Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference

Package oracle.panama.model

Interface Summary
AccessPoint A AccessPoint is the brand specific address/domain address.
Adapter The Adapter is the container for the RuntimeAdapter.
Alert A Job is a service to be automatically executed (time interval specification).
AlertAddress An AlertAddress is the device specific address like a phone or an email address.
AsyncService The AsyncService is an "abstract" interface and handles all generic aspects of an async service.
Community A Community is a collection of users.
DataType Presentation of supported PTG internal database data Types
DeliveryService The DeliveryService is the service which enables a Delivery of a Downloadable object.
Device A Device is the definition of the target logical device protocol.
DeviceAddress A DeviceAddress is the device specific address like a phone or e-mail address.
ExternalLink An ExternalLink is a reference to an external URL.
Folder A Folder is just like a directory in a file system and contains other services including other sub-folders.
ForbiddenUser This class represents a user that is not allowed to see a mobile position in a specific service, alert, or the whole system.
Group A group is just a collection of users, and is used to publish specific services to the group members.
JavaTransformer A Java transformer is a class that implements the Transform interface and expects to handle the transformation from the Panama DTD to the device specific ML.
Link A Link is a pointer to any other service "including" another Link.
LocalModule A LocalModule is a pointer to a "modulable" local MasterService.
Location Location is a representation of an address with its coordinates (longitude and latitude).
LocationMark LocationMark is a named storage for an address.
LocationPrivacyAuth The LocationPrivacyAuth interface provides several getter methods to retrieve information specific to a location authorization item, such as the authorization period, the service where the authorization happens, the user who grants the right and the right recipient.
MasterService The MasterService is the "final" Service, and the template for all other Services.
ModelFactory The model factory.
ModelObject ModelObject is the base interface to manage all "generic" aspects of a persistent object.
ModelServices The model services.
Module A Module is a pointer to a "modulable" service with well known name called "virtual" URL.
OrderBy Use the OrderBy constants to specify the order in which the objects should sorted in ResultSetEnumeration.
PresetDescriptor A PresetDescriptor is created by the PresetCategory.
Presets Presets are created by the factory methods in the PresetCategory or User objects.
ProvisioningProtocol A Provisioning Protocol is the protocol that j2me device or any device which supports "over the air provisioning" uses to allow provisioning on it.
ResultSetEnumeration This is a "cursor" based Enumeration.
Role A role is just a collection of users, and is used to publish specific services to the group members.
Service The Service is an "abstract" interface and handles all generic aspects of a service.
ServiceAccessPoint A Service Level access point allows access to only one service through the access point.
ServiceCategory A Service Category is a collection of Services.
ServiceCategoryAccessPoint A Service Category access point allows access to a set of services through the access point.
Transformer The transfomer is the abstract base interface for all transformation sub-classes.
User A user is the identity of the current user.
UserDevice Interface for UserDevice.
UserDownloadStatus The User download status is an audit interface which is recorded when a particular j2me content is requested for download it encapsulates the user, deliverable content, deliverable application, device information, time stamp and the donwload statuses Caution: All setters be invoked only by the ProvisioningManager or the Download servlet
UserLocationDisclosure This class represents the setting of whether a user disclose his/her location to a given domain in general.
XSLTransformer A XSL transformer is a stylesheet which is expected to handle the transformation from the internal DTD to the device specific ML.


Class Summary
AuthLevel Enumeration class of Authentication Levels
DeliverableContentStatus Enumeration of DeliverableContentStatus used by OracleAS Wireless
DeliveryType Enumeration class of Delivery Types.
DeviceCategory Enumeration of Display Size types
Gender Enumeration class
MarkupLanguage Enumeration class of Markup Languages supported by OracleAS Wireless
MetaLocator The locator is used to lookup factories.
RendererSelection The Supported Folder Renderer Selection.
SortRule The Supported Folder Sorting Rules.
UserType Enumeration class of User Types
VideoMode Enumeration class of Video Mode


Exception Summary


Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference

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