Using JAXM within JSP Pages  

This release of JAXM has some custom JSP tags that can be used to create, send, receive, and process JAXM messages. This document briefly describes the tags and their behavior.


  Initializes JAXM and sets up generic scripting variables you can use in your page:   It also initializes a variable, jaxmPageURI with the constructed URI of this web application.


  Receives a message and returns a response. If the request is not a JAXM POST, the body is ignored and processing continues with what's after this tag. Inside the tag, you can either use scriptlet to construct a response in java or you can just write the response as "plain" XML.


  The following variables are set:


  Do a jaxm call, using the tag body as a message.


  Scripting variables:


  Encapsulates the content of the message to be sent in <jaxm:call> and the response of <jaxm:onMessage>.


  Displays a jaxm message.
