CoherenceTM v3.3
Copyright© 2000-2007 by Oracle Corporation


Contains classes related to the Coherence Security Framework.


Interface Summary
AccessController The AccessController interface is used by the cluster services to verify whether or not a caller has sufficient rights to access protected clustered resources.

Class Summary
AbstractEncryptionFilter Abstract implementation of a JCE-based EncryptionFilter.
AsymmetricEncryptionFilter Asymmetric encryption filter implementation.
BlockCipherInputStream InputStream which supports block ciphers, and data sizes which exceed the Cipher's block size.
BlockCipherOutputStream InputStream which supports block ciphers, and data sizes which exceed the Cipher's block size.
ClusterEncryptionFilter Encryption filter implementation which switches between asymmetric and symmetric encryption based upon the type of data being filtered.
DefaultController The default implementation of the AccessController interface.
PasswordBasedEncryptionFilter Provides a password-based symmetric encryption wrapper for an InputStream and OutputStream.
Security The Security class is used to assosiate client's identity with an action that requires access to protected clustered resources.
SimpleHandler The SimpleHandler class is a CallbackHandler implementation based on a specified user name and password.
SymmetricEncryptionFilter Symmetric encryption filter implementation.

Package Description

Contains classes related to the Coherence Security Framework.

CoherenceTM v3.3
Copyright© 2000-2007 by Oracle Corporation