Property Description

Parameter type


Default value

If CLUSTER_DATABASE is set to false, then 1

If CLUSTER_DATABASE is set to true:

  • If Oracle ASM, then 4

  • Otherwise, the number of configured Oracle RAC instances



Range of values

Any nonzero value



Oracle RAC

Multiple instances should have the same value.

CLUSTER_DATABASE_INSTANCES is an Oracle RAC parameter that specifies the number of instances that are configured as part of the cluster database. You must set this parameter for every instance. Normally you should set this parameter to the number of instances in your Oracle RAC environment. A proper setting for this parameter can improve memory use.

Oracle uses the value of this parameter to compute the default value of the LARGE_POOL_SIZE parameter when the PARALLEL_AUTOMATIC_TUNING parameter is set to true. Note that the PARALLEL_AUTOMATIC_TUNING parameter has been deprecated.

See Also: