CoherenceTM v3.3
Copyright© 2000-2007 by Oracle Corporation

Interface HttpSessionCollection

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractHttpSessionCollection, MonolithicHttpSessionCollection, SplitHttpSessionCollection, TraditionalHttpSessionCollection

public interface HttpSessionCollection

This is the abstract model for a collection of HttpSessionModel objects. The interface is not at all concerned with how the sessions are communicated between the clients and the servers (e.g. cookies, URLs) and thus is decoupled from those concerns.

Some of the methods presented on this interface may seem out-of-place and better located on the HttpSessionModel itself; however, the choice was made to place them on the collection (this interface) if their purpose is related to managing the model, and to place the methods on the model only if their purpose is related to accessing and manipulating the data represented by the session model itself. This helps to simplify the model, making it a logical terminal (an object that is not dependent on other objects in the framework).

For consistency purposes, the API takes the session ID as a parameter, even when the HttpSessionModel reference is expected to be available.

There are three different session state transitions that the collection is responsible for managing. The first is existence: A session enters the exists state as a result of the create() method, and is transitioned back to the does not exist state only by the destroy() method.

The second transition is ownership. Ownership refers to the ability for a deployer to specify that a session be owned by a particular thread or a particular server at a time, such that only that one thread or server could modify the session, blocking any other thread or server attempting to access the same session. (Note that "thread" level ownership is actually "server+thread" ownership, since it implies that only one thread in the entire cluster will own the session at a time, while "server" level ownership implies that multiple threads on the same server can access the session at the same time.) The state transition is from not owned to owned state as a result of the enter() method, and from owned to not owned as a result of the exit() method. Since the deployer may choose to allow multiple threads on multiple servers to access the same session at the same time (a legitimate choice for many applications, assuming that the session management implementation supports it -- as the Coherence 2.2 and previous implementations do), the state transition can be reduced to a no-op, or it can be as complex as using cluster-wide locking and thread level synchronization on a server. Even more complex is the ability for multiple threads on the same server to access the session, while maintaining ownership for that session on that server; this implies a sub-attribute of the ownership state to be a thread- or reference-count.

As an added complexity for the ownership state, when a session is created it is considered to be owned, as if the enter() method were called as part of the create() method's processing. This implies that, when an HTTP request results in a session being created, the request processing must invoke the exit() method although the enter() method has not been invoked. Correspondingly, the destroy() method will release the ownership state, implying that the exit() method should not be called in this case.

The third transition is activation. Activation refers to a state in which the session can be manipulated, such that it is considered to be "alive" on a particular server in the cluster. This primarily relates to the optional event interface (HttpSessionActivationListener) that session attributes can implement to find out when the session is passivated and activated. Moreover, it implies strict adherence to the specification such that a session is only able to be "alive" on one server at a time. (Since such strict adherence may not be desired, it is possible to disable its side-effects. However, like the ownership state, disabling the feature is the easy part, while providing the feature is singularly daunting.) The state transition is from passive to active state as a result of the activate() method, and from active to passive as a result of the passivate() method.

The combination of the ownership and activation state transitions introduces a potential logical deadlock, resulting from the following set of rules:

  • The session must be owned before activate() or passivate() can be invoked for that session.
  • Only one thread or JVM can logically own the session at a time.
  • The result is that a thread may request the ownership for a session, and succeed in obtaining it. It may then request the activation of the session, which could first require the passivation of the same session on another server in the cluster (assuming a lazy passivation implementation, which is a good assumption if performance is an important attribute of the implementation.) The result is that the other server must gain ownership of the session in order to passivate it, but the ownership has already been claimed by the server attempting to activate the session. The solution to this logical deadlock is similar to how Java's own synchronization works with respect to the Object.wait method, in that the ownership is given up temporarily until notification is received to continue. Similarly, an implementation that handles the problem described above must be able to "wait" for the session to be passivated on the other server, allowing that other server to gain ownership temporarily for the purpose of passivating the session.

    An extremely strict implementation would not suffer from this problem, in that it would always passivate the session (which is to say, it would always notify the session attributes of their passivation) at the end of each request, and it would limit concurrent access to the session to the thread level (i.e. only one thread could access the session at a time.) The result is that, even in the case of unexpected server failure, the passivation would have occurred if the request completed successfully, thus allowing activation to occur without concern once the ownership state is owned as a result of the enter() method.

    If the class implementating this interface requires configuration information, it should implement the XmlConfigurable interface.

    Note: This API currently requires Servlet 2.3 because it uses the "newer" session event listener interface; to work with Servlet 2.2 and earlier, the necessary javax classes will have to be deployed as part of the application or into the application server itself.

    Coherence 2.3
    cp 2003.07.29

    Nested Class Summary
    static interface HttpSessionCollection.SessionDistributionController
              An optional interface to override the default distribution of session objects in the cluster, allowing the sessions to remain "local" to the originating server until a later point in the life of the session, that point determined by the implementation of this interface.
    Method Summary
     void activate(String sId, HttpSession session)
              Move the session into an active state, if it is not already.
     void addHttpSessionAttributeListener(HttpSessionAttributeListener listener)
              Sign up the specified listener to receive HttpSessionBindingEvent objects.
     void addHttpSessionListener(HttpSessionListener listener)
              Sign up the specified listener to receive HttpSessionEvent objects.
     HttpSessionModel create(HttpSession session)
              This method creates a new session, returning the session model for the new session.
     void destroy(String sId)
              Destroy the specified session.
     boolean enter(String sId, boolean fWait)
              Obtain any necessary ownership for the specified session.
     void exit(String sId)
              Release ownership for the specified session.
     void flush(String sId)
              In a distributed environment, ensure that any changes to the specified session are flushed.
     HttpSessionModel get(String sId)
              Obtain the HttpSessionModel for the specified session, or null if it does not exist.
     boolean isActive(String sId)
              Determine if the specified session ID identifies a session that is in the active state.
     boolean isExistent(String sId)
              Determine if the specified session ID identifies a session that exists.
     boolean isOwned(String sId)
              Determine if the specified session ID identifies a session that exists and that this thread has ownership for, either by a call to enter(sId) or create() without a corresponding call to exit(sId).
     Iterator iterateIds()
              Obtain an iterator of the session IDs.
     Iterator iterateLocalIds()
              Obtain an iterator of the session IDs that this JVM is responsible for invalidating when the sessions for those IDs have timed out.
     void passivate(String sId)
              Move the session into a passive state, if it is not already.
     void postCreate(HttpSession session)
              This method is called at the end of the session creation process.
     void removeHttpSessionAttributeListener(HttpSessionAttributeListener listener)
              Sign off the specified listener so it no longer will receive HttpSessionBindingEvent objects.
     void removeHttpSessionListener(HttpSessionListener listener)
              Sign off the specified listener so it no longer will receive HttpSessionEvent objects.
     void shutdown()
              Notify the session collection that it is being shut down.

    Method Detail


    HttpSessionModel create(HttpSession session)
    This method creates a new session, returning the session model for the new session.

    The session is created with the default timeout, and has an ID that is unique within the domain that the session management layer is configured for (e.g. within the JVM, or within the cluster.)

    When the session model is returned, the session state is exists, owned, active. Note that the responsibilities associated with the enter() method are included as part of the session creation process.

    The model will retain the reference to the HttpSession object until it is passivated or destroyed.

    session - the HttpSession object to bind the session model to; used for issuing events; must not be null
    the HttpSessionModel object for the new session


    void postCreate(HttpSession session)
    This method is called at the end of the session creation process.

    When this method is called, the session state is exists, owned, active.

    session - the HttpSession object; must not be null


    boolean isExistent(String sId)
    Determine if the specified session ID identifies a session that exists.

    The notion of ownership will affect whether or not the answer can be trusted once the method has returned it. If the ownership state is owned (the current thread called enter(sId)), then the caller should assume that session still exists. Otherwise, the caller can only assume that the session did exist at the point in time that the call to this method was made.

    sId - the session ID to check for existence
    true if the session exists; false otherwise


    void destroy(String sId)
    Destroy the specified session.

    This method may only be called on a session that is exists, owned, active.

    Session attributes will receive HttpSessionBindingListener as per the Servlet specification.

    At the return point from this method, the session state is does not exist. Note that the responsibilities associated with the exit(sId) method are included as part of the session destruction process.

    After this method completes, the model's HttpSession reference will be null.

    sId - the session ID; must not be null


    boolean enter(String sId,
                  boolean fWait)
    Obtain any necessary ownership for the specified session. Ownership requirements are expected to be declarative, so this method may be a no-op, or it may involve thread-level or even cluster-wide locking.

    If the session specified by the session ID does not exist, then this method has no effect; no exception is thrown.

    This method must support Multiple Possession Semantics, meaning that this method may be invoked multiple times, and each invocation will require a corresponding call to the exit(sId) method in order to release the ownership.

    sId - the session ID; must not be null
    fWait - true if the thread should block until the session becomes available; false otherwise
    true if the session is now owned by the calling thread


    boolean isOwned(String sId)
    Determine if the specified session ID identifies a session that exists and that this thread has ownership for, either by a call to enter(sId) or create() without a corresponding call to exit(sId).

    true if the session is owned; false otherwise.


    void exit(String sId)
    Release ownership for the specified session. This method must be called exactly once for each call to enter(sId), with the only exceptions being:

    When ownership state of a new session changes from owned to not owned, the session will no longer be considered new.

    If the session specified by the session ID does not exist, then this method has no effect; no exception is thrown.

    sId - the session ID; must not be null


    void activate(String sId,
                  HttpSession session)
    Move the session into an active state, if it is not already. The active state is defined as the state in which the session is considered to be "live" in a particular JVM. This primarily relates to the optional event interfce (HttpSessionActivationListener) that session attributes can implement to find out when the session is passivated and activated.

    Invoking this method will issue activation events for session attributes that implement the HttpSessionActivationListener interface. The model will retain the reference to the HttpSession object until it is passivated or destroyed.

    sId - the session ID; must not be null
    session - the HttpSession object to bind the session model to; used for issuing events; must not be null


    boolean isActive(String sId)
    Determine if the specified session ID identifies a session that is in the active state.

    This method may only be called within the bounds of a call to enter(sId) and exit(sId).

    sId - the session ID to check for the active state
    true if the session exists and is active; false otherwise


    void passivate(String sId)
    Move the session into a passive state, if it is not already.

    Invoking this method will issue passivation events for session attributes that implement the HttpSessionActivationListener interface.

    After this method completes, the model's HttpSession reference will be null.

    sId - the session ID; must not be null


    Iterator iterateIds()
    Obtain an iterator of the session IDs.

    The list of IDs is completely dynamic because of the nature of multi-threaded and distributed systems. The fact that an ID is returned from an iterator is no guarantee that the ID is still valid.

    an iterator that iterates over all String session IDs


    Iterator iterateLocalIds()
    Obtain an iterator of the session IDs that this JVM is responsible for invalidating when the sessions for those IDs have timed out.

    This may return an iterator with the same contents as the one returned by the iterateIds() method, or it may return an iterator that iterates over a subset of those contents.

    The list of IDs is completely dynamic because of the nature of multi-threaded and distributed systems. The fact that an ID is returned from an iterator is no guarantee that the ID is still valid.

    an iterator that iterates over the session IDs that this JVM is responsible for periodically checking for expiry


    HttpSessionModel get(String sId)
    Obtain the HttpSessionModel for the specified session, or null if it does not exist.

    This method may only be called within the bounds of a call to enter(sId) and exit(sId).

    sId - the session ID; must not be null
    the HttpSessionModel for the requested session or null


    void flush(String sId)
    In a distributed environment, ensure that any changes to the specified session are flushed. This method exists to allow changes to the session model to be accumulated over time and then communicated in bulk.

    This method may only be called within the bounds of a call to enter(sId) and exit(sId).

    sId - the session ID; must not be null


    void addHttpSessionListener(HttpSessionListener listener)
    Sign up the specified listener to receive HttpSessionEvent objects.

    listener - the HttpSessionListener to sign up for events


    void removeHttpSessionListener(HttpSessionListener listener)
    Sign off the specified listener so it no longer will receive HttpSessionEvent objects.

    listener - the HttpSessionListener that was previously signed up for events


    void addHttpSessionAttributeListener(HttpSessionAttributeListener listener)
    Sign up the specified listener to receive HttpSessionBindingEvent objects.

    listener - the HttpSessionAttributeListener to sign up for events


    void removeHttpSessionAttributeListener(HttpSessionAttributeListener listener)
    Sign off the specified listener so it no longer will receive HttpSessionBindingEvent objects.

    listener - the HttpSessionAttributeListener that was previously signed up for events


    void shutdown()
    Notify the session collection that it is being shut down. After this method invocation has been made, the session collection may throw IllegalStateException for any subsequent method invocation made to it.

    CoherenceTM v3.3
    Copyright© 2000-2007 by Oracle Corporation