Oracle interMedia Java Classes for Servlets and JSP API Reference
10g Release 1 (10.1)

Part No. B12249-01

Oracle interMedia Java Classes for Servlets and JSP API Reference

Oracle interMedia Java Classes for Servlets and JSPs facilitate the retrieval and uploading of multimedia data from and to an Oracle8i database.


Oracle interMedia Java Classes for Servlets and JSPs facilitate the retrieval and uploading of multimedia data from and to an Oracle8i database.

OrdHttpResponseHandler Retrieves multimedia data from a database and delivers it to a browser from a Java Servlet.
OrdHttpJspResponseHandler Retrieves multimedia data from a database and delivers it to a browser from a JavaServer Page.
OrdHttpUploadFormData Provides access to form-data parameters and files for form-based file uploading using HTML forms.
OrdHttpUploadFile Provides access to the contents of uploaded files and optionally loads the contents into a database.
OrdMultipartFilter Filters the servlet request to parse the multipart/form-data encoded data.
OrdMultipartWrapper Wraps the servlet request to provides transparent access to form-data parameters and files for form-based file uploading using HTML forms.

The OrdHttpResponseHandler class facilitates the retrieval of multimedia data from an Oracle8i database and its delivery to a browser or other HTTP client from a Java Servlet. The OrdHttpJspResponseHandler class provides the same features for JavaServer Pages.

Form-based file uploading using HTML forms encodes form data and uploaded files in POST requests using the multipart/form-data format. The OrdHttpUploadFormData class facilitates the processing of such requests by parsing the POST data and making the contents of regular form fields and the contents of uploaded files readily accessible to a Java Servlet or JavaServer Page. Under Java Servlet API version 2.3, OrdMultipartFilter class and OrdMultipartWrapper class work together to provide transparent access to the form-data parameters and uploaded files from the servlet request object. The handling of uploaded files is facilitated by the OrdHttpUploadFile class, which provides an easy-to-use API that applications call to load image, audio, and video data into a database.

Oracle interMedia Java Classes for Servlets and JSP API Reference
10g Release 1 (10.1)

Part No. B12249-01

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