcess (hyperlinked), Succeeded, Computational, "Initializes each Oracle Home. Do not disable or delete this step."
Stage Patches (hyperlinked), Running, Job, "Stages selected patches into Oracle Homes."
Start Blackout, no value, Computational, "Starts Blackout of Oracle Database instances in the Oracle Home."
Patch Database, no value, Directive, "Directive to patch the Oracle database. This involves shutting down the DBControl, applying the patch and starting the DBControl."
Verify Patch, no value, Directive, "Verifies the Patching Steps."
Run root script (grayed out), no value, Directive (grayed out), "Runs root script after applying a patchset." (grayed out)
Stop Blackout, no value, Computational, "Stops Blackout of Oracle Database instances in an Oracle Home."
Host Configuration Collection, no value, Job, "Refreshes the configuration information about a host."
End of description.