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Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference

Interface MasterAlertService

All Superinterfaces:
ModelObject, XMLObject

public interface MasterAlertService
extends ModelObject

Interface exposes the master alert service features

There are three major types of Master Alerts:

Master Alert does not necessarily need to be based on only one of the above. The same Master Alert can be based on one or more. Possible combinations can be listed as follows:

For every event generated, notification engine derives a list of users who are interested in this event. In some cases, notification designer may need to apply some additional logic to manipulate this list. For this, a class file has to be provided that implements the interface MobileAlertSubscriberFilter interface.

 Sample usage:

        MetaLocator m = MetaLocator.getInstance();
        ModelFactory f = m.getModelFactory();
        ModelServices s = m.getModelServices();

        //Locate the data feed that will be used by this notification
        DataFeeder df = s.lookupDataFeeder("StockFeed")

        //Create a master notification with timebase enabled.
        //Note that, new master notification interface is oracle.panama.mobilealert.MasterAlertService
        MasterAlertService mAS = null;
        mAS = f.createMobileMasterAlertService("StockNotification", true, "Stock Master Notification", df);

        //Set the condition relation type to "AND"

        //Set time based typed to strictly time based

        //Enable Location based support

        StringBuffer msgTemplate = new StringBuffer("<?xml version = \"1.0\" encoding = \"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\" ?>");
        msgTemplate.append("<SimpleText>Stock alert for [&symbol;] price is [&price;]");

        //Provide the default message template
        //that can be used with default notification master service

        //add conditions with default valuesto this notifications, i.e. if "price > 10 "

        AlertConditionType cType1 = s.getMobileAlertConditionTypeByName("GT");
        FeedMetaData fmdPrice = df.getOutputParameter("price");
        mAS.addConditionDefinition("PriceMax", fmdPrice, cType1, "23");

        AlertConditionType cType2 = s.getMobileAlertConditionTypeByName("GT");
        FeedMetaData fmdChange = df.getOutputParameter("Change");
        mAS.addConditionDefinition("ChangeMax", fmdChange, cType2, "10");

        //Notification object does not use the persistent store/wireless caching
        //Any create/update operation has to be committed with the save
 Sample for locating master alerts.
    try {
      MasterAlertService mas = new MasterAlertServiceImpl(6476);
    } catch (Exception pe) {
 Sample for adding mapping.
    MasterService service = s.lookupMasterService(245);
    MAlertServiceMapping map = mas.createMapping(service, "STOCKALERT_TRADINGSERVICE");
    AlertChainParamMeta chainParam = map.addChainParameter(mas.getInputParameters()[0], service.getInputArguments().getArgument("TICKER"))
    map.save(); //apply changes to the repository
    mas.save(); //perform an actual commit

Sample usage example for adding service subscriptions.

        Link link = s.lookupLink(245);
        ServiceAlertSubscription sub = mas.addUserAlertSubscription(user, link);
        ................. -> Other sets

See Also:
DataFeeder, FeedMetaData, ModelObject, LBCondition, ServiceAlertSubscription

Field Summary
static java.lang.String RELATION_AND
          Relation type AND between triggering conditions
static java.lang.String RELATION_OR
          Relation type OR between triggering conditions
static int TYPEID
          The typeid of the master alert object
static java.lang.String TYPENAME
          The typename of the master alert object


Method Summary
 AlertConditionMeta addConditionDefinition(java.lang.String name, FeedMetaData param, AlertConditionType type, java.lang.String defaultValue)
          Adds a new condition to this master alert service
 void addFilteringHookClassName(java.lang.String filteringHookClassName)
          Adds a filtering hook class name.
 ServiceAlertSubscription addUserAlertSubscription(User user, Link link)
          Add/Create a new subscription object for this master alert.
 MAlertServiceMapping createMapping(MasterService service, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a mapping object for this master alert and the given master service.
The returned MAlertServiceMapping can be used to fill in the details for this mapping.
 MAlertServiceMapping createTemplateMapping(MasterService masterService)
          Creates a mapping object for this master alert and the given master service with the default message template.
This call will perform all necessary operatins such as: filling in the master service URL argument with the built-in URL that will process this message and creating the parameter mapping.
 void delete()
          Deletes the master alert service This method call has to be followed by a save() call for committing the delete.
 void enableLocationBaseAlert(boolean enabled)
          Enables/Disables location base
 void enableTimeBaseAlert(boolean enabled)
          Enables/Disables time base
 AlertConditionMeta[] getConditionDefinitions()
          Returns the condition meta data
 java.lang.String getConditionRelationType()
          Returns the condition relation type
 DataFeeder getDataFeeder()
          Returns the data feeder object used by this master alert
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Returns the description of the master alert
 java.lang.String[] getFilteringHookClassNames()
          Returns filtering hook class names
 java.lang.String getFormattedXMLTemplate()
          Returns the formatted xml template
 long getId()
          Returns the Master Alert id
 AlertInputParamMeta[] getInputParameters()
          Returns the input parameter meta data
 MAlertServiceMapping getMapping(MasterService mService)
          Returns the first mapping object for the given master service
 MAlertServiceMapping[] getMappings()
          Returns all mapping objects for this master alert
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the master alert name
 AlertParameterMeta[] getParameters()
          Returns the merged input + output parameters meta data For mapping alert parameters to service parameters, this method can be used to get a merged list
 boolean getTimeBasedType()
          Returns the time based type
 ServiceAlertSubscription[] getUserAlertSubscriptions(User user, Link link)
          Returns all user alert subscriptions for the given user and link
 boolean isLocationBaseEnabled()
          Checks if location base is enabled
 boolean isTimeBaseEnabled()
          Checks if time base is enabled
 ServiceAlertSubscription lookupUserAlertSubscription(long subscriptionId)
          Lookup a subscription object
 void removeCondition(AlertConditionMeta condition)
          Removes the condition for the master alert
 void removeFilteringHookClassName(java.lang.String filteringHookClassName)
          Removes the filtering hook class name
 void removeMapping(MAlertServiceMapping mapping)
          Removes the specified mapping object for this master alert.
This method call has to be followed by a save() call for committing the removal.
 void removeUserAlertSubscription(ServiceAlertSubscription sub)
          Removes the specified subscription object for this master alert.
This method commits immediately! This commit is independent from MasterAlertService.save() and will not affect any other master alert transaction.
 void resumeAllUserAlertSubscriptions(User user, Link link)
          Resume all user alert subscriptions for the given user and link.
This method commits immediately! This commit is independent from MasterAlertService.save() and will not affect any other master alert transaction.
 void resumeUserAlertSubscription(ServiceAlertSubscription sub)
          Resumes this alert for the given subscription object
This method commits immediately! This commit is independent from MasterAlertService.save() and will not affect any other master alert transaction.
 void save()
          Commits the changes to the database.
 void setConditionRelationType(java.lang.String conditionType)
          Set the condition relation type.
 void setDescription(java.lang.String desc)
          Sets description for the Master Alert Service
Note that this description will be used as the notification message subject if relevant.
 void setFormattedXMLTemplate(java.lang.String simpleResultXml)
          Sets the formatted xml template for this master service.
 void setTimeBasedType(boolean strict)
          Set/Unset time based type to strictly time-based
Time-based notifications can be used in conjunction with value based predicates.
 void suspendAllUserAlertSubscriptions(User user, Link link)
          Suspends all user alert subscriptions for the given user and link.
This method commits immediately! This commit is independent from MasterAlertService.save() and will not affect any other master alert transaction.
 void suspendUserAlertSubscription(ServiceAlertSubscription sub)
          Suspends this alert for the given subscription object.
This method commits immediately! This commit is independent from MasterAlertService.save() and will not affect any other master alert transaction.


Methods inherited from interface oracle.panama.model.ModelObject
getCreatedDate, getLastModifiedDate, getTypeId, getTypeName, isSystem, setName, setSystem, undoAll


Methods inherited from interface oracle.panama.model.XMLObject
setXML, toXML


Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String TYPENAME
The typename of the master alert object
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TYPEID
The typeid of the master alert object
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String RELATION_AND
Relation type AND between triggering conditions
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String RELATION_OR
Relation type OR between triggering conditions
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public long getId()
Returns the Master Alert id
Specified by:
getId in interface ModelObject
long the id of the master alert


public java.lang.String getName()
Returns the master alert name
Specified by:
getName in interface ModelObject
String the name of the master alert service


public java.lang.String getFormattedXMLTemplate()
Returns the formatted xml template
String The formatted xml template against this master service


public void setFormattedXMLTemplate(java.lang.String simpleResultXml)
                             throws PanamaException
Sets the formatted xml template for this master service. Provided message template should be a valid Mobile XML document. If this master notification service is based on a data feeder, any data feeder input/output parameter can be used in the template using the notation of &<parameter name>;, which is similar to the XML entity notation.
Sample Message Template:
 <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
       <SimpleTitle>OracleAS Wireless</SimpleTitle>
       <SimpleTextItem>Sample Notification: price: &price; and change: &change; for stock: &sym;</SimpleTextItem>
simpleResultXml - the String contaning the formatted xml
PanamaException - Exception thrown when the specified template is not a valid mobile xml document and or any other error occurs


public java.lang.String[] getFilteringHookClassNames()
Returns filtering hook class names
String[] array of filtering hook class names


public void addFilteringHookClassName(java.lang.String filteringHookClassName)
                               throws PanamaException
Adds a filtering hook class name. This class should be in the classpath at runtime, and it has to implement the interface MobileAlertSubscriberFilter.
filteringHookClassName - the class name
PanamaException - exception thrown when addition failed
See Also:


public void removeFilteringHookClassName(java.lang.String filteringHookClassName)
                                  throws PanamaException
Removes the filtering hook class name
filteringHookClassName - the filtering hook class name
PanamaException - exception thrown when remove failed


public boolean isTimeBaseEnabled()
Checks if time base is enabled
boolean true if time base is enabled


public void enableTimeBaseAlert(boolean enabled)
                         throws PanamaException
Enables/Disables time base
enabled - set to true to enable, false to disable
PanamaException - Exception when enabling failed


public boolean isLocationBaseEnabled()
Checks if location base is enabled
boolean true if location base is enabled


public void enableLocationBaseAlert(boolean enabled)
                             throws PanamaException
Enables/Disables location base
enabled - set to true to enable, false to disable
PanamaException - Exception when enabling failed


public AlertInputParamMeta[] getInputParameters()
Returns the input parameter meta data
AlertInputParamMeta[] Array of input param meta data. Returns an empty error if this master alert service is not value based and/or there is no input parameter.


public AlertParameterMeta[] getParameters()
Returns the merged input + output parameters meta data For mapping alert parameters to service parameters, this method can be used to get a merged list
AlertInputParamMeta[] Array of input param meta data


public AlertConditionMeta[] getConditionDefinitions()
Returns the condition meta data
AlertConditionMeta[] Array of condition meta data


public AlertConditionMeta addConditionDefinition(java.lang.String name,
FeedMetaData param,
AlertConditionType type,
                                                 java.lang.String defaultValue)
                                          throws PanamaException
Adds a new condition to this master alert service
name - Name of the condition
param - FeedMetaData object for the parameter
type - AlertConditionType the alert condition type
defaultValue - String containing the default value
PaanamaException - the exception thrown when addition failed


public DataFeeder getDataFeeder()
Returns the data feeder object used by this master alert
DataFeeder the data feeder object. Returns null if this master alert service is not value based.


public void removeCondition(AlertConditionMeta condition)
                     throws PanamaException
Removes the condition for the master alert
condition - AlertConditionMeta condition object to remove
PanamaException - exception thrown when remove condition failed


public void setConditionRelationType(java.lang.String conditionType)
                              throws PanamaException
Set the condition relation type. Notifications can be defined to contain more than one condition, i.e. price is greater than 20 and/or change is less than 10%. For multiple conditions, it is possible to specify the relation type between these conditions. Relation can be either AND or OR. In this release, mix of relations is not supported
conditionType - condition type for this master alert. RELATION_AND and RELATION_OR are defined in this interface to specify valid condition types.
PanamaException - exception thrown when setting condition type fail


public java.lang.String getConditionRelationType()
                                          throws PanamaException
Returns the condition relation type
String condition type for this master alert
PanamaException - exception thrown when setting condition type fail


public void setTimeBasedType(boolean strict)
                      throws PanamaException
Set/Unset time based type to strictly time-based
Time-based notifications can be used in conjunction with value based predicates. For this case, notification messages can be sent when: either both time-based and data-based predicates are met, or at least one of them is met
Strictly time based notifications are sent only at the user-specified time.
strict - time based type (true for strictly time based)
PanamaException - exception thrown when setting time based type fail


public boolean getTimeBasedType()
                         throws PanamaException
Returns the time based type
boolean time based type (true for strictly time based)
PanamaException - exception thrown when getting time based type fail


public void save()
          throws PanamaException
Commits the changes to the database. Any create/update operation must be committed with this method. This method also performs a commit for the following objects used in this master alert service:
MAlertServiceMapping, AlertChainParamMeta, AlertInputParamMeta, AlertConditionMeta
Note that alert objects does not use the wireless caching/persistence framework
PanamaException - the exception when commit failed


public void delete()
Deletes the master alert service This method call has to be followed by a save() call for committing the delete.
Specified by:
delete in interface ModelObject


public void setDescription(java.lang.String desc)
Sets description for the Master Alert Service
Note that this description will be used as the notification message subject if relevant.
desc - The description


public java.lang.String getDescription()
Returns the description of the master alert
String The description associated with the master alert


public ServiceAlertSubscription[] getUserAlertSubscriptions(User user,
Link link)
Returns all user alert subscriptions for the given user and link
user - the User object
link - the Link object
ServiceAlertSubscription[] Array of subscription objects


public void suspendAllUserAlertSubscriptions(User user,
Link link)
                                      throws PanamaException
Suspends all user alert subscriptions for the given user and link.
This method commits immediately! This commit is independent from MasterAlertService.save() and will not affect any other master alert transaction.
user - the User object
link - the Link object


public void resumeAllUserAlertSubscriptions(User user,
Link link)
                                     throws PanamaException
Resume all user alert subscriptions for the given user and link.
This method commits immediately! This commit is independent from MasterAlertService.save() and will not affect any other master alert transaction.
user - the User object
link - the Link object


public ServiceAlertSubscription addUserAlertSubscription(User user,
Link link)
                                                  throws PanamaException
Add/Create a new subscription object for this master alert. The returned ServiceAlertSubscription object can be used to fill in subscription details.
user - User object
link - Link object
PanamaException - the exception when this operation fails
See Also:


public void removeUserAlertSubscription(ServiceAlertSubscription sub)
                                 throws PanamaException
Removes the specified subscription object for this master alert.
This method commits immediately! This commit is independent from MasterAlertService.save() and will not affect any other master alert transaction.
sub - the ServiceAlertSubscription object
PanamaException - the exception when this operation fails


public void suspendUserAlertSubscription(ServiceAlertSubscription sub)
                                  throws PanamaException
Suspends this alert for the given subscription object.
This method commits immediately! This commit is independent from MasterAlertService.save() and will not affect any other master alert transaction.
sub - the ServiceAlertSubscription object
PanamaException - the exception when this operation fails


public void resumeUserAlertSubscription(ServiceAlertSubscription sub)
                                 throws PanamaException
Resumes this alert for the given subscription object
This method commits immediately! This commit is independent from MasterAlertService.save() and will not affect any other master alert transaction.
sub - the ServiceAlertSubscription object
PanamaException - the exception when this operation fails


public ServiceAlertSubscription lookupUserAlertSubscription(long subscriptionId)
                                                     throws PanamaException
Lookup a subscription object
ServiceAlertSubscription object
PanamaException - the exception if the ServiceAlertSubscription can not be found.


public MAlertServiceMapping createMapping(MasterService service,
                                          java.lang.String name)
                                   throws PanamaException
Creates a mapping object for this master alert and the given master service.
The returned MAlertServiceMapping can be used to fill in the details for this mapping.
service - MasterService object that this mapping is created for
MAlertServiceMapping created mapping object
PanamaException - the exception if the MAlertServiceMapping can not be created.
See Also:


public void removeMapping(MAlertServiceMapping mapping)
                   throws PanamaException
Removes the specified mapping object for this master alert.
This method call has to be followed by a save() call for committing the removal.
PanamaException - the exception if the MAlertServiceMapping can not be removed.


public MAlertServiceMapping createTemplateMapping(MasterService masterService)
                                           throws PanamaException
Creates a mapping object for this master alert and the given master service with the default message template.
This call will perform all necessary operatins such as: filling in the master service URL argument with the built-in URL that will process this message and creating the parameter mapping.
PanamaException - the exception if the MAlertServiceMapping can not be created.


public MAlertServiceMapping[] getMappings()
Returns all mapping objects for this master alert
MAlertServiceMapping[] Array of all available mapping objects.


public MAlertServiceMapping getMapping(MasterService mService)
Returns the first mapping object for the given master service
MAlertServiceMapping Mapping object

Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference

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