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J2EETM Developer's Guide
Running the J2EE Tools

Realm Tool

The realmtool utility is a simple command-line program that allows you to add and remove J2EE users and to import certificate files. The utility has the following syntax:

realmtool <options>
The following table describes the options:

TABLE 10-3 Realm Tool Options



-show Lists the realm names.
-list <realm-name> Lists the users in the
specified realm.
This release has two realms:
default and certificate.
-add <username password group[,group]> Adds the specified user
to the default rsealm.
-addGroup <group> Adds a group to the default
-import <certificate-file> Adds a user to the
certificate realm by
importing a file containing
a X509 certificate.
-remove <realm-name username> Removes a user from the
specified realm.
-removeGroup <group> Removes a group.

Examples in the section "Managing J2EE Users and Groups" show how to run the realmtool utility.

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