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Oracle® Streams Replication Administrator's Guide
11g Release 1 (11.1)
Part Number B28322-02
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Part I Oracle Streams Replication Concepts
Understanding Oracle Streams Replication
Overview of Oracle Streams Replication
Rules in an Oracle Streams Replication Environment
Nonidentical Replicas with Oracle Streams
Subsetting with Oracle Streams
Capture and Oracle Streams Replication
Change Capture Using a Capture Process
Capture Process Overview
Supplemental Logging for Oracle Streams Replication
Change Capture Using a Synchronous Capture
Change Capture Using a Custom Application
Propagation and Oracle Streams Replication
LCR Staging
LCR Propagation
Combined Capture and Apply Optimization
Apply and Oracle Streams Replication
Overview of the Apply Process
Apply Processing Options for LCRs
Captured LCRs and Persistent LCRs
Direct and Custom Apply of LCRs
Apply Processes and Dependencies
How Dependent Transactions Are Applied
Row LCR Ordering During Apply
Dependencies and Constraints
Dependency Detection, Rule-Based Transformations, and Apply Handlers
Virtual Dependency Definitions
Barrier Transactions
Considerations for Applying DML Changes to Tables
Constraints and Applying DML Changes to Tables
Substitute Key Columns
Apply Process Behavior for Column Discrepancies
Index-Organized Tables and an Apply Process
Conflict Resolution and an Apply Process
Handlers and Row LCR Processing
Considerations for Applying DDL Changes
Types of DDL Changes Ignored by an Apply Process
Database Structures in an Oracle Streams Environment
Current Schema User Must Exist at Destination Database
System-Generated Names
Instantiation SCN and Ignore SCN for an Apply Process
The Oldest SCN for an Apply Process
Low-Watermark and High-Watermark for an Apply Process
Trigger Firing Property
Instantiation and Oracle Streams Replication
Overview of Instantiation and Oracle Streams Replication
Capture Rules and Preparation for Instantiation
DBMS_STREAMS_ADM Package Procedures Automatically Prepare Objects
When Preparing for Instantiation Is Required
Supplemental Logging Options During Preparation for Instantiation
Oracle Data Pump and Oracle Streams Instantiation
Data Pump Export and Object Consistency
Oracle Data Pump Import and Oracle Streams Instantiation
Instantiation SCNs and Data Pump Imports
Instantiation SCNs and Oracle Streams Tags Resulting from Data Pump Imports
The STREAMS_CONFIGURATION Data Pump Import Utility Parameter
Recovery Manager (RMAN) and Oracle Streams Instantiation
The RMAN DUPLICATE and CONVERT DATABASE Commands and Instantiation
The RMAN TRANSPORT TABLESPACE Command and Instantiation
Oracle Streams Conflict Resolution
About DML Conflicts in an Oracle Streams Environment
Conflict Types in an Oracle Streams Environment
Update Conflicts in an Oracle Streams Environment
Uniqueness Conflicts in an Oracle Streams Environment
Delete Conflicts in an Oracle Streams Environment
Foreign Key Conflicts in an Oracle Streams Environment
Conflicts and Transaction Ordering in an Oracle Streams Environment
Conflict Detection in an Oracle Streams Environment
Control Over Conflict Detection for Nonkey Columns
Rows Identification During Conflict Detection in an Oracle Streams Environment
Conflict Avoidance in an Oracle Streams Environment
Use a Primary Database Ownership Model
Avoid Specific Types of Conflicts
Avoid Uniqueness Conflicts in an Oracle Streams Environment
Avoid Delete Conflicts in an Oracle Streams Environment
Avoid Update Conflicts in an Oracle Streams Environment
Conflict Resolution in an Oracle Streams Environment
Prebuilt Update Conflict Handlers
Types of Prebuilt Update Conflict Handlers
Column Lists
Resolution Columns
Data Convergence
Custom Conflict Handlers
Oracle Streams Tags
Introduction to Tags
Tags and Rules Created by the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM Package
Tags and Online Backup Statements
Tags and an Apply Process
Oracle Streams Tags in a Replication Environment
N-Way Replication Environments
Hub-and-Spoke Replication Environments
Hub-and-Spoke Replication Environment with Several Extended Secondary Databases
Oracle Streams Heterogeneous Information Sharing
Oracle to Non-Oracle Data Sharing with Oracle Streams
Change Capture and Staging in an Oracle to Non-Oracle Environment
Change Apply in an Oracle to Non-Oracle Environment
Apply Process Configuration in an Oracle to Non-Oracle Environment
Data Types Applied at Non-Oracle Databases
Types of DML Changes Applied at Non-Oracle Databases
Instantiation in an Oracle to Non-Oracle Environment
Transformations in an Oracle to Non-Oracle Environment
Messaging Gateway and Oracle Streams
Error Handling in an Oracle to Non-Oracle Environment
Example Oracle to Non-Oracle Streams Environment
Non-Oracle to Oracle Data Sharing with Oracle Streams
Change Capture in a Non-Oracle to Oracle Environment
Staging in a Non-Oracle to Oracle Environment
Change Apply in a Non-Oracle to Oracle Environment
Instantiation from a Non-Oracle Database to an Oracle Database
Non-Oracle to Non-Oracle Data Sharing with Oracle Streams
Part II Configuring Oracle Streams Replication
Simple Oracle Streams Replication Configuration
Configuring Replication Using an Oracle Streams Wizard in Enterprise Manager
Oracle Streams Global, Schema, Table, and Subset Replication Wizard
Oracle Streams Tablespace Replication Wizard
Opening an Oracle Streams Replication Configuration Wizard
Configuring Replication Using the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM Package
Preparing to Configure Oracle Streams Replication Using the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM Package
Decisions to Make Before Configuring Oracle Streams Replication
Tasks to Complete Before Configuring Oracle Streams Replication
Configuring Database Replication Using the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM Package
Configuring Tablespace Replication Using the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM Package
Configuring Schema Replication Using the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM Package
Configuring Table Replication Using the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM Package
Flexible Oracle Streams Replication Configuration
Creating a New Oracle Streams Single-Source Environment
Creating a New Oracle Streams Multiple-Source Environment
Configuring Populated Databases When Creating a Multiple-Source Environment
Adding Shared Objects to Import Databases When Creating a New Environment
Complete the Multiple-Source Environment Configuration
Adding to an Oracle Streams Replication Environment
Adding Shared Objects to an Existing Single-Source Environment
Adding a New Destination Database to a Single-Source Environment
Adding Shared Objects to an Existing Multiple-Source Environment
Configuring Populated Databases When Adding Shared Objects
Adding Shared Objects to Import Databases in an Existing Environment
Complete the Adding Objects to a Multiple-Source Environment Configuration
Adding a New Database to an Existing Multiple-Source Environment
Configuring Databases If the Shared Objects Already Exist at the New Database
Adding Shared Objects to a New Database
Part III Administering Oracle Streams Replication
Managing Capture, Propagation, and Apply
Managing Capture for Oracle Streams Replication
Creating a Capture Process
Creating a Synchronous Capture
Managing Supplemental Logging in an Oracle Streams Replication Environment
Specifying Table Supplemental Logging Using Unconditional Log Groups
Specifying Table Supplemental Logging Using Conditional Log Groups
Dropping a Supplemental Log Group
Specifying Database Supplemental Logging of Key Columns
Dropping Database Supplemental Logging of Key Columns
Managing Staging and Propagation for Oracle Streams Replication
Creating an ANYDATA Queue to Stage LCRs
Creating a Propagation that Propagates LCRs
Managing Apply for Oracle Streams Replication
Creating an Apply Process That Applies Captured LCRs
Creating an Apply Process That Applies Persistent LCRs and User Messages
Managing the Substitute Key Columns for a Table
Setting Substitute Key Columns for a Table
Removing the Substitute Key Columns for a Table
Managing a DML Handler
Creating a DML Handler
Setting a DML Handler
Unsetting a DML Handler
Managing a DDL Handler
Creating a DDL Handler for an Apply Process
Setting the DDL Handler for an Apply Process
Removing the DDL Handler for an Apply Process
Using Virtual Dependency Definitions
Setting and Unsetting Value Dependencies
Creating and Dropping Object Dependencies
Managing Oracle Streams Conflict Detection and Resolution
Setting an Update Conflict Handler
Modifying an Existing Update Conflict Handler
Removing an Existing Update Conflict Handler
Stopping Conflict Detection for Nonkey Columns
Managing Oracle Streams Tags
Managing Oracle Streams Tags for the Current Session
Setting the Tag Values Generated by the Current Session
Getting the Tag Value for the Current Session
Managing Oracle Streams Tags for an Apply Process
Setting the Tag Values Generated by an Apply Process
Removing the Apply Tag for an Apply Process
Splitting and Merging an Oracle Streams Destination
About Splitting and Merging Oracle Streams
Automatic Merge of Oracle Streams
Split and Merge With Generated Scripts
Examples That Split and Merge Oracle Streams
Splitting and Merging an Oracle Streams Destination Directly and Automatically
Splitting and Merging an Oracle Streams Destination Manually With Scripts
Changing the DBID or Global Name of a Source Database
Resynchronizing a Source Database in a Multiple-Source Environment
Performing Database Point-in-Time Recovery in an Oracle Streams Environment
Performing Point-in-Time Recovery on the Source in a Single-Source Environment
Performing Point-in-Time Recovery in a Multiple-Source Environment
Performing Point-in-Time Recovery on a Destination Database
Resetting the Start SCN for the Existing Capture Process to Perform Recovery
Creating a New Capture Process to Perform Recovery
Performing Instantiations
Preparing Database Objects for Instantiation at a Source Database
Preparing Tables for Instantiation
Preparing a Table for Instantiation When a Capture Process Is Used
Preparing Tables for Instantiation When a Synchronous Capture Is Used
Preparing the Database Objects in a Schema for Instantiation
Preparing All of the Database Objects in a Database for Instantiation
Aborting Preparation for Instantiation at a Source Database
Instantiating Objects in an Oracle Streams Replication Environment
Instantiating Objects Using Data Pump Export/Import
Instantiating Objects in a Tablespace Using Transportable Tablespace or RMAN
Instantiating Objects Using Transportable Tablespace
Instantiating Objects Using Transportable Tablespace from Backup with RMAN
Instantiating an Entire Database Using RMAN
Instantiating an Entire Database on the Same Platform Using RMAN
Instantiating an Entire Database on Different Platforms Using RMAN
Setting Instantiation SCNs at a Destination Database
Setting Instantiation SCNs Using Export/Import
Full Database Export and Full Database Import
Full Database or User Export and User Import
Full Database, User, or Table Export and Table Import
Setting Instantiation SCNs Using the DBMS_APPLY_ADM Package
Setting the Instantiation SCN While Connected to the Source Database
Setting the Instantiation SCN While Connected to the Destination Database
Managing Logical Change Records (LCRs)
Requirements for Managing LCRs
Constructing and Enqueuing LCRs
Executing LCRs
Executing Row LCRs
Example of Constructing and Executing Row LCRs
Executing DDL LCRs
Managing LCRs Containing LOB Columns
Apply Process Behavior for Direct Apply of LCRs Containing LOBs
LOB Assembly and Custom Apply of LCRs Containing LOB Columns
LOB Assembly Considerations
LOB Assembly Example
Requirements for Constructing and Processing LCRs Containing LOB Columns
Requirements for Constructing and Processing LCRs Without LOB Assembly
Requirements for Apply Handler Processing of LCRs with LOB Assembly
Requirements for Rule-Based Transformation Processing of LCRs with LOBs
Example Script for Constructing and Enqueuing LCRs Containing LOBs
Managing LCRs Containing LONG or LONG RAW Columns
Comparing and Converging Data
About Comparing and Converging Data
Parent Scans and Root Scans
How Scans and Buckets Identify Differences
Other Documentation About the DBMS_COMPARISON Package
Preparing To Compare and Converge a Shared Database Object
Diverging a Database Object at Two Databases to Complete Examples
Comparing a Shared Database Object at Two Databases
Comparing a Subset of Columns in a Shared Database Object
Comparing a Shared Database Object Without Identifying Row Differences
Comparing a Random Portion of a Shared Database Object
Comparing a Shared Database Object Cyclically
Comparing a Custom Portion of a Shared Database Object
Viewing Information About Comparisons and Comparison Results
Viewing General Information About the Comparisons in a Database
Viewing Information Specific to Random and Cyclic Comparisons
Viewing the Columns Compared by Each Comparison in a Database
Viewing General Information About Each Scan in a Database
Viewing the Parent Scan ID and Root Scan ID for Each Scan in a Database
Viewing Detailed Information About the Row Differences Found in a Scan
Viewing Information About the Rows Compared in Specific Scans
Converging a Shared Database Object
Converging a Shared Database Object for Consistency With the Local Object
Converging a Shared Database Object for Consistency With the Remote Object
Converging a Shared Database Object With a Session Tag Set
Rechecking the Comparison Results for a Comparison
Purging Comparison Results
Purging All of the Comparison Results for a Comparison
Purging the Comparison Results for a Specific Scan ID of a Comparison
Purging the Comparison Results of a Comparison Before a Specified Time
Dropping a Comparison
Using DBMS_COMPARISON in an Oracle Streams Replication Environment
Checking for Consistency After Instantiation
Checking for Consistency in a Running Oracle Streams Replication Environment
Monitoring Oracle Streams Replication
Monitoring the Oracle Streams Topology and Oracle Streams Performance
Monitoring Supplemental Logging
Displaying Supplemental Log Groups at a Source Database
Displaying Database Supplemental Logging Specifications
Displaying Supplemental Logging Specified During Preparation for Instantiation
Displaying Supplemental Logging Enabled by PREPARE_TABLE_INSTANTIATION
Displaying Supplemental Logging Enabled by PREPARE_SCHEMA_INSTANTIATION
Displaying Supplemental Logging Enabled by PREPARE_GLOBAL_INSTANTIATION
Monitoring an Apply Process in an Oracle Streams Replication Environment
Displaying the Substitute Key Columns Specified at a Destination Database
Displaying Information About DML and DDL Handlers
Displaying All of the DML Handlers for Local Apply
Displaying the DDL Handler for Each Apply Process
Monitoring Virtual Dependency Definitions
Displaying Value Dependencies
Displaying Object Dependencies
Displaying Information About Conflict Detection
Displaying Information About Update Conflict Handlers
Monitoring Oracle Streams Tags
Displaying the Tag Value for the Current Session
Displaying the Default Tag Value for Each Apply Process
Monitoring Instantiation
Determining Which Database Objects Are Prepared for Instantiation
Determining the Tables for Which an Instantiation SCN Has Been Set
Tracking LCRs Through a Stream
Running Flashback Queries in an Oracle Streams Replication Environment
Troubleshooting Oracle Streams Replication
Responding to Steams Alerts
Recovering from Configuration Errors
Recovery Scenario
Using the Streams Configuration Report and Health Check Script
Handling Performance Problems Because of an Unavailable Destination
Troubleshooting a Capture Process in a Replication Environment
Is the Capture Process Waiting for Redo?
Is the Capture Process Paused for Flow Control?
Troubleshooting an Apply Process in a Replication Environment
Is the Apply Process Encountering Contention?
Is the Apply Process Waiting for a Dependent Transaction?
Is an Apply Server Performing Poorly for Certain Transactions?
Are There Any Apply Errors in the Error Queue?
Using a DML Handler to Correct Error Transactions
Troubleshooting Specific Apply Errors
Part IV Oracle Streams Replication Best Practices
Best Practices for Oracle Streams Replication Databases
Best Practices for Oracle Streams Database Configuration
Set Initialization Parameters That Are Relevant to Oracle Streams
Configure Database Storage in an Oracle Streams Database
Configure a Separate Tablespace for the Oracle Streams Administrator
Use a Separate Queue for Capture and Apply Oracle Streams Clients
Grant User Privileges to the Oracle Streams Administrator
Automate the Oracle Streams Replication Configuration
Best Practices for Oracle Streams Database Operation
Follow the Best Practices for the Global Name of an Oracle Streams Database
Follow the Best Practices for Replicating DDL Changes
Monitor Performance and Make Adjustments When Necessary
Monitor Capture Process and Synchronous Capture Queues for Size
Follow the Oracle Streams Best Practices for Backups
Best Practices for Backups of an Oracle Streams Source Database
Best Practices for Backups of an Oracle Streams Destination Database
Adjust the Automatic Collection of Optimizer Statistics
Check the Alert Log for Oracle Streams Information
Follow the Best Practices for Removing an Oracle Streams Configuration at a Database
Best Practices for Oracle Real Application Clusters and Oracle Streams
Make Archive Log Files of All Threads Available to Capture Processes
Follow the Best Practices for the Global Name of an Oracle Real Application Clusters Database
Follow the Best Practices for Configuring and Managing Propagations
Follow the Best Practices for Queue Ownership
Best Practices for Capture
Best Practices for Source Database Configuration for Capture Processes
Enable Archive Logging at Each Source Database in an Oracle Streams Environment
Add Supplemental Logging at Each Source Database in an Oracle Streams Environment
Configure a Heartbeat Table at Each Source Database in an Oracle Streams Environment
Best Practices for Capture Process Configuration
Set Capture Process Parallelism
Set the Checkpoint Retention Time
Best Practices for Capture Process Operation
Perform a Dictionary Build and Prepare Database Objects for Instantiation Periodically
Minimize the Performance Impact of Batch Processing
Best Practices for Synchronous Capture Configuration
Best Practices for Propagation
Best Practices for Propagation Configuration
Use Queue-to-Queue Propagations
Set the Propagation Latency for Each Propagation
Increase the SDU in a Wide Area Network for Better Network Performance
Best Practices for Propagation Operation
Restart Broken Propagations
Best Practices for Apply
Best Practices for Destination Database Configuration
Grant Required Privileges to the Apply User
Set Instantiation SCN Values
Configure Conflict Resolution
Best Practices for Apply Process Configuration
Set Apply Process Parallelism
Consider Allowing Apply Processes to Continue When They Encounter Errors
Best Practices for Apply Process Operation
Manage Apply Errors
Part V Sample Replication Environments
Simple Single-Source Replication Example
Overview of the Simple Single-Source Replication Example
Create Queues and Database Links
Configure Capture, Propagation, and Apply for Changes to One Table
Make Changes to the Table and View Results
Single-Source Heterogeneous Replication Example
Overview of the Single-Source Heterogeneous Replication Example
Create Queues and Database Links
Example Scripts for Sharing Data from One Database
Simple Configuration for Sharing Data from a Single Database
Flexible Configuration for Sharing Data from a Single Database
Make DML and DDL Changes to Tables in the hr Schema
Add Objects to an Existing Oracle Streams Replication Environment
Make a DML Change to the hr.employees Table
Add a Database to an Existing Oracle Streams Replication Environment
Make a DML Change to the hr.departments Table
N-Way Replication Example
Overview of the N-Way Replication Example
Create the hrmult Schema at the Database
Create Queues and Database Links
Example Script for Configuring N-Way Replication
Make DML and DDL Changes to Tables in the hrmult Schema
Part VI Appendixes
Migrating Advanced Replication to Oracle Streams
Overview of the Migration Process
Migration Script Generation and Use
Modification of the Migration Script
Actions Performed by the Generated Script
Migration Script Errors
Manual Migration of Updatable Materialized Views
Advanced Replication Elements that Cannot Be Migrated to Oracle Streams
Preparing to Generate the Migration Script
Generating and Modifying the Migration Script
Example Advanced Replication Environment to be Migrated to Oracle Streams
Performing the Migration for Advanced Replication to Oracle Streams
Before Executing the Migration Script
Executing the Migration Script
After Executing the Script
Re-creating Master Sites to Retain Materialized View Groups
Example Advanced Replication to Oracle Streams Migration Script