CoherenceTM v3.3
Copyright© 2000-2007 by Oracle Corporation

Interface ValueUpdater

All Known Implementing Classes:
CompositeUpdater, ReflectionUpdater

public interface ValueUpdater

ValueUpdater is used to update an object's state.

Coherence 3.1
jh/gg 2005.10.25

Method Summary
 void update(Object oTarget, Object oValue)
          Update the state of the passed target object using the passed value.

Method Detail


void update(Object oTarget,
            Object oValue)
Update the state of the passed target object using the passed value. For intrinsic types, the specified value is expected to be a standard wrapper type in the same manner that reflection works; for example, an int value would be passed as a java.lang.Integer.

oTarget - the Object to update the state of
oValue - the new value to update the state with
ClassCastException - if this ValueUpdater is incompatible with the passed target object or the value and the implementation requires the passed object or the value to be of a certain type
WrapperException - if this ValueUpdater encounters a checked exception in the course of updating the target object
IllegalArgumentException - if this ValueUpdater cannot handle the passed target object or value for any other reason; an implementor should include a descriptive message

CoherenceTM v3.3
Copyright© 2000-2007 by Oracle Corporation