CoherenceTM v3.3
Copyright© 2000-2007 by Oracle Corporation

Interface EntryAwareComparator

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ChainedComparator, EntryComparator, InverseComparator, SafeComparator

public interface EntryAwareComparator
extends Comparator

EntryAwareComparator is an extension to the Comparator interface that allows the EntryComparator to know whether the underlying comparator expects to compare the corresponding Entries' keys or values.

gg 2007.05.05

Method Summary
 boolean isKeyComparator()
          Specifies whether this comparator expects to compare keys or values.
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Comparator
compare, equals

Method Detail


boolean isKeyComparator()
Specifies whether this comparator expects to compare keys or values.

true if Entry keys are expected; false otherwise

CoherenceTM v3.3
Copyright© 2000-2007 by Oracle Corporation