public static final java.lang.String CERT_TYPE_CLIENT
Contains value client. Used to check the type of a certificate. If the certificate type equals, CERT_TYPE_CLIENT, then the policy processer is processing a request related to client certificate / certificate request.
public static final java.lang.String CERT_TYPE_SERVER
Contains value server. Used to check the type of a certificate. If the certificate type equals, CERT_TYPE_SERVER, then the policy processer is processing a request related to server certificate / certificate request.
Contains value ca. Used to check the type of a certificate. If the certificate type equals, CERT_TYPE_CA, then the policy processer is processing a request related to SubCA certificate / certificate request.
public static final java.lang.String CERT_USAGE_SSL
Contains value ssl. Possible value of the usage of the certificate / certificate request being processed by the policy processor. OCAPolicyRequest.getCertUsage() returns this value if the current request being processed is for a SSL certificate.
public static final java.lang.String CERT_USAGE_SMIME_ENC
Contains value smime_enc. Possible value of the usage of the certificate / certificate request being processed by the policy processor. OCAPolicyRequest.getCertUsage() returns this value if the current request being processed is for a SMIME encryption certificate.
public static final java.lang.String CERT_USAGE_SMIME_SIGN
Contains value smime_sign. Possible value of the usage of the certificate / certificate request being processed by the policy processor. OCAPolicyRequest.getCertUsage() returns this value if the current request being processed is for a SMIME signing certificate.
public static final java.lang.String CERT_USAGE_CODE_SIGN
Contains value code_sign. Possible value of the usage of the certificate / certificate request being processed by the policy processor. OCAPolicyRequest.getCertUsage() returns this value if the current request being processed is for a code signing certificate.
public static final java.lang.String CERT_USAGE_CA_SIGN
Contains value ca_sign. Possible value of the usage of the certificate / certificate request being processed by the policy processor. OCAPolicyRequest.getCertUsage() returns this value if the current request being processed is for a SubCA certificate.
public static final java.lang.String CERT_OP_ENROLLMENT
Contains value enrollment. This is one of the type of CA operations for which policies can be applied. OCAPolicyRequest.getRequestOperation() returns this if the current request is for issuance of a certificate.
public static final java.lang.String CERT_OP_REVOCATION
Contains value revoke. This is one of the type of CA operations for which policies can be applied. OCAPolicyRequest.getRequestOperation() returns this if the current request is for revocation of a certificate.
public static final java.lang.String CERT_OP_RENEWAL
Contains value renewal. This is one of the type of CA operations for which policies can be applied. OCAPolicyRequest.getRequestOperation() returns this if the current request is for renewal of a certificate.
public static final java.lang.String AUTH_TYPE_MANUAL
Contains auth type value MANUAL. This is one of the authentication mechanisms supported by OCA. OCAPolicyRequest.getAuthType() returns this value if the authentcation mechanism used is Manual Authentication.
public static final java.lang.String AUTH_TYPE_SSL
Contains auth type value SSL. This is one of the authentication mechanisms supported by OCA. OCAPolicyRequest.getAuthType() returns this value if the authentcation mechanism used is SSL Authentication.
public static final java.lang.String AUTH_TYPE_SSO
Contains auth type value SSO. This is one of the authentication mechanisms supported by OCA. OCAPolicyRequest.getAuthType() returns this value if the authentcation mechanism used is SSO Authentication.