Oracle9i Business Components for Java InterMedia API Reference
Oracle9i JDeveloper (9.0.4)

Package oracle.ord.html

Contains classes for interMedia BC4J HTML applications.


Class Summary
OrdBuildURLRenderer Generates an HTML tag string to render interMedia Business Component for Java (BC4J) domain objects in the browser.
OrdPlayMedia Interprets the URLs constructed by OrdURLBuilder, retrieves multimedia content from the database, and sends the data to the browser.
OrdPlayMediaServlet Interprets the URLs constructed by OrdURLBuilder, retrieves multimedia content from the database, and sends the data to the browser.
OrdUploadFileRenderer Generates an HTML tag string that allows users to upload files from the browser to an interMedia domain object. The tag string also allows users to delete existing content in the domain object.
OrdURLBuilder Generates an URL string that retrieves the media content referenced by the interMedia Business Component for Java (BC4J) domain objects.


Package oracle.ord.html Description

Contains classes for interMedia BC4J HTML applications.

This package contains classes for interMedia BC4J HTML applications.

Oracle9i Business Components for Java InterMedia API Reference
Oracle9i JDeveloper (9.0.4)

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