Chart Builder API (beta)
Class AxisChart

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer,
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class AxisChart
extends Legend

AxisCharts are charts with axes. They include line, area, bar, and stock charts.

Overview of AxisCharts

Most charts have their graphics oriented vertically, such as vertical bars. Chart Builder supports many vertical charts, and a limited number of horizontal charts (it supports only horizontal bar charts).

When loading data into vertically oriented charts, certain conventions have been established related to the order of loading series into the chart:

The X-axis values, provided as a parameter to setXSeries(), may be either an array of String or an array of java.util.Date. (Note that setXSeries() also accepts arrays of java.sql.Timestamp, because java.sql.Timestamp is a subclass of java.util.Date). When arrays of java.util.Date are provided to setXSeries(), Chart Builder will label the X-axis automatically. If strings are provided, the X-axis will be labeled with those strings.

For vertically oriented charts, the Y-axis values are provided as an array of double to setYSeries().

The following example shows how to define a vertically oriented chart:

// Constructor Function. 
AxisChart AxisCh = new AxisChart(); 
// Load the timestamps 
java.sql.Date AnnualTimestamps[] =
// Load the population series associated with the timestamps. 
// The series is named "uspopulation" 

// Population (in thousands) associated with timestamps.
double Population[] = {246224, 248659, 251373};

AxisCh.setYSeries("seriesname", Population); 

Note that setXSeries() expects timestamps ascending and non-null.

Horizontally oriented bar charts are also supported. Invoking the following method will result in a horizontally oriented bar chart:

A horizontal bar chart has the following properties: The following example creates a horizontal bar chart for export data. The vertical axis is labeled with the strings "Mexico", "Japan", "France". The horizontal axis is labeled with the numerical values.
AxisChart HorizontalAxisCh = new AxisChart();
// Set the chart's orientation to be HORIZONTAL
// Load the x axis with an array of labels 
String USExportsLabels[] = {"Mexico", "Japan", "France"};
// Load the population series associated with the timestamps.
// The series is named "usexports" 
double USExports[] = {8579.0, 5146.0, 1926.0 };
HorizontalAxisCh.setYSeries("usexports", USExports); 
// Set the chart type to be BAR
AxisCh.setSeriesGraphType("seriesName", AxisChart.BAR); 

The following description applies to both vertical and horizontal charts, but the examples assume a vertically oriented chart.

Multiple series can be displayed in a single chart. This is accomplished with multiple calls to setYSeries(). For example, if one had two different series sharing the same timestamps but having different Y-axis values, they could be loaded into the chart as follows:

AxisCh.setYSeries("seriesname1", YValueArray);
AxisCh.setYSeries("seriesname2", YValueArray2);

Note that the first series has name seriesname1 while the second has name seriesname2. Also note that the internals of the chart package renders series in the order that they are requested. In this case, seriesname1 will be draw first, and seriesname2 is drawn second.

The series name can be subsequently used as an identifier when modifying series attributes. For example, the color of the series may be altered as follows:


The line type of each series can be specified independently. For example, one series could be displayed with a line and another with an area. The package provides two different approaches to selecting the line type. With the first approach, setSeriesGraphType() is invoked with the named series as the first parameter and the type of line as the next parameter. For example, to change seriesname1 to an area chart, one could call the following:

setSeriesGraphType("seriesname1", AxisChart.AREA);

This approach is applicable to LINE, AREA, BAR, and BAR_STACKED line types.

The second approach offers more control over the style parameters associated with a particular line type. For example, to change seriesname1 to an area chart, where the area is filled with grey, one could call the following:

AreaDesc AreaD = AreaDesc();
setSeriesGraphic("seriesname", AreaD)

Stock charts are constructed from three or more series. Specifically, the High-Low-Close chart requires the high, low, and close values for each timestamp, while the Open-High-Low-Close and the Candlestick chart require the open, high, low, and close values for each timestamp. For these reasons, the interfaces for loading stock chart values accept either three or four arrays of Y-axis values.

Displaying Multiple Series having Different Timestamps.

In some situations, users wish to display series that do not all share the same timestamps. Two interfaces are provided, depending on whether or not the time series can be mapped sequentially to the time axis.

Also note that timestamp arrays can be generated based on a frequency parameter and a start and end date.


Subcharts enable multiple charts to be stacked vertically. For example, it is possible to display prices in the top subchart, and volume in the bottom subchart. The setSubchart() method adds a new subchart; subsequent calls to setYSeries() will add the series to the new subchart. By default, the height of all vertically stacked charts will be equal. The height of any subchart can be altered with setSubchartHeightFraction().

Loading Annotations

Annotations (text that is associated with a time series) is loaded with the setSeriesAnnotations() method. Typically, only a few annotations are associated with the (x,y) coordinates of a series.

Axis and Grid Attributes

Axis and grid attributes can be modified through the use of the applicable descriptors, such as AxisDesc, NumAxisDesc, and GridDesc. These descriptors are parameters to the setChartAttributes() method.

For example, to change the minimum extent of the Y-axis, modify the attributes as follows:

NumAxisDesc yAxisD = new NumAxisDesc();

The AxisChart class also provides methods for setting colors of the plot area. The plot area is the rectangular region where the graph types, such as lines or bars, representing the data are drawn. This area does not include the title bar, footnote area, or X-axis or Y-axis labeling area. The methods are:

See Also:
setXSeries(int frequency, Date startDate, Date endDate), Serialized Form

Inner classes inherited from class
Inner classes inherited from class
Field Summary
static int AREA
          Area chart identifier.
static int BAR
          Bar chart identifier.
          Deprecated. As of 11.11.2000. Please use BAR in conjunction with setChartOrientation(AxisChart.HORIZONTAL.
static int BAR_STACKED
          Stacked bar chart identifier.
static int CANDLESTICK
          Candlestick chart identifier.
static int HILOCLOSE
          High-low-close chart identifier.
static int HORIZONTAL
          Orientation constant
static int LINE
          Line chart identifier.
          Open-high-low-close chart identifier.
static int VERTICAL
          Orientation constant
static int XAXIS
          Constant identifying the X-axis.
static int XYAXIS
          Constant identifying both the X and Y-axis.
static int YAXIS
          Constant identifying the Y-axis.
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class java.awt.Component
Fields inherited from interface java.awt.image.ImageObserver
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void drawBuffer(java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
          Render the chart into the buffered image associated with g2.
 AnnotationDesc getAnnotationDesc()
          Return an instance of the AnnotationDesc class.
 java.awt.Color getForeground()
          Get the foreground color.
 GridDesc getGridDesc(int XorYAxis)
          Return the grid descriptor for the X-axis or for the Y-axis of the top-level chart.
 GridDesc getGridDesc(java.lang.String subchartName)
          Return the grid descriptor the Y-axis of the named subchart.
 char[] getImageMapCS()
          Return the server-side image map for the chart.
 char[] getImageMapSS()
          Return the server-side image map for the chart.
 java.awt.Color getPlotBackground()
          Get the color of the plot background.
 java.awt.Color getPlotEdgeColor()
          Get the color of the inner border of the chart.
 java.awt.RenderingHints getRenderingHintsLine()
          Return the rendering hints used for chart graphics.
 java.awt.Color getSeriesColor(java.lang.String seriesName)
          Get the color of the named series.
 java.awt.Color getSubChartBoundaryColor()
          Get the color of the inner border of the chart.
 void paint(java.awt.Graphics g)
 void setBounds(int x, int y, int w, int h)
          Move and resize the component.
 void setBounds(java.awt.Rectangle rect)
          Move and resize the component.
 void setCandlestickSeries(java.lang.String seriesName, double[] yopen, double[] yhigh, double[] ylow, double[] yclose)
          Load Y-axis values for a Candlestick chart.
 void setCandlestickSeries(java.lang.String seriesName, double[] yopen, double[] yhigh, double[] ylow, double[] yclose, java.util.Date startDate)
          Load Y-axis values for a Candlestick chart, with an explicit startDate.
 void setChartAttributes(int XYAxis, AxisDesc userAxis)
          Set the attributes for the X and/or Y-axis.
 void setChartAttributes(int XYAxis, GridDesc userGrid)
          Set the attributes for the X grid and/or Y grid.
 void setChartAttributes(NumAxisDesc userNumAxis)
          Set the attributes for the Y-axis.
 void setChartAttributes(java.lang.String subchartName, GridDesc userGrid)
          Set the attributes of the Y Grid for the named subchart.
 void setChartAttributes(java.lang.String subchartName, NumAxisDesc userNumAxis)
          Set the attributes of a numerical Y-axis.
 void setChartAttributes(TimeAxisDesc userTimeAxis)
          Set the attributes for the Y-axis.
 void setChartBottomWhiteSpace(double fract)
          Set the amount of white space on the bottom of the chart.
 void setChartOrientation(int orientation)
          Set the orientation of the chart (to HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL).
 void setChartTopWhiteSpace(double fract)
          Set the amount of white space on the top of the chart.
 void setEnableImageMapCS(ImageMapDesc desc)
          Enable the client-side image map.
 void setEnableImageMapSS(ImageMapDesc desc)
          Enable the server-side image map.
 void setEnableSubChartImageMapCS(java.lang.String subchartName, ImageMapDesc desc)
          Enable the client-side image map for the named subchart.
 void setEnableSubChartImageMapSS(java.lang.String subchartName, ImageMapDesc desc)
          Enable the server-side image map for the named subchart.
 void setForeground(java.awt.Color c)
          Set the foreground color.
 void setHiLoCloseSeries(java.lang.String seriesName, double[] yhigh, double[] ylow, double[] yclose)
          Load Y-axis values for a High/Low/Close chart.
 void setHiLoCloseSeries(java.lang.String seriesName, double[] yhigh, double[] ylow, double[] yclose, java.util.Date startDate)
          Load Y-axis values for a High/Low/Close chart, with an explicit startDate.
 void setOpenHiLoCloseSeries(java.lang.String seriesName, double[] yopen, double[] yhigh, double[] ylow, double[] yclose)
          Load Y-axis values for a Open/High/Low/Close chart (double).
 void setOpenHiLoCloseSeries(java.lang.String seriesName, double[] yopen, double[] yhigh, double[] ylow, double[] yclose, java.util.Date startDate)
          Load Y-axis values for a Open/High/Low/Close chart (double), with an explicit startDate.
 void setPlotBackground(java.awt.Color c)
          Set the color of the plot background.
 void setPlotEdgeColor(java.awt.Color c)
          Set the color of the inner border of the chart.
 void setRenderingHintsLine(java.awt.RenderingHints hints)
          Set the rendering hints for drawing specific graphic operations -- lines and area charts.
 void setSeriesAnnotations(java.util.Date[] tstamps, java.lang.String[] yannotations)
          Load an array of annotations into the chart.
 void setSeriesColor(java.lang.String seriesName, java.awt.Color c)
          Set the color of the named series.
 void setSeriesDwellLabels(java.lang.String seriesName)
          Assign the dwell labels to the associated observations.
 void setSeriesDwellLabels(java.lang.String seriesName, java.lang.String[] dwellLabels)
          Set the dwell labels to user-defined strings.
 void setSeriesGraphic(java.lang.String seriesName, AreaDesc desc)
          Set the properties of the AREA graphic associated with the named series.
 void setSeriesGraphic(java.lang.String seriesName, BarDesc desc)
          Set the properties of the BAR graphic associated with the named series.
 void setSeriesGraphic(java.lang.String seriesName, CandlestickDesc desc)
          Set the properties of the CANDLESTICK graphic associated with the named series.
 void setSeriesGraphic(java.lang.String seriesName, HiLoCloseDesc desc)
          Set the properties of the HILOCLOSE or OPENHILOCLOSE graphic associated with the named series.
 void setSeriesGraphic(java.lang.String seriesName, LineDesc desc)
          Set the properties of the LINE graphic associated with the named series.
 void setSeriesGraphType(java.lang.String seriesName, int lineType)
          Set the graph type of the named series.
 void setSeriesWidth(java.lang.String seriesName, int k)
          Set thickness (in pixels) of named line.
 void setSize(java.awt.Dimension d)
          Set the dimensions of the chart.
 void setSize(int width, int height)
          Set the dimensions of the chart.
 void setSubChart(java.lang.String subchartName)
          Add the named subchart if it does not exist, otherwise set the current subchart to the named subchart.
 void setSubChartBoundaryColor(java.awt.Color c)
          Set the color of the subchart boundary.
 void setSubChartHeightFraction(java.lang.String subchartName, double fract)
          Set the height of the named subchart, as a fraction of the entire chart's height.
 void setSubChartSeparatorHeight(int height)
          Set the height (in pixels) of the space separating all subcharts.
 void setUserXLabel(DateString[] dateString)
          Define the X-axis labels.
 void setXSeries(java.util.Date[] tstamps)
          Load an array of timestamps into the chart.
 void setXSeries(java.util.Date[] tstamps, int length)
          Load an array of timestamps into the chart.
 void setXSeries(int frequency, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Set the X-axis timestamps to the specified frequency, with timestamps between startDate and endDate.
 void setXSeries(int frequency, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate, int units)
          Set the X-axis timestamps to the specified frequency, with timestamps between startDate and endDate.
 void setXSeries(java.lang.String[] labels)
          Load an array of X-axis labels into the chart.
 void setYAxisLabelsOff()
          Disable labeling of the Y-axis.
 void setYAxisLabelsOff(java.lang.String subchartName)
          Disable labeling of the Y-axis for the named subchart.
 void setYSeries(java.lang.String seriesName, double[] yvalues)
          Load an array of Y-axis values into the chart.
 void setYSeries(java.lang.String seriesName, double[] yvalues, java.util.Date startDate)
          Load an array of Y-axis values into the chart.
 void setYSeries(java.lang.String seriesName, double[] yvalues, java.util.Date startDate, int length)
          Load an array of Y-axis values into the chart.
 void setYSeries(java.lang.String seriesName, double[] yvalues, int length)
          Load an array of Y-axis values into the chart.
 void setYSeriesAxis2(java.lang.String seriesName)
          Assign the series seriesName to the second axis.
 void setYSeriesSparse(java.lang.String seriesName, java.util.Date[] tstamps, double[] yvalues)
           Load a sparse array of Y-axis values at the specified user-defined timestamps.
Methods inherited from class
getLegendAlignment, getLegendBackground, getLegendDisable, getLegendDisplaySingleSeries, getLegendEdgeColor, getLegendEdgeDisable, getLegendForeground, getLegendInside, setLegendAlignment, setLegendBackground, setLegendDisable, setLegendDisplaySingleSeries, setLegendEdgeColor, setLegendEdgeDisable, setLegendFont, setLegendForeground, setLegendInside, setLegendOffsetX, setLegendOffsetY
Methods inherited from class
getBackground, getBorderBottom, getBorderLeft, getBorderRight, getBorderTop, getEdgeColor, getFootnote, getHeight, getMinimumSize, getPreferredSize, getRenderingHintsChart, getSize, getSubtitle, getTitle, getVersion, getWidth, isSetRenderingHintsChart, setBackground, setBorderBottom, setBorderLeft, setBorderRight, setBorderTop, setEdgeColor, setRenderingHintsChart, setTitlesForeground
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Component
action, add, addComponentListener, addFocusListener, addHierarchyBoundsListener, addHierarchyListener, addInputMethodListener, addKeyListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, addNotify, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, bounds, checkImage, checkImage, contains, contains, createImage, createImage, deliverEvent, disable, dispatchEvent, doLayout, enable, enable, enableInputMethods, getAccessibleContext, getAlignmentX, getAlignmentY, getBounds, getBounds, getColorModel, getComponentAt, getComponentAt, getComponentOrientation, getCursor, getDropTarget, getFont, getFontMetrics, getGraphics, getGraphicsConfiguration, getInputContext, getInputMethodRequests, getListeners, getLocale, getLocation, getLocation, getLocationOnScreen, getMaximumSize, getName, getParent, getPeer, getSize, getToolkit, getTreeLock, getX, getY, gotFocus, handleEvent, hasFocus, hide, imageUpdate, inside, invalidate, isDisplayable, isDoubleBuffered, isEnabled, isFocusTraversable, isLightweight, isOpaque, isShowing, isValid, isVisible, keyDown, keyUp, layout, list, list, list, list, list, locate, location, lostFocus, minimumSize, mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseEnter, mouseExit, mouseMove, mouseUp, move, nextFocus, paintAll, postEvent, preferredSize, prepareImage, prepareImage, print, printAll, remove, removeComponentListener, removeFocusListener, removeHierarchyBoundsListener, removeHierarchyListener, removeInputMethodListener, removeKeyListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMotionListener, removeNotify, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, repaint, repaint, repaint, repaint, requestFocus, reshape, resize, resize, setComponentOrientation, setCursor, setDropTarget, setEnabled, setFont, setLocale, setLocation, setLocation, setName, setVisible, show, show, size, toString, transferFocus, update, validate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int XAXIS
Constant identifying the X-axis. Supplied as a parameter to setChartAttributes.
See Also:
setChartAttributes(int XYAxis, AxisDesc userAxis)


public static final int YAXIS
Constant identifying the Y-axis. Supplied as a parameter to setChartAttributes.
See Also:
setChartAttributes(int XYAxis, AxisDesc userAxis)


public static final int XYAXIS
Constant identifying both the X and Y-axis. Supplied as a parameter to setChartAttributes.
See Also:
setChartAttributes(int XYAxis, AxisDesc userAxis)


public static final int LINE
Line chart identifier.


public static final int AREA
Area chart identifier.


public static final int BAR
Bar chart identifier.


public static final int BAR_STACKED
Stacked bar chart identifier.


public static final int BAR_HORIZONTAL
Deprecated. As of 11.11.2000. Please use BAR in conjunction with setChartOrientation(AxisChart.HORIZONTAL.

Horizontal bar chart identifier.


public static final int HILOCLOSE
High-low-close chart identifier.


public static final int OPENHILOCLOSE
Open-high-low-close chart identifier.


public static final int CANDLESTICK
Candlestick chart identifier.


public static final int HORIZONTAL
Orientation constant


public static final int VERTICAL
Orientation constant
Constructor Detail


public AxisChart()
Method Detail


public void setChartOrientation(int orientation)
                         throws ChartException
Set the orientation of the chart (to HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL). The default is VERTICAL. Note that, in the current release, only BAR charts may have HORIZONTAL orientation. For example:
 AxisChart AxisCh = new AxisChart();
 AxisCh.setYSeries("seriesName", ...); 
 AxisCh.setSeriesGraphType("seriesName", AxisChart.BAR); 
Note that when orientation is AxisChart.HORIZONTAL, this method also sets the default legend placement to Legend.SOUTH.
ChartException - on invalid orientation.


public void setSeriesDwellLabels(java.lang.String seriesName,
                                 java.lang.String[] dwellLabels)
                          throws ChartException
Set the dwell labels to user-defined strings. Dwell labels are placed on the top of the bars of a bar chart.
seriesName - Name of series.
dwellLabel[] - An array containing dwell label for each observation.
ChartException - on invalid seriesName.
ChartException - if setXSeries() was not previously invoked.


public void setSeriesDwellLabels(java.lang.String seriesName)
                          throws ChartException
Assign the dwell labels to the associated observations. Dwell labels are placed on the top of the bars of a bar chart.
seriesName - Name of series.
ChartException - on invalid seriesName.


public void setXSeries(java.lang.String[] labels)
                throws ChartException
Load an array of X-axis labels into the chart. This call is used when the X-axis is a list of names.
labels[] - Array of Strings.
ChartException - if labels[] are null or empty.
ChartException - if setXSeries() was previously invoked.


public void setXSeries(int frequency,
                       java.util.Date startDate,
                       java.util.Date endDate)
                throws ChartException
Set the X-axis timestamps to the specified frequency, with timestamps between startDate and endDate. Timestamps are defined along the X-axis based on the given frequency, starting at startDate and ending at endDate.

For example, if the user provides a frequency of Calendar.MONTH, a start date of 2000-JAN-01, and an end date of 2001-JAN-01, the X-axis will be populated with 12 timestamps, 2000-JAN-01, 2000-FEB-01, ... 2000-DEC-01.

frequency - The frequency of the timestamps. Valid values are: Calendar.YEAR, Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, Calendar.HOUR, Calendar.MINUTE, and Calendar.SECOND.
startDate - Date of the first timestamp.
endDate - Date of the last timestamp.
ChartException - on invalid frequency.
ChartException - if endDate is not later than startDate .
ChartException - if setXSeries() was previously invoked.


public void setXSeries(int frequency,
                       java.util.Date startDate,
                       java.util.Date endDate,
                       int units)
                throws ChartException
Set the X-axis timestamps to the specified frequency, with timestamps between startDate and endDate. Timestamps are defined along the X-axis based on the given frequency, starting at startDate and ending at endDate. Each timestamp is units apart. For example, if Calendar.MINUTES and a unit of 15 are specified, timestamps will be generated every 15 minutes.

For example, if the user provides a frequency of Calendar.MONTH, a startDate of 2000-JAN-01, and an endDate of 2001-JAN-01, and units of 3, the X-axis will be populated with 4 timestamps: 2000-JAN-01, 2000-APR-01, 2000-JUL-01 and 2000-OCT-01.

frequency - The frequency of the timestamps. Valid values are Calendar.YEAR, Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, Calendar.HOUR, Calendar.MINUTE, or Calendar.SECOND.
startDate - Date of the first timestamp.
endDate - Date of the last timestamp.
units - Number of units, such as years, or months, between timestamps.
ChartException - on invalid frequency.
ChartException - if units are less than or equal to zero.
ChartException - if endDate is not later than startDate .
ChartException - if setXSeries() was previously invoked.


public void setXSeries(java.util.Date[] tstamps)
                throws ChartException
Load an array of timestamps into the chart. The timestamps represent the chart's X-axis.
tstamps[] - Array of timestamps.
ChartException - if tstamps[] is null or empty.
ChartException - if tstamps[] are non-ascending.
ChartException - if setXSeries() was previously invoked.


public void setXSeries(java.util.Date[] tstamps,
                       int length)
                throws ChartException
Load an array of timestamps into the chart. The timestamps represent the chart's X-axis.
tstamps[] - Array of timestamps.
length - Length of array. Length is provided to allow the use of the first k elements in the Array of timestamps.
ChartException - if tstamps[] is null or empty.
ChartException - if tstamps[] are non-ascending.
ChartException - if setXSeries() was previously invoked.


public void setUserXLabel(DateString[] dateString)
                   throws ChartException
Define the X-axis labels. This method allows the definition of user-defined X-axis labels that are associated with dates. The user supplies an array of Date/String pairs (dateString[]). Dates must be ascending and must be a subset of the dates defined in setXSeries().
dateString[] - Array of DateString.
ChartException - if the supplied dates are non-ascending.
ChartException - if dateString[] is null or empty.
See Also:


public AnnotationDesc getAnnotationDesc()
Return an instance of the AnnotationDesc class.
See Also:
setSeriesAnnotations(java.util.Date[], String[])


public void setSeriesAnnotations(java.util.Date[] tstamps,
                                 java.lang.String[] yannotations)
                          throws ChartException
Load an array of annotations into the chart. Annotations are character strings that highlight or describe specific points of a series. Annotations are drawn inside a bounding rectangle, with a connector drawn between the rectangle and the series coordinate.

Each annotation is associated with a specific timestamp of the series. The annotation text is drawn using the color of the X-axis labels. By default, the background color of the annotation is identical to the chart background color. The font, background color, and foreground color of the annotation can be altered by using getAnnotationDesc().

tstamps[] - Array of timestamps associated with annotations.
yannotations[] - String array of annotations.
ChartException - if tstamps[] is null or empty.
ChartException - if tstamps[] are non-ascending.
ChartException - if the length of tstamps and yannotations are not equal.
See Also:
getAnnotationDesc(), AnnotationDesc


public void setYSeries(java.lang.String seriesName,
                       double[] yvalues)
                throws ChartException
Load an array of Y-axis values into the chart. setXSeries() must be called before setYSeries(). A ChartException will be thrown by drawBuffer() if setYSeries() is called prior to setXSeries().
seriesName - Name of series.
yvalues[] - Double array of Y-axis values.
ChartException - if yvalues() are null.
ChartException - if seriesName has been previously defined.


public void setYSeries(java.lang.String seriesName,
                       double[] yvalues,
                       int length)
                throws ChartException
Load an array of Y-axis values into the chart. This overloading of setYSeries() provides a length parameter. Only the first length values in yvalues[] will be charted.

setXSeries() must be called before setYSeries().

seriesName - Name of series.
yvalues[] - Double array of Y-axis values.
length - Length of yvalues.
ChartException - if yvalues() are null.
ChartException - if seriesName has been previously defined.


public void setYSeries(java.lang.String seriesName,
                       double[] yvalues,
                       java.util.Date startDate)
                throws ChartException
Load an array of Y-axis values into the chart. This overloading of setYSeries() provides an explicit start date ( startDate) parameter. The yvalues[] are aligned to the time axis beginning at startDate.

setXSeries() must be called before setYSeries().

seriesName - Name of series.
yvalues[] - Double array of Y-axis values.
startDate - Date to which to align the first Y-axis value.
ChartException - if yvalues() are null.
ChartException - if seriesName has been previously defined.


public void setYSeries(java.lang.String seriesName,
                       double[] yvalues,
                       java.util.Date startDate,
                       int length)
                throws ChartException
Load an array of Y-axis values into the chart. This overloading of setYSeries() provides an explicit start date ( startDate) and a length parameter. The yvalues[] are aligned to the time axis beginning at startDate. Only the first length values in yvalues[] will be charted.

setXSeries() must be called before setYSeries().

seriesName - Name of series.
yvalues[] - Double array of Y-axis values.
startDate - Timestamp corresponding to first yvalue element.
length - Length of yvalues.
ChartException - if yvalues() are null.
ChartException - if seriesName has been previously defined.


public void setYSeriesAxis2(java.lang.String seriesName)
                     throws ChartException
Assign the series seriesName to the second axis.
seriesName - Name of the series.
ChartException - on invalid seriesName.
ChartException - if setXSeries() was not previously invoked.


public void setYSeriesSparse(java.lang.String seriesName,
                             java.util.Date[] tstamps,
                             double[] yvalues)
                      throws ChartException

Load a sparse array of Y-axis values at the specified user-defined timestamps. This call is used when the Y series has a subset of the timestamps defined with setXSeries(). setYSeriesSparse() is typically used to load series that are subfrequencies of the first series. For example, one could display both monthly and annual data by first loading the monthly timestamps (with setXSeries()), next loading the monthly Y series (with setYSeries()), and finally loading the annual data with setYSeriesSparse().

Note that the sparse array can have timestamps that are between those defined for the x axis. For example, if the time axis is defined monthly, for all months in the year 2000, the sparse array could contain the timestamp 2001-06-15. However, if two or more sparse timestamps map to the same time axis interval, an error will be flagged. E.g., in the above example, sparse timestamps 2001-06-15 and 2001-06-20 would flag an error.

In many cases, mixed-frequency data will have a range of Y-axis values that are significantly different than the base frequency. In these cases, users often choose to use dual axes, by invoking setYSeriesAxis2("sparseSeriesName").

seriesName - Name of series.
tstamps[] - Array of java.util.Date.
yvalues[] - Double array of Y-axis values.
ChartException - if setXSeries() was not previously invoked.
ChartException - if tstamps[] are non-ascending.
ChartException - if tstamps[].length is greater than the number of timestamps defined for the x axis.
ChartException - if any tstamps[] is earlier then the first timestamp defined in the x axis.
ChartException - if any tstamps[] is later then the last timestamp defined in the x axis.
ChartException - if more than one tstamps[] map to a single a axis interval (adjacent timestamps along the x axis define an x axis interval).
See Also:
setXSeries(java.lang.String[]), setYSeries(java.lang.String, double[]), setYSeriesAxis2(java.lang.String)


public void setHiLoCloseSeries(java.lang.String seriesName,
                               double[] yhigh,
                               double[] ylow,
                               double[] yclose)
                        throws ChartException
Load Y-axis values for a High/Low/Close chart.
seriesName - Name of the series.
yhigh[] - Array of values corresponding to the high observation.
ylow[] - Array of values corresponding to the low observation.
yclose[] - Array of values corresponding to the close observation.
ChartException - if the lengths of yhigh[], ylow[], and yclose[] are not equal.
ChartException - if seriesName has been previously defined.


public void setOpenHiLoCloseSeries(java.lang.String seriesName,
                                   double[] yopen,
                                   double[] yhigh,
                                   double[] ylow,
                                   double[] yclose)
                            throws ChartException
Load Y-axis values for a Open/High/Low/Close chart (double).
seriesName - Name of the series.
yopen[] - Array of values corresponding to the open observation.
yhigh[] - Array of values corresponding to the high observation.
ylow[] - Array of values corresponding to the low observation.
yclose[] - Array of values corresponding to the close observation.
ChartException - if ylow[], yhigh[], ylow[], and yclose[] are not equal.
ChartException - if seriesName has been previously defined.


public void setCandlestickSeries(java.lang.String seriesName,
                                 double[] yopen,
                                 double[] yhigh,
                                 double[] ylow,
                                 double[] yclose)
                          throws ChartException
Load Y-axis values for a Candlestick chart.
seriesName - Name of the series.
yopen[] - Array of values corresponding to the open observation.
yhigh[] - Array of values corresponding to the high observation.
ylow[] - Array of values corresponding to the low observation.
yclose[] - Array of values corresponding to the close observation.
ChartException - if ylow[], yhigh[], ylow[], and yclose[] are not equal.
ChartException - if seriesName has been previously defined.


public void setHiLoCloseSeries(java.lang.String seriesName,
                               double[] yhigh,
                               double[] ylow,
                               double[] yclose,
                               java.util.Date startDate)
                        throws ChartException
Load Y-axis values for a High/Low/Close chart, with an explicit startDate. This overloading of setYSeries() provides an explicit start date ( startDate) parameter. The yvalues[] are aligned to the time axis beginning at startDate.
seriesName - Name of the series.
yhigh[] - Array of values corresponding to the high observation.
ylow[] - Array of values corresponding to the low observation.
yclose[] - Array of values corresponding to the close observation.
startDate - Timestamp corresponding to first yvalue element.
ChartException - if the lengths of ylow[], yhigh[], ylow[], and yclose[] are not equal.
ChartException - if seriesName has been previously defined.


public void setOpenHiLoCloseSeries(java.lang.String seriesName,
                                   double[] yopen,
                                   double[] yhigh,
                                   double[] ylow,
                                   double[] yclose,
                                   java.util.Date startDate)
                            throws ChartException
Load Y-axis values for a Open/High/Low/Close chart (double), with an explicit startDate. This overloading of setYSeries() provides an explicit start date ( startDate) parameter. The yvalues[] are aligned to the time axis beginning at startDate.
seriesName - Name of the series.
yopen[] - Array of values corresponding to the open observation.
yhigh[] - Array of values corresponding to the high observation.
ylow[] - Array of values corresponding to the low observation.
yclose[] - Array of values corresponding to the close observation.
startDate - Timestamp corresponding to first yvalue element.
ChartException - if ylow[], yhigh[], ylow[], and yclose[] are not equal.
ChartException - if seriesName has been previously defined.


public void setCandlestickSeries(java.lang.String seriesName,
                                 double[] yopen,
                                 double[] yhigh,
                                 double[] ylow,
                                 double[] yclose,
                                 java.util.Date startDate)
                          throws ChartException
Load Y-axis values for a Candlestick chart, with an explicit startDate. This overloading of setYSeries() provides an explicit start date ( startDate) parameter. The yvalues[] are aligned to the time axis beginning at startDate.
seriesName - Name of the series.
yopen[] - Array of values corresponding to the open observation.
yhigh[] - Array of values corresponding to the high observation.
ylow[] - Array of values corresponding to the low observation.
yclose[] - Array of values corresponding to the close observation.
startDate - Timestamp corresponding to first yvalue element.
ChartException - if ylow[], yhigh[], ylow[], and yclose[] are not equal.
ChartException - if seriesName has been previously defined.


public void setSubChartHeightFraction(java.lang.String subchartName,
                                      double fract)
                               throws ChartException
Set the height of the named subchart, as a fraction of the entire chart's height.
subchartName - Name of the subchart.
fract - Fractional value (between 0 and 1).
ChartException - on invalid subchartName.


public void setSubChart(java.lang.String subchartName)
Add the named subchart if it does not exist, otherwise set the current subchart to the named subchart. This call enables multiple charts can be stacked vertically. Each invocation of setSubChart() that has a unique subchartName will result in an additional vertically stacked subchart. Subsequent calls to setYSeries() will add the series to the new subchart. For example, it is possible to display prices in the top subchart and volume in the bottom subchart.

If subchartName has been previously defined the current subchart will be set to subchartName. This allows a user to return to a previously defined subchart in order to subsequently add additional Y-axis series. Note that one can use this method to set the current subchart to the main chart (internally implemented as the top-level subchart) using the subChartName "".

subchartName - Name of subchart.


public void setForeground(java.awt.Color c)
Set the foreground color. The setForeground() method changes the colors of all text associated with the chart. This text includes the title, subtitle, footnote, and axis labels. Note that changing the color of axis labels is also possible by calling setChartAttributes() with either AxisDesc or NumAxisDesc objects.
setForeground in class java.awt.Component


public java.awt.Color getForeground()
Get the foreground color.
getForeground in class java.awt.Component


public void setPlotBackground(java.awt.Color c)
Set the color of the plot background.


public java.awt.Color getPlotBackground()
Get the color of the plot background.


public void setPlotEdgeColor(java.awt.Color c)
Set the color of the inner border of the chart.


public java.awt.Color getPlotEdgeColor()
Get the color of the inner border of the chart. Applies to axis charts only.


public void setSubChartBoundaryColor(java.awt.Color c)
Set the color of the subchart boundary.


public java.awt.Color getSubChartBoundaryColor()
Get the color of the inner border of the chart. Applies to axis charts only.


public void setSeriesColor(java.lang.String seriesName,
                           java.awt.Color c)
                    throws ChartException
Set the color of the named series.
seriesName - Name of series.
ChartException - on invalid seriesName.


public java.awt.Color getSeriesColor(java.lang.String seriesName)
                              throws ChartException
Get the color of the named series.
seriesName - Name of series.
The color associated with seriesName or null if seriesName is undefined.
ChartException - on invalid seriesName.


public void setSeriesWidth(java.lang.String seriesName,
                           int k)
                    throws ChartException
Set thickness (in pixels) of named line.
seriesName - Name of series.
ChartException - on invalid seriesName.


public void setSeriesGraphType(java.lang.String seriesName,
                               int lineType)
                        throws ChartException
Set the graph type of the named series. The default graph type is LINE.
seriesName - Name of series.
lineType - Type of line. Valid values are AREA, BAR, BAR_STACKED, BAR_HORIZONTAL or LINE.
ChartException - on invalid seriesName.


public void setSeriesGraphic(java.lang.String seriesName,
                             BarDesc desc)
                      throws ChartException
Set the properties of the BAR graphic associated with the named series. Provides a superset of the capabilities of setSeriesGraphType().
seriesName - Name of series.
desc - A BarDesc object.
ChartException - on invalid seriesName.
See Also:


public void setSeriesGraphic(java.lang.String seriesName,
                             CandlestickDesc desc)
                      throws ChartException
Set the properties of the CANDLESTICK graphic associated with the named series. Provides a superset of the capabilities of setSeriesGraphType().
- seriesName Name of series.
- desc A CandlestickDesc object.
ChartException - on invalid seriesName.
See Also:


public void setSeriesGraphic(java.lang.String seriesName,
                             HiLoCloseDesc desc)
                      throws ChartException
Set the properties of the HILOCLOSE or OPENHILOCLOSE graphic associated with the named series. Provides a superset of the capabilities of setSeriesGraphType().
seriesName - Name of series.
desc - A HiLoCloseDesc object.
ChartException - on invalid seriesName.
See Also:


public void setSeriesGraphic(java.lang.String seriesName,
                             AreaDesc desc)
                      throws ChartException
Set the properties of the AREA graphic associated with the named series. Provides a superset of the capabilities of setSeriesGraphType().
seriesName - Name of series.
desc - An AreaDesc object.
ChartException - on invalid seriesName.
See Also:


public void setSeriesGraphic(java.lang.String seriesName,
                             LineDesc desc)
                      throws ChartException
Set the properties of the LINE graphic associated with the named series. Provides a superset of the capabilities of setSeriesGraphType().
seriesName - Name of series.
desc - A LineDesc object.
ChartException - on invalid seriesName.


public void setYAxisLabelsOff()
                       throws ChartException
Disable labeling of the Y-axis. Note that this call is not applicable for horizontal charts.


public void setYAxisLabelsOff(java.lang.String subchartName)
                       throws ChartException
Disable labeling of the Y-axis for the named subchart.
subchartName - Name of the subchart.
ChartException - on invalid subchartName.


public void setChartAttributes(NumAxisDesc userNumAxis)
                        throws ChartException
Set the attributes for the Y-axis. The NumAxisDesc parameter is applied to the chart. Note that for dual axis charts, in order to alter the second axis, setSecondAxis() must be called on the NumAxisDesc parameter.
desc - A NumAxisDesc object.
See Also:


public void setChartAttributes(java.lang.String subchartName,
                               NumAxisDesc userNumAxis)
                        throws ChartException
Set the attributes of a numerical Y-axis. The NumAxisDesc parameter is applied to the named subchart. Note that for dual axis charts, in order to alter the second axis, setSecondAxis() must be called on the NumAxisDesc parameter.
desc - A NumAxisDesc object.
subchartName - Name of the subchart.
ChartException - on invalid subchartName.
See Also:


public void setChartAttributes(TimeAxisDesc userTimeAxis)
                        throws ChartException
Set the attributes for the Y-axis.
desc - A TimeAxisDesc object.
See Also:


public void setChartAttributes(int XYAxis,
                               AxisDesc userAxis)
                        throws ChartException
Set the attributes for the X and/or Y-axis. This method allows the user to alter the font and color of the X or Y axes. The color and font settings are defined in the passed AxisDesc object. The integer parameter defines the axis to which to apply the color and font settings.

For access to more advanced settings for the Y-axis, see NumAxisDesc. These more advanced settings include the ability to alter additional parameters such as extents and access to subcharts.

userAxis - An AxisDesc object.
XYAxis - The axis identifier, either AxisChart.XAXIS , AxisChart.YAXIS , or AxisChart.XYAXIS.
ChartException - on invalid XYAxis.
See Also:


public GridDesc getGridDesc(int XorYAxis)
                     throws ChartException
Return the grid descriptor for the X-axis or for the Y-axis of the top-level chart. This call is typically used to access the current grid descriptor in order to set one grid attribute. For example, to set the color of the vertical (x) grid to Color.white, invoke getGridDesc(AxisChart.XAxis).setColor(Color.white);
XorYAxis - A single axis identifier, either AxisChart.XAXIS or AxisChart.YAXIS.
ChartException - on invalid XorYAxis.
See Also:
setChartAttributes(int, GridDesc), setChartAttributes(String, GridDesc), GridDesc


public GridDesc getGridDesc(java.lang.String subchartName)
                     throws ChartException
Return the grid descriptor the Y-axis of the named subchart.
ChartException - on invalid subchartName.


public void setChartAttributes(int XYAxis,
                               GridDesc userGrid)
                        throws ChartException
Set the attributes for the X grid and/or Y grid. The grid settings are defined in the passed GridDesc object. The integer parameter defines the axis to which to apply the grid settings.

Note that this call will alter the Y grid settings for the top-level chart and all currently defined subcharts.

userGrid - An GridDesc object.
XYAxis - The axis identifier. Valid values are: AxisChart.XAXIS , AxisChart.YAXIS , or AxisChart.XYAXIS.
ChartException - on invalid XYAxis.
See Also:
getGridDesc(int), setChartAttributes(String, GridDesc), GridDesc


public void setChartAttributes(java.lang.String subchartName,
                               GridDesc userGrid)
                        throws ChartException
Set the attributes of the Y Grid for the named subchart.
desc - A GridDesc object.
subchartName - Name of the subchart.
ChartException - on invalid subchartName.
See Also:
GridDesc, setChartAttributes(int, GridDesc)


public void setChartBottomWhiteSpace(double fract)
Set the amount of white space on the bottom of the chart.
fract - Fraction of chart bottom (between 0.0 and 1.0) dedicated to white space.


public void setChartTopWhiteSpace(double fract)
Set the amount of white space on the top of the chart.
fract - Fraction of chart top (between 0.0 and 1.0) dedicated to white space.


public void setBounds(int x,
                      int y,
                      int w,
                      int h)
Move and resize the component.
setBounds in class java.awt.Component


public void setBounds(java.awt.Rectangle rect)
Move and resize the component.
setBounds in class java.awt.Component


public void setSize(java.awt.Dimension d)
Set the dimensions of the chart.
setSize in class java.awt.Component


public void setSize(int width,
                    int height)
Set the dimensions of the chart.
setSize in class java.awt.Component
width - Width of the chart.
height - Height of the chart.


public void setRenderingHintsLine(java.awt.RenderingHints hints)
Set the rendering hints for drawing specific graphic operations -- lines and area charts. setRenderingHints() allows control over the rendering of lines (LINE) and area (AREA) charts. By default, line and area charts are rendered with antialiasing on:
hints - The rendering hints.
See Also:
Chart.setRenderingHintsChart(RenderingHints hints)


public java.awt.RenderingHints getRenderingHintsLine()
Return the rendering hints used for chart graphics.


public void drawBuffer(java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
                throws ChartException
Render the chart into the buffered image associated with g2. Note that when using applets, it is not necessary to invoke drawBuffer().


public void setEnableImageMapSS(ImageMapDesc desc)
                         throws ChartException
Enable the server-side image map. Must be called before drawBuffer().
See Also:
drawBuffer(Graphics2D), getImageMapSS(), ImageMapDesc


public void setEnableImageMapCS(ImageMapDesc desc)
                         throws ChartException
Enable the client-side image map. Must be called before drawBuffer(). Note that image map attributes, such as the mapName, areaSpecText, and the hrefPrefix are defined with the ImageMapDesc object.
ImageMapDesc, - which defines attributes of image map.
See Also:
drawBuffer(Graphics2D), getImageMapCS(), ImageMapDesc


public void setEnableSubChartImageMapSS(java.lang.String subchartName,
                                        ImageMapDesc desc)
                                 throws ChartException
Enable the server-side image map for the named subchart. Must be called before drawBuffer().
subchartName - Name of subchart (corresponding to image map).
ChartException - on invalid subchartName.
See Also:
drawBuffer(Graphics2D), getImageMapSS()


public void setEnableSubChartImageMapCS(java.lang.String subchartName,
                                        ImageMapDesc desc)
                                 throws ChartException
Enable the client-side image map for the named subchart. Must be called before drawBuffer().
subchartName - Name of subchart (corresponding to image map).
ImageMapDesc - A descriptor that defines attributes of the image map.
ChartException - on invalid subchartName.
See Also:
drawBuffer(Graphics2D), getImageMapCS()


public char[] getImageMapSS()
                     throws ChartException
Return the server-side image map for the chart.
ChartException - if drawBuffer() was not previously invoked.
See Also:


public char[] getImageMapCS()
                     throws ChartException
Return the server-side image map for the chart.
ChartException - if drawBuffer() was not previously invoked.
See Also:


public void paint(java.awt.Graphics g)
paint in class java.awt.Component


public void setSubChartSeparatorHeight(int height)
Set the height (in pixels) of the space separating all subcharts. The default value is 12.

Chart Builder API (beta)