Releases 10g-11g


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Welcome to pages where I collected an information from seminars, workshops and cources for Oracle Application Server 10G, Oracle WebLogic, Java API's, IDE's, RDBMS, etc. All this stuff is a little bit deprecated for today (January, 2011 year). However, somebody will find it useful I hope. I found that OAS and oc4j weren't quite bad..... Early to speak that OAS and oc4j has died practically, but after purchase BEA (WebLogic) and SMCC (Glassfish, all Java) time moves inevitably..... However, functional principles of application servers, scalability, claster and domain organization (etc.) are very similar. But this stuff is closed.

Here you can find next info :

  • Administration of OAS 10G Application Server: Workshop
  • New features of OAS 10G Application Server: Partner's seminar
  • Security of OAS 10G Application Server: Partner's seminar
  • OAS 10G & Documentum : Documentum Momentum conference report.
  • Installation of OAS10G Application Server and components: Workshop
  • Development with Oracle JDeveloper 10G: Workshop
  • Implementation Projects on OAS 10G: Materials
  • Oracle Application Deployment Framework for OAS10G: Materials
  • Oracle Java API's for 10G Products: Java Docs
  • Oracle Core Base Technologies extracted from pool of 10G's Products: Java Docs
  • Apache Java API's accordingly GPL: Java Docs
  • Common Java API's from SMCC accordingly JSR's: Java Docs
  • SMCC Java Specifications: Java Specifications
  • Java API's addings: Java Docs
  • Oracle Common Documentation Library for 10G stack of Products: Materials
What you can read next:

To get an access to materials go to page Documentation.

To get an access to Architecture Deployment Framework go to page ADF

To get an access to Common Documentation Library go to page CDL

Warning: All information goes under proprietary company copyright. Nobody has any rights to use this information for public aims or reference it accordingly these pages. There is no any warranty that this information are modern or strictly correct or API's are not deprecated. The collector doesn't have any obligations for any companies, any companies doesn't have any obligations for collector. However, you can use this info for your aims of programming to get fast access to docs or API's on your own risk. The vendor company uses this information for public access without any charge or penalties.

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