A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V X Y _


actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
actionPerformed Implements a timer for the purpose of display management of ChartTips.
addExceptionalOffset(int) - Static method in class tdg.ObjClassID
Returns the object ID, adding the exceptional offset if necessary.
addPerspectiveListener(TDGListener) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
announceLicense() - Static method in class tdg.Perspective
AXIS_LABEL - Static variable in class tdg.NumberFormatCallBack


BadDogCallback - interface tdg.BadDogCallback.
beginDrawProcess() - Method in class tdg.Perspective


chartCreationFailed(Exception) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
clearDataLabels() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
clearDataLabels - clear all data labels from chart
clearDataStorage() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
clearDataStorage - clear all data and labels from chart
clearGroupLabels() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
clearGroupLabels - clear all group labels from chart
clearSeriesLabels() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
clearSeriesLabels - clear all series labels from chart
clearZoomList() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
clearZoomList Clear all entries in the zoom list except "unzoomed".
CLOSE_VALUE_MACRO - Static variable in class tdg.Perspective
columnLabel(int) - Method in interface tdg.data.in.TDGDataGrid
Establish the column labels (headings).
CubeRotationMatrixAttr - Static variable in class tdg.Perspective


DATA_LABEL - Static variable in class tdg.NumberFormatCallBack
DATA_LABEL_HILO_VOL - Static variable in class tdg.NumberFormatCallBack
doZoomIn() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
doZoomIn Zoom in on the center of the chart
doZoomIn(int, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
doZoomIn Zoom in on the specified point (given in virtual coordinates)
doZoomIn(Point) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
doZoomIn Zoom in on the specified point (given in virtual coordinates)
doZoomIn(Rectangle) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
doZoomIn Zoom in on the specified rectangle (given in virtual coordinates)
doZoomOut() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
doZoomOut Zoom out on the center of the chart
doZoomOut(int, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
doZoomOut Zoom out on the specified point (given in virtual coordinates)
doZoomOut(Point) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
doZoomOut Zoom out on the specified point (given in virtual coordinates)
drawBadDog(Graphics) - Method in interface tdg.BadDogCallback
Draw the "bad dog" to let user know what went wrong.


errorEvent(TDGError) - Method in class tdg.Perspective


focusCube(double) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
focusCube No Description


getApplet() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getApplet No Description
getAreaRiser() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getAreaRiser(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getAreaRiserBottom() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getAreaRiserTop() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getAutofit() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: Autofit Turn on text autofitting?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getAutofit(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getAutofit(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getAutoshading() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Autoshading If TRUE, light source settings are used to automatically shade the faces of a 3D graph, simulating a cast light beam.
getAutoSkip() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: AutoSkip Label Skipping, 0 = No Skipping, 1 = AutoSkip, 2 = Manual Skip
Default Value is (0).
getAutoSkip(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getAutoSkip(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getAxisAssignment() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: AxisAssignment 0 is Y1, 1 is Y2
Default Value is (0).
getAxisAssignment(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getAxisAssignment(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getAxisDescending() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: AxisDescending True means Descending
Default Value is (FALSE).
getAxisDescending(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getAxisDescending(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getAxisSide() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: AxisSide Which side of the chart will the labels for this axis be drawn on?
0=Left side (or bottom for Horizontal charts)
1=Right side (or top for Horizontal charts)
2=Both sides of the chart
Default Value is (0).
getAxisSide(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getAxisSide(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getAxisTextAutofitMax() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: AxisTextAutofitMax Maximum virtual size for Axis Text while autofitted.
Default Value is (2000).
getAxisTextAutofitMin() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: AxisTextAutofitMin Minimum virtual size for Axis Text while autofitted.
Default Value is (500).
getAxisTextAutofitMode() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: AxisTextAutofitMode Determine how Axis Text is Autofitted
Default Value is (0).
getAxisTextAutofitPercent() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: AxisTextAutofitPercent Deviation Percentage for Autofitted Axis Text
Default Value is (10).
getBadDogCallBack() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getBarRiser() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getBarRiser(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getBarRiserBottom() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getBarRiserSide() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getBiDirectional() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: BiDirectional FALSE = Left to Right, TRUE = Right to Left
Default Value is (FALSE).
getBorderColor(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getChartBackground() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getChartDataValid() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getChartDataValid Make a quick check of the data to see if there is enough to make a chart.
getChartFromFTP(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getChartState() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getColorByHeight() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getColorMode() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ColorMode Changes between the five different "Coloring" modes:
0 = Color by Series
1 = ???
2 = ???
3 = ???
4= ???
5= ???
Default Value is (0).
getColumns() - Method in interface tdg.data.in.TDGDataGrid
Return the number of columns.
getConnectLineMarkers() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ConnectLineMarkers Should the markers in a Line chart be connected by a line? Default is TRUE.
getConnectScatterMarkers() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ConnectScatterMarkers Has a visible effect on Scatter charts only.
getCubeFloor() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getCubeFloorGridX() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getCubeFloorGridZ() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getCubeFocusFactor() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeFocusFactor The ocus factor for setting perspective distortion.
getCubeIsometricProjection() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeIsometricProjection If TRUE, perspective distortion (focus) factor is ignored, and the graph cube is project isometrically (no line of sight perspective distortion, but perfectly parallel lines, like a mechanical drawing).
Default Value is (FALSE).
getCubeLeftWall() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getCubeLeftWallGridY() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getCubeLeftWallGridZ() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getCubeLightSourceX() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeLightSourceX X-coord (unit space) of light source
Default Value is (0).
getCubeLightSourceY() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeLightSourceY Y-coord (unit space) of light source
Default Value is (1).
getCubeLightSourceZ() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeLightSourceZ Z-coord (unit space) of light source
Default Value is (1).
getCubePanX() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubePanX Pan (in 2D virtual coordinates) in X direction
Default Value is (0).
getCubePanY() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubePanY Pan (in 2D virtual coordinates) in Y direction
Default Value is (0).
getCubeRightWall() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getCubeRightWallGridX() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getCubeRightWallGridY() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getCubeRiserFace() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getCubeRiserGridX() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getCubeRiserGridY() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getCubeRiserGridZ() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getCubeRotationMatrix() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getCubeSizeX() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeSizeX Size of the 3D cube in the (user) X-direction.
getCubeSizeY() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeSizeY Size of the 3D cube in the (user) Y-direction.
getCubeSizeZ() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeSizeZ Size of the 3D cube in the (user) Z-direction.
getCubeSquareRisers() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeSquareRisers If TRUE, forces the aspect ratio of 3D risers to be perfectly sqaure, no matter what the cube dimensions are.
getCubeTranslationX() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeTranslationX Translation (in 3D cube coordinates) in the X direction.
Default Value is (50).
getCubeTranslationY() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeTranslationY Translation (in 3D cube coordinates) in Y direction.
Default Value is (50).
getCubeTranslationZ() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeTranslationZ Translation (in 3D cube coordinates) in Z direction.
Default Value is (50).
getCubeViewerX() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeViewerX Viewer location (in 3D cube coordinates) in the X direction.
Default Value is (50).
getCubeViewerY() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeViewerY Viewer location (in 3D cube coordinates) in the Y direction.
Default Value is (100).
getCubeViewerZ() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeViewerZ Viewer location (in 3D cube coordinates) in the Z direction.
Default Value is (33).
getCubeWallThickX() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeWallThickX Thickness of the 3D cube wall in the (user) X-direction.
Default Value is (25).
getCubeWallThickY() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeWallThickY Thickness of the 3D cube wall in the (user) Y-direction.
Default Value is (30).
getCubeWallThickZ() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeWallThickZ Thickness of the 3D cube wall in the (user) Z-direction.
Default Value is (25).
getCubeZoomFactor() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeZoomFactor Global scaling factor for zooming in/out (above 1 is zoomed in).
Default Value is (50).
getDataAsDouble(int, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getDataAsString(int, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getDataCoord(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getDataFromCoord(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getDataItemsAlongSeries() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataItemsAlongSeries Are the data items aligned parallel to the series (both rows, or both columns)?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getDataLabel(int, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getDataLineThickness() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataLineThickness For a "2.5D effect" chart, how wide is the "fake 3D" line, expressed as a percentage from 1 to 100? 1 would be basically a thin line, 100 would be a very thick 3D ribbon extending all the way across the extruded frame.
Default Value is (30).
getDataObject() - Method in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Returns the dataObject associated with this event.
getDataRange() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getDataScrollerPresenceGroups() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataScrollerPresenceGroups Determines when Group Data Scroller is visible
Default Value is (1).
getDataScrollerPresenceSeries() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataScrollerPresenceSeries Determines when Series Data Scroller is visible
Default Value is (1).
getDataText() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getDataText(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getDataTextAngle() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: DataTextAngle Angle in degrees for the data text position of specified data point (s,g), or series (s)
Default Value is (90).
getDataTextAngle(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getDataTextAngle(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getDataTextAngle(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getDataTextAngleDefault() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextAngleDefault Angle from center point that all data text is drawn from.
getDataTextDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextDisplay If TRUE, displays the data values for the selected IdentObj elements.
getDataTextFormat() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextFormat (Number) Format for the default data text position.
getDataTextFormatPattern() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextFormatPattern (Number) Custom format for the data text.
Default Value is (#.#).
getDataTextPosition() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextPosition Position of the Data Value:
0 = Custom
1 = Above Riser
2 = On Riser Edge
3 = Below Riser Edge
4 = Center on Riser
5 = Above Riser Base
Default Value is (1).
getDataTextRadius() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: DataTextRadius Radius (0 is centered) for the data text position of specified data point (s,g), or series (s)
Default Value is (20).
getDataTextRadius(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getDataTextRadius(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getDataTextRadius(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getDataTextRadiusDefault() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextRadiusDefault Radius that a Data text value will be drawn out from the center of a chart riser by default.
getDataTextTemplateBubble() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextTemplateBubble Template for Data Text Labels for Bubble
Default Value is ([SIZE]).
getDataTextTemplateHiLo() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextTemplateHiLo Template for Data Text Labels for Stock Charts [empty string = Close for Charts which have Close or High for all others]
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
getDataTextTemplateScatter() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextTemplateScatter Template for Data Text Labels for Scatter
Default Value is ([X], [Y]).
getDataValue(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getDepthAngle() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DepthAngle When charts are drawn using the "2.5D" effect, this is the angle in degrees that the extruded section is drawn at.
Default Value is (45).
getDepthRadius() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DepthRadius For "2.5D" effect, how far out from the chart will the extruded frame extend? Small values give very "narrow" charts, large values give very "thick" ones.
Default Value is (40).
getDetectiv() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: Display Whether the specified object is displayed
Default Value is (TRUE).
getDisplay(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getDisplay(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getDisplay3DFloor() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Display3DFloor Display the floor of the 3D cube?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getDisplay3DLeftWall() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Display3DLeftWall Display the left wall of the 3D cube?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getDisplay3DRightWall() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Display3DRightWall Display the right wall of the 3D cube?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getDisplayBarAsPictograph() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DisplayBarAsPictograph Display Bar as Pictograph (Only for Flat 2D)
Default Value is (FALSE).
getDisplayOffScale() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: DisplayOffScale Whether to cut off data point or leave blank
Default Value is (TRUE).
getDisplayOffScale(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getDisplayOffScale(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getDocumentBase() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getDualAxisLineDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DualAxisLineDisplay Display line separating axis
Default Value is (FALSE).
getDualAxisSplitPosition() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DualAxisSplitPosition Position within the chart frame that the DualY split position will be created.
getDynamicToolTip(TDGMouseState, boolean) - Method in interface tdg.ToolTipCallBack
Dynamic callback to produce a tooltip.
getEffectiveGroupOffset() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getEffectiveSeriesOffset() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getEffectiveViewableGroups() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getEffectiveViewableSeries() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getExactColorByHeight() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ExactColorByHeight If true, interpolate color "exactly", else use closest color on spectral legend.
Default Value is (TRUE).
getExceptionalRiser(int, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Returns the exceptional riser specified by series and group.
getExceptionalRisers() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Returns the entire hashtable of exceptional risers.
getExcludeMaxLabel() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: ExcludeMaxLabel Exclude Max Label on Axis
Default Value is (FALSE).
getExcludeMaxLabel(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getExcludeMaxLabel(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getExcludeMinLabel() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: ExcludeMinLabel Exclude Min Label on Axis
Default Value is (FALSE).
getExcludeMinLabel(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getExcludeMinLabel(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getFillColor(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getFillType(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getFontName() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: FontName Font name
Default Value is (Serif).
getFontName(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getFontName(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getFontSize() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: FontSize Font size, in destination coords
Default Value is (12).
getFontSize(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getFontSize(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getFontSizeVC() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: FontSizeVC Font size, in virtual coords
Default Value is (1000).
getFontSizeVC(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getFontSizeVC(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getFontStyle() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: FontStyle Font style
Default Value is (0).
getFontStyle(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getFontStyle(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getFootnote() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getFootnote() - Method in interface tdg.data.in.TDGDataGrid
Establish the chart Footnote.
getFootnoteAutofit() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: FootnoteAutofit Perform text autofitting on the chart footnote?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getFootnoteDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: FootnoteDisplay Display the footnote?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getFootnoteString() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: FootnoteString Text string for the chart footnote.
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
getFrame() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getFrameBottom() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getFrameDepthOffset() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getFrameDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: FrameDisplay Display the frame?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getFrameRect(boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getFrameSeparator() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getFrameSide() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGlobal() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGradientDirection(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getGradientNumPins(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getGradientPinLeftColor(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getGradientPinPosition(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getGradientPinRightColor(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getGraphObject() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getGraphType() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Property Name: GraphType Change Chart Type
Default Value is (17).
getGrid3DFloorDisplayX() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DFloorDisplayX Display Floor grids attached to (user) X-axis?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getGrid3DFloorDisplayZ() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DFloorDisplayZ Display Floor grids attached to (user) Z-axis?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getGrid3DLeftWallDisplayY() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DLeftWallDisplayY Display Left Wall grids attached to (user) Y-axis?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getGrid3DLeftWallDisplayZ() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DLeftWallDisplayZ Display Left Wall grids attached to (user) Z-axis?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getGrid3DRightWallDisplayX() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DRightWallDisplayX Display Right Wall grids attached to (user) X-axis?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getGrid3DRightWallDisplayY() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DRightWallDisplayY Display Right Wall grids attached to (user) Y-axis?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getGrid3DRiserDisplayX() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DRiserDisplayX Display Riser grids attached to (user) X-axis?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getGrid3DRiserDisplayY() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DRiserDisplayY Display Riser grids attached to (user) Y-axis?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getGrid3DRiserDisplayZ() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DRiserDisplayZ Display Riser grids attached to (user) Z-axis?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getGridCount() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: GridCount Number of Minor Grids for Ordinal Axis
Default Value is (1).
getGridCount(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGridCount(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGridStep() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: GridStep What is the scale step (between gridlines) for specified numeric axis?
Default Value is (15).
getGridStep(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGridStep(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGridStepAuto() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: GridStepAuto Is gridline scale step automatically calculated?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getGridStepAuto(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGridStepAuto(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGridStyle() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: GridStyle Solid, dashed, etc.
Default Value is (0).
getGridStyle(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGridStyle(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGroup(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGroupLabel() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: GroupLabel Text String for Group
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
getGroupLabel(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGroupLabel(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGroupScroller() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGroupScrollerEditBox() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGroupScrollerEditLeft() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGroupScrollerEditRight() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGroupScrollerEditThumb() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getGroupScrollerThumb() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getHistogramRiser() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getID() - Method in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Returns the id associated with this event.
getIgnoreSeries() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: IgnoreSeries TRUE ignores this series
Default Value is (FALSE).
getIgnoreSeries(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getIgnoreSeries(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getJGraphType() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getLabelMargin() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: LabelMargin Label Margins, 0 to 100 percent of the Label Width
Default Value is (0).
getLabelMargin(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getLabelMargin(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getLabelStagger() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: LabelStagger Stagger this (axis) label?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getLabelStagger(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getLabelStagger(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getLegendArea() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getLegendAutomatic() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: LegendAutomatic Let engine automagically position and size legend?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getLegendDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: LegendDisplay Display the legend text?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getLegendMarker() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getLegendMarker(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getLegendMarkerPosition() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: LegendMarkerPosition Position of legend marker relative to legend text.
Default Value is (0).
getLegendMarkersPerCol() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: LegendMarkersPerCol 0 means automatic
Default Value is (0).
getLegendMarkersPerRow() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: LegendMarkersPerRow 0 means automatic
Default Value is (0).
getLegendOrient() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getLegendRect() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getLegendReverse() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: LegendReverse Draw legend in reverse order?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getLegendText() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getLegendText(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getLegendTextAutofit() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: LegendTextAutofit Autofit the legend text or not?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getLineMarker() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getLineMarker(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getLineRiser() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getLineRiser(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getLineRiserSide() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getLineRiserTop() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getLineWidth(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getLocale() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getLogScale() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: LogScale Is specified numeric axis logarithmic?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getLogScale(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getLogScale(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getManualRedraw() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property: ManualRedraw True means no redraws until user explicitly calls for one Status: Done
getMarkerDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: MarkerDisplay Turns markers on or off for any 2D chart.
getMarkerShape() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getMarkerShape(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getMarkerSize() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: MarkerSize Marker size for specified point (s,g), series (s)
Default Value is (30).
getMarkerSize(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getMarkerSize(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getMarkerSize(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getMarkerSizeDefault() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: MarkerSizeDefault Marker size unless a specific (s,g) point overrides; bubble charts ignore this.
Default Value is (30).
getMarkerTemplate(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getMinimumSize() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getNestedLabels() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: NestedLabels If true, use TDGNestedLabelsObj for nested O1 labels.
Default Value is (FALSE).
getNestedLabelsUniformStyle() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: NestedLabelsUniformStyle If true, all nested O1 labels have same font, size, style and color.
Default Value is (FALSE).
getNestedO1Label0() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getNestedO1Label1() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getNestedO1Label2() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getNestedO1Label3() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getNestedO1Label4() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getNestedO1Label5() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getNestedO1Label6() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getNestedO1Label7() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getNestedO1Label8() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getNestedO1LabelLine() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getNextMarkerTemplateSlot() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getNumberFormatCallBack() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getNumGroups() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getNumNonIgnoredSeries() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getNumSeries() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getNumTotalGroups() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getNumTotalSeries() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getO1Axis() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getO1AxisLine() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getO1AxisLineDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1AxisLineDisplay Dispay O1 Axis Line
Default Value is (FALSE).
getO1AxisSide() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1AxisSide Which side of the chart will the labels for this axis be drawn on?
0=Left side (or bottom for Horizontal charts)
1=Right side (or top for Horizontal charts)
2=Both sides of the chart
Default Value is (0).
getO1AxisTitle() - Method in interface tdg.data.in.TDGDataGrid
Establish the chart Axis O1 Title.
getO1ExcludeMaxLabel() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1ExcludeMaxLabel Exclude Max Label on this Axis.
Default Value is (FALSE).
getO1ExcludeMinLabel() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1ExcludeMinLabel Exclude Min Label on this Axis.
Default Value is (FALSE).
getO1Label() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getO1LabelAutofit() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelAutofit Autofit this label or not?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getO1LabelAutoSkip() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelAutoSkip Label Skipping, 0 = No Skipping, 1 = AutoSkip, 2 = Manual Skip
Default Value is (0).
getO1LabelCallBack() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getO1LabelDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelDisplay Display the labels for the O1 (Group) axis of this chart?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getO1LabelMargin() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelMargin Label Margins, 0 to 100 percent of the Label Width
Default Value is (0).
getO1LabelRotate() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelRotate Angle, 0 = No Rotaton, 1 = 90 Degrees, 2 = 270 Degrees, by which text is rotated
Default Value is (0).
getO1LabelSkipBegin() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelSkipBegin Manual Label Skip Begin Label
Default Value is (0).
getO1LabelSkipCount() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelSkipCount Manual Label Skip Number of Labels to Skip
Default Value is (0).
getO1LabelStagger() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelStagger Stagger the labels for the O1 (Group) axis of this chart? Use this option when there are too many labels to read.
Not Implemented Yet
Default Value is (FALSE).
getO1LabelWrap() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelWrap Use text wrapping for the O1 (Group) axis of this chart? Use this option when there are long text strings with spaces that will not fit next to each other on this axis.
Default Value is (FALSE).
getO1MajorGrid() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getO1MajorGridDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1MajorGridDisplay Display the O1 major gridlines?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getO1MajorGridStyle() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1MajorGridStyle What line style should be used for the O1 (Group) Major Grid Lines? Valid settings are:
0=Normal Grid Lines
Default Value is (0).
getO1MinorGrid() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getO1MinorGridCount() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1MinorGridCount Number of Minor Grids for O1 Axis
Default Value is (1).
getO1MinorGridDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1MinorGridDisplay Display the O1 (Group) axis minor gridlines?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getO1MinorGridStyle() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1MinorGridStyle Which style of grid lines should be used for the O1 (Group) axis minor grid lines?
0= Normal Grids
Default Value is (0).
getO1Title() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getO1TitleAutofit() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1TitleAutofit Autofit the font for the O1 (Group) axis title? If FALSE, then the set font size will be used instead.
Default Value is (FALSE).
getO1TitleDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1TitleDisplay Display the O1 (Group) axis title? Setting the string for this title will cause this property to automatically be set to TRUE.
Default Value is (TRUE).
getO1TitleString() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1TitleString Text string for the O1 (Group) axis title.
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
getO2Axis() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getO2AxisLine() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getO2AxisTitle() - Method in interface tdg.data.in.TDGDataGrid
Establish the chart Axis O2 Title.
getO2ExcludeMaxLabel() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2ExcludeMaxLabel Exclude Max Label on this Axis? Valid ONLY for Spectral Charts!
Default Value is (FALSE).
getO2ExcludeMinLabel() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2ExcludeMinLabel Exclude Min Label on this Axis? Valid ONLY for Spectral Charts!
Default Value is (FALSE).
getO2Label() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getO2LabelAutofit() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2LabelAutofit Autofit the font for the O2 (Second Group) axis labels? If FALSE, then the set font size will be used instead.
getO2LabelDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2LabelDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getO2LabelRotate() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2LabelRotate Angle, 0 = No Rotaton, 1 = 90 Degrees, 2 = 270 Degrees, by which text is rotated
Default Value is (0).
getO2LabelWrap() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2LabelWrap NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getO2MajorGrid() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getO2MinorGrid() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getO2Title() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getO2TitleAutofit() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2TitleAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getO2TitleDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2TitleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getO2TitleString() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2TitleString NONE
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
getObjectFromLevel(int) - Static method in class tdg.ObjClassID
Returns the appropriate object ID for the specified nesting level.
getObjMethodName(int) - Static method in class tdg.ObjClassID
Returns the name of the accessor method for the specified object.
getPieBarConnectLineBottom() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieBarConnectLines() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieBarConnectLineTop() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieBarRiser() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieBarRiserSide() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieBarRiserTop() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieBarSeries() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieBarSeries Which series is exploded as a Bar in PieBar charts
Default Value is (0).
getPieBarSlice() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieBarSlice(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieBarSliceCrust() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieDepth() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieDepth NONE
Default Value is (30).
getPieFeelerLine() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieFeelerLine(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieFeelerTextDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieFeelerTextDisplay NONE
Default Value is (1).
getPieFeelerTextFormat() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieFeelerTextFormat (Number) Format for the default data text position
Default Value is (0).
getPieFeelerTextFormatPattern() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieFeelerTextFormatPattern (Number) Custom format for the pie feeler text.
Default Value is (#.#).
getPieFrame() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieLabel() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieLabel(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieLabelDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieLabelDisplay Huh? how about some symbolic constants
Default Value is (1).
getPieRingLabel() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieRingLabel(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieRingSize() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieRingSize Affects only RINGPIE graph type
Default Value is (30).
getPieRingTotalDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieRingTotalDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getPieRingTotalFormat() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieRingTotalFormat Selects format for Ring Total
Default Value is (0).
getPieRingTotalFormatPattern() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieRingTotalFormatPattern Selects format for Ring Total.
Default Value is (#.#).
getPieRotate() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieRotate 0 means 12 o'clock
Default Value is (0).
getPieSliceDelete() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: PieSliceDelete Whether to delete specified slice (s,g) or slices in series (s)
Default Value is (FALSE).
getPieSliceDelete(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieSliceDelete(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieSliceDelete(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieSliceDetach() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: PieSliceDetach How much to detach specified slice (s,g), or slices in series (s)
Default Value is (0).
getPieSliceDetach(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieSliceDetach(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieSliceDetach(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieSliceLabel() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPieSliceLabel(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getPiesPerRow() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PiesPerRow NONE
Default Value is (2).
getPieTilt() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieTilt NONE
Default Value is (10).
getQuadrantLine() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getQuadrantLineCountX() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: QuadrantLineCountX Number of vertical Quadrant Lines
Default Value is (1).
getQuadrantLineCountY() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: QuadrantLineCountY Number of horizontal Quadrant Lines
Default Value is (1).
getQuadrantLineValueX(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getQuadrantLineValueY(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getRect() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: Rect Sets the bounding rect for a user-movable object in VC (x,y,width,height)
Default Value is (0,0,0,0).
getRect(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getRect(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getReshapeEnable() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ReshapeEnable Allow user to move and resize objects?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getResizeBarMode() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ResizeBarMode NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getReverseGroups() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ReverseGroups Draw groups in reverse order
Default Value is (FALSE).
getReverseSeries() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ReverseSeries Draw series in reverse order
Default Value is (FALSE).
getRiser3DThicknessY() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Riser3DThicknessY NONE
Default Value is (75).
getRiserBarGroupSpacing() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: RiserBarGroupSpacing NONE
Default Value is (25).
getRiserWidth() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: RiserWidth NONE
Default Value is (75).
getRows() - Method in interface tdg.data.in.TDGDataGrid
Return the number of rows.
getScaleFromZero() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ScaleFromZero Draw bar from 0 or from minimum value?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getScaleMax() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: ScaleMax What is the scale maximum for specified numeric axis?
Default Value is (150).
getScaleMax(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getScaleMax(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getScaleMaxAuto() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: ScaleMaxAuto Is scale maximum automatically calculated?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getScaleMaxAuto(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getScaleMaxAuto(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getScaleMin() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: ScaleMin What is the scale minimum for specified numeric axis?
Default Value is (0).
getScaleMin(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getScaleMin(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getScaleMinAuto() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: ScaleMinAuto Is scale minimum automatically calculated?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getScaleMinAuto(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getScaleMinAuto(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getScaleMustIncludeZero() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: ScaleMustIncludeZero Must the scale of the specified axis include zero?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getScaleMustIncludeZero(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getScaleMustIncludeZero(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getScatterQuadrantLine() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getScrollOffsetGroup() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ScrollOffsetGroup Group offset within DataRange
Default Value is (0).
getScrollOffsetSeries() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ScrollOffsetSeries Series offset within DataRange
Default Value is (0).
getSelection() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getSelection Gets the selection list, a list of "SelectObj" objects.
getSelectionBorderColor() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getSelectionEnable() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: SelectionEnable Allow user to select objects?
Default Value is (3).
getSelectionEnableMove() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: SelectionEnableMove Enable objects moving and resizing
Default Value is (TRUE).
getSelectionFillColor() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getSelectionID() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getSelectionLineWidth() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getSelectionSize() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getSelGroup() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getSelSeries() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getSeries(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSeriesAreRows() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Property Name: SeriesAreRows Are series stored in rows?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getSeriesBorderColor(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getSeriesFillColor(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getSeriesGroup(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSeriesLabel() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: SeriesLabel Text String for Series
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
getSeriesLabel(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSeriesLabel(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSeriesLooping() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: SeriesLooping Controls number of unique series colors
Default Value is (32).
getSeriesScroller() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSeriesScrollerEditBox() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSeriesScrollerEditLeft() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSeriesScrollerEditRight() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSeriesScrollerEditThumb() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSeriesScrollerThumb() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSeriesType() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: SeriesType Specify series type independent of chart type
Default Value is (0).
getSeriesType(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSeriesType(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getShadowColor(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getShadowDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: ShadowDisplay Display drop shadow on specified object?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getShadowDisplay(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getShadowDisplay(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getShadowXOffset() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: ShadowXOffset X-offset of drop shadow on specified object
Default Value is (2).
getShadowXOffset(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getShadowXOffset(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getShadowXOffsetDefault() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ShadowXOffsetDefault Default x-offset of drop shadow
Default Value is (2).
getShadowYOffset() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: ShadowYOffset Y-offset of drop shadow on specified object
Default Value is (2).
getShadowYOffset(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getShadowYOffset(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getShadowYOffsetDefault() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ShadowYOffsetDefault Default y-offset of drop shadow
Default Value is (2).
getSkipBegin() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: SkipBegin Manual Label Skip, Begin Label
Default Value is (0).
getSkipBegin(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSkipBegin(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSkipCount() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: SkipCount Manual Label Skip, Number of Labels to Skip
Default Value is (0).
getSkipCount(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSkipCount(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSlice() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSlice(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSliceCrust() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSliceRing() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSource() - Method in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Returns the Source where this event originated.
getSpectralLegendMarker() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSpectralLegendMarker(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSpectralMarker() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSquareMarkers() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: SquareMarkers If TRUE, forces the legend markers to be perfect squares.
getStock52WeekHighDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Stock52WeekHighDisplay Show 52-week high line?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getStock52WeekHighLine() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getStock52WeekHighValue() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Stock52WeekHighValue Set value for 52-week high line.
Default Value is (40).
getStock52WeekLowDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Stock52WeekLowDisplay Show 52-week low line?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getStock52WeekLowLine() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getStock52WeekLowValue() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Stock52WeekLowValue Set value for 52-week low line.
Default Value is (10).
getStockCloseSplitDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: StockCloseSplitDisplay Split riser at close value? Does nothing if Close data not available.
Default Value is (TRUE).
getStockCloseTick() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getStockCloseTick(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getStockCloseTicksDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: StockCloseTicksDisplay Stock tick at close value? Does nothing if Close data not available.
Default Value is (TRUE).
getStockFallingRiser() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getStockFallingRiser(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getStockHighLine() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getStockLowerRiser() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getStockLowLine() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getStockMALine() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getStockMALine(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getStockMovingAverageDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: StockMovingAverageDisplay Show moving average line?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getStockOpenTick() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getStockOpenTick(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getStockOpenTicksDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: StockOpenTicksDisplay Stock tick at open value? Does nothing if Open data not available.
Default Value is (TRUE).
getStockRiser() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getStockRisingRiser() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getStockRisingRiser(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getStockTickLength() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: StockTickLength How far the ticks extend by percentage of available space.
Default Value is (50).
getStockVolumeRiser() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getStockVolumeRiser(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSubtitle() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getSubtitle() - Method in interface tdg.data.in.TDGDataGrid
Establish the chart SubTitle.
getSubtitleAutofit() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: SubtitleAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getSubtitleDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: SubtitleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getSubtitleString() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: SubtitleString NONE
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
getTextAutofitMax() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: TextAutofitMax Maximum virtual size for text autofitting.
Default Value is (2200).
getTextAutofitMin() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: TextAutofitMin Minimum virtual size for text autofitting.
Default Value is (200).
getTextFormatPattern() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: TextFormatPattern (Number) Format for specified object
Default Value is (#.#).
getTextFormatPattern(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getTextFormatPattern(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getTextFormatPreset() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: TextFormatPreset Standard Format for the text
Default Value is (0).
getTextFormatPreset(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getTextFormatPreset(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getTextJustHoriz() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: TextJustHoriz Horizontal justification
Default Value is (1).
getTextJustHoriz(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getTextJustHoriz(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getTextJustVert() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: TextJustVert Vertical justification
Default Value is (1).
getTextJustVert(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getTextJustVert(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getTextRotation() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: TextRotation Angle, 0 = No Rotaton, 1 = 90 Degrees, 2 = 270 Degrees, by which text is rotated
Default Value is (0).
getTextRotation(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getTextRotation(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getTextString() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: TextString Sets the string to be displayed in a text object
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
getTextString(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getTextString(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getTexture(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getTexture(String) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getTextureDisplayMode(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getTextWrap() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: TextWrap Turn on text wrapping?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getTextWrap(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getTextWrap(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getTitle() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getTitle() - Method in interface tdg.data.in.TDGDataGrid
Establish the chart Title.
getTitleAutofit() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: TitleAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getTitleDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: TitleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getTitleString() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: TitleString NONE
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
getToolTipCallBack() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getToolTipCustomString() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: ToolTipCustomString Custom string for ToolTip Customization
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
getToolTipCustomString(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getToolTipCustomString(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getToolTipCustomString(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getToolTipDelay() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
get the object tip delay in milliseconds
getToolTipDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ToolTipDisplay Display CharTips and WidgeTips
Default Value is (FALSE).
getToolTipMode() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ToolTipMode Toggle CharTips between explicit Developer Info and User Level Info (FALSE == USER)
Default Value is (FALSE).
getTransparentBorderColor(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getTransparentFillColor(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getURL() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: URL Universal Resource Locator for any specific Object
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
getURL(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getURL(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getURL(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getURLTarget() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Method Name: URLTarget Frame Target for URL associated with any specific Object
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
getURLTarget(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getURLTarget(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getURLTarget(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getUseOffScreen() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property: UseOffScreen True means use OffScreen Double-Buffering to draw chart with no discernable drawing.
getUseSampleData() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getUseSeriesShapes() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: UseSeriesShapes Use the getMarkerTemplate shapes?
Default Value is (FALSE).
getValue(int, int) - Method in interface tdg.data.in.TDGDataGrid
Get the contents of the specified cell.
getVC() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getViewableDataRange() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getViewableDataRange Return the data range (in rows and columns) that will actually be graphed.
getViewableDataRangeSG() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getViewableDataRangeSG Return the data range (in series and groups) that will actually be graphed.
getViewableGroups() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ViewableGroups Number of Groups to Display
Default Value is (0).
getViewableGroupsStock() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ViewableGroupsStock Number of Groups in Stock Charts to Display
Default Value is (52).
getViewableSeries() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ViewableSeries Number of Series to Display
Default Value is (0).
getViewableSeriesStock() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ViewableSeriesStock Number of Series in Stock Charts to Display
Default Value is (0).
getViewing3DAnglePreset() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Viewing3DAnglePreset Value of -1 means custom angle in use, 0-15 are presets
Default Value is (0).
getX1Axis() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getX1AxisDescending() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1AxisDescending Ascending or Descending?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getX1AxisLine() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getX1AxisLineDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1AxisLineDisplay Dispay X1 Axis Line
Default Value is (FALSE).
getX1AxisSide() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1AxisSide Which side of the chart will the labels for this axis be drawn on?
0=Left side (or bottom for Horizontal charts)
1=Right side (or top for Horizontal charts)
2=Both sides of the chart
Default Value is (0).
getX1AxisTitle() - Method in interface tdg.data.in.TDGDataGrid
Establish the chart Axis X1 Title.
getX1ExcludeMaxLabel() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1ExcludeMaxLabel Exclude Max Label on this Axis
Default Value is (FALSE).
getX1ExcludeMinLabel() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1ExcludeMinLabel Exclude Min Label on this Axis
Default Value is (FALSE).
getX1Label() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getX1LabelAutofit() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1LabelAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getX1LabelDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1LabelDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getX1LabelFormat() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1LabelFormat (Number) Format for the default data text position
Default Value is (0).
getX1LabelFormatPattern() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1LabelFormatPattern (Number) Custom format for the X1 labels.
Default Value is (#.#).
getX1LabelRotate() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1LabelRotate Angle, 0 = No Rotaton, 1 = 90 Degrees, 2 = 270 Degrees, by which text is rotated
Default Value is (0).
getX1LabelStagger() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1LabelStagger NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getX1LogScale() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1LogScale NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getX1MajorGrid() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getX1MajorGridDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MajorGridDisplay Display the X1 major gridlines?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getX1MajorGridStep() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MajorGridStep NONE
Default Value is (20).
getX1MajorGridStepAuto() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MajorGridStepAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getX1MajorGridStepAutoValue() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getX1MajorGridStyle() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MajorGridStyle Solid, dashed, etc.
Default Value is (0).
getX1MinorGrid() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getX1MinorGridDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MinorGridDisplay Display the X1 minor gridlines?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getX1MinorGridStep() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MinorGridStep NONE
Default Value is (10).
getX1MinorGridStepAuto() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MinorGridStepAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getX1MinorGridStyle() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MinorGridStyle Solid, dashed, etc.
Default Value is (0).
getX1MustIncludeZero() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MustIncludeZero NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getX1OffScaleDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1OffScaleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getX1ScaleMax() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1ScaleMax NONE
Default Value is (100).
getX1ScaleMaxAuto() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1ScaleMaxAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getX1ScaleMaxAutoValue() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getX1ScaleMin() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1ScaleMin NONE
Default Value is (0).
getX1ScaleMinAuto() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1ScaleMinAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getX1ScaleMinAutoValue() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getX1Title() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getX1TitleAutofit() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1TitleAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getX1TitleDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1TitleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getX1TitleString() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1TitleString NONE
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
getX1ZeroLine() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getX1ZeroLineDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1ZeroLineDisplay NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY1Axis() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getY1AxisDescending() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1AxisDescending NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY1AxisLine() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getY1AxisLineDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1AxisLineDisplay Dispay Y1 Axis Line
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY1AxisSide() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1AxisSide Which side of the chart will the labels for this axis be drawn on?
0=Left side (or bottom for Horizontal charts)
1=Right side (or top for Horizontal charts)
2=Both sides of the chart
Default Value is (0).
getY1AxisTitle() - Method in interface tdg.data.in.TDGDataGrid
Establish the chart Axis Y1 Title.
getY1ExcludeMaxLabel() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1ExcludeMaxLabel Exclude Max Label on this Axis
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY1ExcludeMinLabel() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1ExcludeMinLabel Exclude Min Label on this Axis
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY1Label() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getY1LabelAutofit() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1LabelAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY1LabelDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1LabelDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY1LabelFormat() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1LabelFormat (Number) Format for the default data text position
Default Value is (0).
getY1LabelFormatPattern() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1LabelFormatPattern (Number) Custom format for the Y1 labels.
Default Value is (#.#).
getY1LabelRotate() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1LabelRotate Angle, 0 = No Rotaton, 1 = 90 Degrees, 2 = 270 Degrees, by which text is rotated
Default Value is (0).
getY1LabelStagger() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1LabelStagger NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY1LogScale() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1LogScale NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY1MajorGrid() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getY1MajorGridDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MajorGridDisplay Display the Y1 major gridlines?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY1MajorGridStep() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MajorGridStep NONE
Default Value is (20).
getY1MajorGridStepAuto() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MajorGridStepAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY1MajorGridStepAutoValue() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getY1MajorGridStyle() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MajorGridStyle Solid, dashed, etc.
Default Value is (0).
getY1MinorGrid() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getY1MinorGridDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MinorGridDisplay Display the Y1 minor gridlines?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY1MinorGridStep() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MinorGridStep NONE
Default Value is (10).
getY1MinorGridStepAuto() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MinorGridStepAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY1MinorGridStyle() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MinorGridStyle Solid, dashed, etc.
Default Value is (0).
getY1MustIncludeZero() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MustIncludeZero NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY1OffScaleDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1OffScaleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY1ScaleMax() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1ScaleMax NONE
Default Value is (100).
getY1ScaleMaxAuto() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1ScaleMaxAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY1ScaleMaxAutoValue() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getY1ScaleMin() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1ScaleMin NONE
Default Value is (0).
getY1ScaleMinAuto() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1ScaleMinAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY1ScaleMinAutoValue() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getY1Title() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getY1TitleAutofit() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1TitleAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY1TitleDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1TitleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY1TitleString() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1TitleString NONE
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
getY1ZeroLine() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getY1ZeroLineDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1ZeroLineDisplay NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY2Axis() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getY2AxisDescending() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2AxisDescending NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY2AxisLine() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getY2AxisLineDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2AxisLineDisplay Dispay Y2 Axis Line
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY2AxisSide() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2AxisSide Which side of the chart will the labels for this axis be drawn on?
0=Left side (or bottom for Horizontal charts)
1=Right side (or top for Horizontal charts)
2=Both sides of the chart
Default Value is (1).
getY2AxisTitle() - Method in interface tdg.data.in.TDGDataGrid
Establish the chart Axis Y2 Title.
getY2ExcludeMaxLabel() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2ExcludeMaxLabel Exclude Max Label on this Axis
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY2ExcludeMinLabel() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2ExcludeMinLabel Exclude Min Label on this Axis
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY2Label() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getY2LabelAutofit() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2LabelAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY2LabelDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2LabelDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY2LabelFormat() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2LabelFormat (Number) Format for the default data text position
Default Value is (0).
getY2LabelFormatPattern() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2LabelFormatPattern (Number) Custom format for the Y2 labels.
Default Value is (#.#).
getY2LabelRotate() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2LabelRotate Angle, 0 = No Rotaton, 1 = 90 Degrees, 2 = 270 Degrees, by which text is rotated
Default Value is (0).
getY2LabelStagger() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2LabelStagger NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY2LogScale() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2LogScale NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY2MajorGrid() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getY2MajorGridDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MajorGridDisplay Display the Y2 major gridlines?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY2MajorGridStep() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MajorGridStep NONE
Default Value is (20).
getY2MajorGridStepAuto() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MajorGridStepAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY2MajorGridStepAutoValue() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getY2MajorGridStyle() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MajorGridStyle Solid, dashed, etc.
Default Value is (0).
getY2MinorGrid() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getY2MinorGridDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MinorGridDisplay Display the Y2 minor gridlines?
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY2MinorGridStep() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MinorGridStep NONE
Default Value is (10).
getY2MinorGridStepAuto() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MinorGridStepAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY2MinorGridStyle() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MinorGridStyle Solid, dashed, etc.
Default Value is (0).
getY2MustIncludeZero() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MustIncludeZero NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY2OffScaleDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2OffScaleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY2ScaleMax() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2ScaleMax NONE
Default Value is (100).
getY2ScaleMaxAuto() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2ScaleMaxAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY2ScaleMaxAutoValue() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getY2ScaleMin() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2ScaleMin NONE
Default Value is (0).
getY2ScaleMinAuto() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2ScaleMinAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY2ScaleMinAutoValue() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getY2Title() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getY2TitleAutofit() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2TitleAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
getY2TitleDisplay() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2TitleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
getY2TitleString() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2TitleString NONE
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
getY2ZeroLine() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
getZoomDirection() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ZoomDirection Controls type of zooming user interface
Default Value is (0).
getZoomIndex() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getZoomIndex Get the current zoom state's index.
getZoomList() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
getZoomPercentage() - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ZoomPercentage Controls number of unique series colors
Default Value is (50.0).


HI_VALUE_MACRO - Static variable in class tdg.Perspective


init(Perspective) - Method in class tdg.NumberFormatCallBack
inputParamString(String) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
insertGradientPin(IdentObj, double, Color, Color) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Do everything necessary to add a new pin.
isApplet() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
This method was created by a SmartGuide.
isChart3DType() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isChartBipolar() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isChartBLAType() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isChartDualY() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isChartOrientHorz() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isChartPieType() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isChartReady() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isChartScatter() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isChartStockType() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isColorByGroup() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Is this chart colored by group?
isColorByHeight() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Is this chart colored by height?
isDirty() - Method in interface tdg.data.in.TDGDataGrid
Indicate if data has changed.
isExceptional(int) - Static method in class tdg.ObjClassID
Returns true if the specified object ID represents an exceptional riser.
isExceptionalAllowed() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Returns true if exceptional risers are allowed for the current graph type.
isFocusTraversable() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Returns whether this object can accept focus or not.
isGroupScrollerPresent() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Is the group scroller drawn?
isNumberFormatCallBack() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isO1AxisPresent() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Does this chart type have the O1 axis?
isO2AxisPresent() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Does this chart type have the O2 axis?
isSelection() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isSelectionBorderColorTransparent() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isSelectionCube() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isSelectionDataLabel() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isSelectionFillColorTransparent() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isSelectionGridLine() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isSelectionLegend() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isSelectionLine() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isSelectionRiser() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isSelectionSeriesRelated() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isSelectionText() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isSeriesScrollerPresent() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Is the series scroller drawn?
isSQLTypeNumeric(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isSQLTypeString(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isToolTipCallBack() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isValidChart() - Method in interface tdg.BadDogCallback
Does the chart pass the "bad dog" tests?
isValidZoomIndex(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
isValidZoomIndex Is the specified zoom state index a valid one?
isX1AxisPresent() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Does this chart type have the X1 axis?
isY1AxisPresent() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Does this chart type have the Y1 axis?
isY2AxisPresent() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Does this chart type have the Y2 axis?
isZ1AxisPresent() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Does this chart type have the Z1 axis?
isZoomingArmed() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Is zooming enabled and ready to use?


kAreaRiser - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kAreaRiserBottom - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kAreaRiserSide - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kAreaRiserTop - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kBarRiser - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kBarRiserBottom - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kBarRiserSide - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kChartBackground - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kColorByHeight - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCubeFloor - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCubeFloorGridX - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCubeFloorGridZ - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCubeLeftWall - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCubeLeftWallGridY - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCubeLeftWallGridZ - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCubeRightWall - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCubeRightWallGridX - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCubeRightWallGridY - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCubeRiserFace - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCubeRiserGridX - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCubeRiserGridY - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCubeRiserGridZ - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCurveExponential - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCurveLinear - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCurveLog - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCurveMean - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCurveMovAvg - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCurveNatLog - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCurvePolyFit - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCurveStdDev - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kCurveText - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kDataLabel - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kDataMarker - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kDataText - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
kFootnote - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kFrame - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kFrameBottom - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kFrameSeparator - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kFrameSide - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kGLOBAL - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kGroupScroller - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kGroupScrollerEditBox - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kGroupScrollerEditLeft - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kGroupScrollerEditRight - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kGroupScrollerEditThumb - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kGroupScrollerThumb - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kHistogramRiser - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kLegendArea - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kLegendMarker - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kLegendText - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kLineCurve - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kLineMarker - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kLineRiser - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kLineRiserSide - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kLineRiserTop - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kNestedO1Label0 - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kNestedO1Label1 - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kNestedO1Label2 - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kNestedO1Label3 - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kNestedO1Label4 - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kNestedO1Label5 - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kNestedO1Label6 - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kNestedO1Label7 - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kNestedO1Label8 - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kNestedO1LabelLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kO1Axis - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kO1AxisLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kO1Label - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kO1MajorGrid - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kO1MinorGrid - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kO1Title - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kO2Axis - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kO2AxisLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kO2Label - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kO2MajorGrid - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kO2MinorGrid - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kO2Title - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kPieBarConnectLines - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kPieBarRiser - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kPieBarRiserSide - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kPieBarRiserTop - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kPieBarSlice - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kPieBarSliceCrust - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kPieFeelerLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kPieFrame - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kPieLabel - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kPieRingLabel - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kPieSliceLabel - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kQuadrantLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kScatterLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kScatterQuadrantLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kSeriesScroller - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kSeriesScrollerEditBox - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kSeriesScrollerEditLeft - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kSeriesScrollerEditRight - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kSeriesScrollerEditThumb - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kSeriesScrollerThumb - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kSlice - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kSliceCrust - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kSliceRing - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kSpectralLegendMarker - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kSpectralMarker - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kStock52WeekHighLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kStock52WeekLowLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kStockCloseTick - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kStockFallingRiser - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kStockHighLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kStockLowerRiser - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kStockLowLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kStockMALine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kStockOpenTick - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kStockRiser - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kStockRisingRiser - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kStockVolumeRiser - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kSubtitle - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kTieLineX - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kTieLineY - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kTieLineZ - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kTitle - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kX1Axis - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kX1AxisLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kX1Label - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kX1MajorGrid - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kX1MinorGrid - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kX1Title - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kX1ZeroLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kY1Axis - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kY1AxisLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kY1Label - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kY1MajorGrid - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kY1MinorGrid - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kY1Title - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kY1ZeroLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kY2Axis - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kY2AxisLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kY2Label - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kY2MajorGrid - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kY2MinorGrid - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kY2Title - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kY2ZeroLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kZ1Axis - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kZ1Axis_LINE - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kZ1Label - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kZ1MajorGrid - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kZ1MinorGrid - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kZ1Title - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
kZ1ZeroLine - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID


load(InputStream, boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
load(String, boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
LOW_VALUE_MACRO - Static variable in class tdg.Perspective


m_config - Variable in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
MAX_2D_OBJCLASS - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
MAX_3D_OBJCLASS - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
MAX_5D_OBJCLASS - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
MAX_EXCEPTIONAL_RISERS - Static variable in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class tdg.Perspective


needRecalc() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
NO_CHART_YET - Static variable in class tdg.Perspective
NumberFormatCallBack - class tdg.NumberFormatCallBack.
Interface NumberFormatCallBack represents an abstract Interface to an Object that formats the numbers in a PFJ chart.
NumberFormatCallBack() - Constructor for class tdg.NumberFormatCallBack


O_RANGE_BEGIN - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
O_RANGE_END - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
O2D_RANGE_BEGIN - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
O2D_RANGE_END - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
O3D_RANGE_BEGIN - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
O3D_RANGE_END - Static variable in class tdg.ObjClassID
ObjClassID - class tdg.ObjClassID.
ObjClassID() - Constructor for class tdg.ObjClassID
OPEN_VALUE_MACRO - Static variable in class tdg.Perspective
outputParamString() - Method in class tdg.Perspective


paint(Graphics) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Perspective - class tdg.Perspective.
class Perspective - The public interface to Perspective for Java.
Perspective() - Constructor for class tdg.Perspective
Perspective Create an instance of Perspective
Perspective(Applet) - Constructor for class tdg.Perspective
PerspectiveBase - class tdg.PerspectiveBase.
PerspectiveBase() - Constructor for class tdg.PerspectiveBase
perspectiveEvent(TDGEvent) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
perspectiveEvent(TDGEvent) - Method in interface tdg.event.TDGListener
PFJRes - Variable in class tdg.Perspective
PIE_LABEL - Static variable in class tdg.NumberFormatCallBack
PIE_TOTAL - Static variable in class tdg.NumberFormatCallBack
print(Graphics) - Method in class tdg.Perspective


registerMarkerTemplate(MarkerTemplate) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
registerMarkerTemplate(Polygon) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
removePerspectiveListener(TDGListener) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
restoreAllSlices() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
restoreDefaults() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
rotateCubeX(double) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
rotateCubeX No Description
rotateCubeY(double) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
rotateCubeY No Description
rotateCubeZ(double) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
rotateCubeZ No Description
rowLabel(int) - Method in interface tdg.data.in.TDGDataGrid
Establish the row labels (e.g., line numbers).


save(OutputStream) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
save(OutputStream, String) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
scaleCube(double) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
scaleCube No Description
sendChartToFTP(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
sendGIFToFile(OutputStream) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
sendGIFToFTP(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
sendGIFToStream(OutputStream) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
sendImageMapToStream(PrintWriter, String) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setAutofit(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setAutofit(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setAutofit(int, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setAutoshading(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Autoshading If TRUE, light source settings are used to automatically shade the faces of a 3D graph, simulating a cast light beam.
setAutoSkip(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setAutoSkip(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setAutoSkip(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setAxisAssignment(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setAxisAssignment(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setAxisAssignment(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setAxisDescending(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setAxisDescending(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setAxisDescending(int, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setAxisSide(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setAxisSide(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setAxisSide(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setAxisTextAutofitMax(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: AxisTextAutofitMax Maximum virtual size for Axis Text while autofitted.
Default Value is (2000).
setAxisTextAutofitMin(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: AxisTextAutofitMin Minimum virtual size for Axis Text while autofitted.
Default Value is (500).
setAxisTextAutofitMode(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: AxisTextAutofitMode Determine how Axis Text is Autofitted
Default Value is (0).
setAxisTextAutofitPercent(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: AxisTextAutofitPercent Deviation Percentage for Autofitted Axis Text
Default Value is (10).
setBadDogCallback(BadDogCallback) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setBiDirectional(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: BiDirectional FALSE = Left to Right, TRUE = Right to Left
Default Value is (FALSE).
setBorderColor(Color) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setBorderColor(IdentObj, Color) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setColorMode(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ColorMode Changes between the five different "Coloring" modes:
0 = Color by Series
1 = ???
2 = ???
3 = ???
4= ???
5= ???
Default Value is (0).
setConnectLineMarkers(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ConnectLineMarkers Should the markers in a Line chart be connected by a line? Default is TRUE.
setConnectScatterMarkers(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ConnectScatterMarkers Has a visible effect on Scatter charts only.
setCubeFocusFactor(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeFocusFactor The ocus factor for setting perspective distortion.
setCubeIsometricProjection(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeIsometricProjection If TRUE, perspective distortion (focus) factor is ignored, and the graph cube is project isometrically (no line of sight perspective distortion, but perfectly parallel lines, like a mechanical drawing).
Default Value is (FALSE).
setCubeLightSourceX(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeLightSourceX X-coord (unit space) of light source
Default Value is (0).
setCubeLightSourceY(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeLightSourceY Y-coord (unit space) of light source
Default Value is (1).
setCubeLightSourceZ(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeLightSourceZ Z-coord (unit space) of light source
Default Value is (1).
setCubePanX(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubePanX Pan (in 2D virtual coordinates) in X direction
Default Value is (0).
setCubePanY(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubePanY Pan (in 2D virtual coordinates) in Y direction
Default Value is (0).
setCubeRotationMatrix(double, double, double) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setCubeRotationMatrix(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setCubeRotationMatrix(Matrix3d) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setCubeSizeX(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeSizeX Size of the 3D cube in the (user) X-direction.
setCubeSizeY(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeSizeY Size of the 3D cube in the (user) Y-direction.
setCubeSizeZ(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeSizeZ Size of the 3D cube in the (user) Z-direction.
setCubeSquareRisers(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeSquareRisers If TRUE, forces the aspect ratio of 3D risers to be perfectly sqaure, no matter what the cube dimensions are.
setCubeTranslationX(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeTranslationX Translation (in 3D cube coordinates) in the X direction.
Default Value is (50).
setCubeTranslationY(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeTranslationY Translation (in 3D cube coordinates) in Y direction.
Default Value is (50).
setCubeTranslationZ(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeTranslationZ Translation (in 3D cube coordinates) in Z direction.
Default Value is (50).
setCubeViewerX(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeViewerX Viewer location (in 3D cube coordinates) in the X direction.
Default Value is (50).
setCubeViewerY(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeViewerY Viewer location (in 3D cube coordinates) in the Y direction.
Default Value is (100).
setCubeViewerZ(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeViewerZ Viewer location (in 3D cube coordinates) in the Z direction.
Default Value is (33).
setCubeWallThickX(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeWallThickX Thickness of the 3D cube wall in the (user) X-direction.
Default Value is (25).
setCubeWallThickY(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeWallThickY Thickness of the 3D cube wall in the (user) Y-direction.
Default Value is (30).
setCubeWallThickZ(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeWallThickZ Thickness of the 3D cube wall in the (user) Z-direction.
Default Value is (25).
setCubeZoomFactor(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: CubeZoomFactor Global scaling factor for zooming in/out (above 1 is zoomed in).
Default Value is (50).
setData(int, int, double) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setData(int, int, double, boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setData(int, int, Object) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setData(int, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setDataFileURL(String) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setDataFromCallBack(TDGDataGrid) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setDataFromDataGrid(TDGDataGrid) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setDataFromResultSet(ResultSet) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setDataFromSQL(String, Statement) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setDataItemsAlongSeries(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataItemsAlongSeries Are the data items aligned parallel to the series (both rows, or both columns)?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setDataLabel(int, int, String) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setDataLineThickness(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataLineThickness For a "2.5D effect" chart, how wide is the "fake 3D" line, expressed as a percentage from 1 to 100? 1 would be basically a thin line, 100 would be a very thick 3D ribbon extending all the way across the extruded frame.
Default Value is (30).
setDataRange(int, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setDataRange(int, int, int, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setDataRangeToExtent() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setDataScrollerPresenceGroups(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataScrollerPresenceGroups Determines when Group Data Scroller is visible
Default Value is (1).
setDataScrollerPresenceSeries(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataScrollerPresenceSeries Determines when Series Data Scroller is visible
Default Value is (1).
setDataStream(InputStream) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setDataTextAngle(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setDataTextAngle(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setDataTextAngle(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setDataTextAngle(int, int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setDataTextAngleDefault(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextAngleDefault Angle from center point that all data text is drawn from.
setDataTextDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextDisplay If TRUE, displays the data values for the selected IdentObj elements.
setDataTextFormat(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextFormat (Number) Format for the default data text position.
setDataTextFormatPattern(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextFormatPattern (Number) Custom format for the data text.
Default Value is (#.#).
setDataTextPosition(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextPosition Position of the Data Value:
0 = Custom
1 = Above Riser
2 = On Riser Edge
3 = Below Riser Edge
4 = Center on Riser
5 = Above Riser Base
Default Value is (1).
setDataTextRadius(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setDataTextRadius(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setDataTextRadius(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setDataTextRadius(int, int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setDataTextRadiusDefault(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextRadiusDefault Radius that a Data text value will be drawn out from the center of a chart riser by default.
setDataTextTemplateBubble(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextTemplateBubble Template for Data Text Labels for Bubble
Default Value is ([SIZE]).
setDataTextTemplateHiLo(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextTemplateHiLo Template for Data Text Labels for Stock Charts [empty string = Close for Charts which have Close or High for all others]
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
setDataTextTemplateScatter(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DataTextTemplateScatter Template for Data Text Labels for Scatter
Default Value is ([X], [Y]).
setDataValue(IdentObj, double) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setDepthAngle(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DepthAngle When charts are drawn using the "2.5D" effect, this is the angle in degrees that the extruded section is drawn at.
Default Value is (45).
setDepthRadius(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DepthRadius For "2.5D" effect, how far out from the chart will the extruded frame extend? Small values give very "narrow" charts, large values give very "thick" ones.
Default Value is (40).
setDeveloperToolTip(String) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setDeveloperToolTipDefault() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setDisplay(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setDisplay(int, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setDisplay3DFloor(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Display3DFloor Display the floor of the 3D cube?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setDisplay3DLeftWall(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Display3DLeftWall Display the left wall of the 3D cube?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setDisplay3DRightWall(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Display3DRightWall Display the right wall of the 3D cube?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setDisplayBarAsPictograph(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DisplayBarAsPictograph Display Bar as Pictograph (Only for Flat 2D)
Default Value is (FALSE).
setDisplayOffScale(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setDisplayOffScale(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setDisplayOffScale(int, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setDualAxisLineDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DualAxisLineDisplay Display line separating axis
Default Value is (FALSE).
setDualAxisSplitPosition(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: DualAxisSplitPosition Position within the chart frame that the DualY split position will be created.
setDynamicToolTip(String) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setEditChart(boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setEditChart(PFJEditor, boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setEditZoom(boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setExactColorByHeight(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ExactColorByHeight If true, interpolate color "exactly", else use closest color on spectral legend.
Default Value is (TRUE).
setExceptionalRiser() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Create an exceptional riser using the current selection.
setExceptionalRiser(int, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Create an exceptional riser using the specified series and group.
setExcludeMaxLabel(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setExcludeMaxLabel(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setExcludeMaxLabel(int, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setExcludeMinLabel(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setExcludeMinLabel(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setExcludeMinLabel(int, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setFillColor(Color) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setFillColor(IdentObj, Color) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setFillType(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setFillType(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setFontName(IdentObj, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setFontName(int, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setFontName(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setFontSize(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setFontSize(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setFontSize(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setFontSize(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setFontSize(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setFontSizeVC(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setFontSizeVC(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setFontSizeVC(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setFontStyle(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setFontStyle(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setFootnoteAutofit(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: FootnoteAutofit Perform text autofitting on the chart footnote?
Default Value is (FALSE).
setFootnoteDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: FootnoteDisplay Display the footnote?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setFootnoteString(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: FootnoteString Text string for the chart footnote.
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
setFrameDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: FrameDisplay Display the frame?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setGradientDirection(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setGradientDirection(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setGradientNumPins(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setGradientNumPins(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setGradientPinLeftColor(Color, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setGradientPinLeftColor(IdentObj, Color, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setGradientPinPosition(double, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setGradientPinPosition(IdentObj, double, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setGradientPinRightColor(Color, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setGradientPinRightColor(IdentObj, Color, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setGraphType(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Property Name: GraphType Change Chart Type
Default Value is (17).
setGrid3DFloorDisplayX(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DFloorDisplayX Display Floor grids attached to (user) X-axis?
Default Value is (FALSE).
setGrid3DFloorDisplayZ(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DFloorDisplayZ Display Floor grids attached to (user) Z-axis?
Default Value is (FALSE).
setGrid3DLeftWallDisplayY(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DLeftWallDisplayY Display Left Wall grids attached to (user) Y-axis?
Default Value is (FALSE).
setGrid3DLeftWallDisplayZ(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DLeftWallDisplayZ Display Left Wall grids attached to (user) Z-axis?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setGrid3DRightWallDisplayX(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DRightWallDisplayX Display Right Wall grids attached to (user) X-axis?
Default Value is (FALSE).
setGrid3DRightWallDisplayY(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DRightWallDisplayY Display Right Wall grids attached to (user) Y-axis?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setGrid3DRiserDisplayX(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DRiserDisplayX Display Riser grids attached to (user) X-axis?
Default Value is (FALSE).
setGrid3DRiserDisplayY(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DRiserDisplayY Display Riser grids attached to (user) Y-axis?
Default Value is (FALSE).
setGrid3DRiserDisplayZ(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Grid3DRiserDisplayZ Display Riser grids attached to (user) Z-axis?
Default Value is (FALSE).
setGridCount(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setGridCount(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setGridCount(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setGridStep(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setGridStep(IdentObj, double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setGridStep(int, double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setGridStepAuto(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setGridStepAuto(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setGridStepAuto(int, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setGridStyle(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setGridStyle(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setGridStyle(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setGroupLabel(IdentObj, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setGroupLabel(int, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setGroupLabel(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setIgnoreSeries(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setIgnoreSeries(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setIgnoreSeries(int, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setLabelMargin(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setLabelMargin(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setLabelMargin(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setLabelStagger(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setLabelStagger(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setLabelStagger(int, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setLegendAutomatic(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: LegendAutomatic Let engine automagically position and size legend?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setLegendDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: LegendDisplay Display the legend text?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setLegendMarkerPosition(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: LegendMarkerPosition Position of legend marker relative to legend text.
Default Value is (0).
setLegendMarkersPerCol(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: LegendMarkersPerCol 0 means automatic
Default Value is (0).
setLegendMarkersPerRow(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: LegendMarkersPerRow 0 means automatic
Default Value is (0).
setLegendOrient(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setLegendRect(Rectangle) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setLegendRect(Rectangle, boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setLegendReverse(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: LegendReverse Draw legend in reverse order?
Default Value is (FALSE).
setLegendTextAutofit(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: LegendTextAutofit Autofit the legend text or not?
Default Value is (FALSE).
setLineWidth(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setLineWidth(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setLogScale(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setLogScale(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setLogScale(int, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setManualRedraw(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setMarkerDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: MarkerDisplay Turns markers on or off for any 2D chart.
setMarkerShape(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setMarkerShape(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setMarkerSize(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setMarkerSize(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setMarkerSize(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setMarkerSize(int, int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setMarkerSizeDefault(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: MarkerSizeDefault Marker size unless a specific (s,g) point overrides; bubble charts ignore this.
Default Value is (30).
setMarkerTemplate(int, MarkerTemplate) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setMarkerTemplate(int, Polygon) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setNestedLabels(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: NestedLabels If true, use TDGNestedLabelsObj for nested O1 labels.
Default Value is (FALSE).
setNestedLabelsUniformStyle(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: NestedLabelsUniformStyle If true, all nested O1 labels have same font, size, style and color.
Default Value is (FALSE).
setNoExceptionalRiser() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Remove all exceptional risers.
setNumberFormatCallBack(NumberFormatCallBack) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setO1AxisLineDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1AxisLineDisplay Dispay O1 Axis Line
Default Value is (FALSE).
setO1AxisSide(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1AxisSide Which side of the chart will the labels for this axis be drawn on?
0=Left side (or bottom for Horizontal charts)
1=Right side (or top for Horizontal charts)
2=Both sides of the chart
Default Value is (0).
setO1ExcludeMaxLabel(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1ExcludeMaxLabel Exclude Max Label on this Axis.
Default Value is (FALSE).
setO1ExcludeMinLabel(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1ExcludeMinLabel Exclude Min Label on this Axis.
Default Value is (FALSE).
setO1LabelAutofit(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelAutofit Autofit this label or not?
Default Value is (FALSE).
setO1LabelAutoSkip(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelAutoSkip Label Skipping, 0 = No Skipping, 1 = AutoSkip, 2 = Manual Skip
Default Value is (0).
setO1LabelCallback(TDGNestedLabel) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setO1LabelDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelDisplay Display the labels for the O1 (Group) axis of this chart?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setO1LabelMargin(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelMargin Label Margins, 0 to 100 percent of the Label Width
Default Value is (0).
setO1LabelRotate(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelRotate Angle, 0 = No Rotaton, 1 = 90 Degrees, 2 = 270 Degrees, by which text is rotated
Default Value is (0).
setO1LabelSkipBegin(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelSkipBegin Manual Label Skip Begin Label
Default Value is (0).
setO1LabelSkipCount(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelSkipCount Manual Label Skip Number of Labels to Skip
Default Value is (0).
setO1LabelStagger(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelStagger Stagger the labels for the O1 (Group) axis of this chart? Use this option when there are too many labels to read.
Not Implemented Yet
Default Value is (FALSE).
setO1LabelWrap(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1LabelWrap Use text wrapping for the O1 (Group) axis of this chart? Use this option when there are long text strings with spaces that will not fit next to each other on this axis.
Default Value is (FALSE).
setO1MajorGridDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1MajorGridDisplay Display the O1 major gridlines?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setO1MajorGridStyle(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1MajorGridStyle What line style should be used for the O1 (Group) Major Grid Lines? Valid settings are:
0=Normal Grid Lines
Default Value is (0).
setO1MinorGridCount(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1MinorGridCount Number of Minor Grids for O1 Axis
Default Value is (1).
setO1MinorGridDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1MinorGridDisplay Display the O1 (Group) axis minor gridlines?
Default Value is (FALSE).
setO1MinorGridStyle(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1MinorGridStyle Which style of grid lines should be used for the O1 (Group) axis minor grid lines?
0= Normal Grids
Default Value is (0).
setO1TitleAutofit(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1TitleAutofit Autofit the font for the O1 (Group) axis title? If FALSE, then the set font size will be used instead.
Default Value is (FALSE).
setO1TitleDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1TitleDisplay Display the O1 (Group) axis title? Setting the string for this title will cause this property to automatically be set to TRUE.
Default Value is (TRUE).
setO1TitleString(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O1TitleString Text string for the O1 (Group) axis title.
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
setO2ExcludeMaxLabel(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2ExcludeMaxLabel Exclude Max Label on this Axis? Valid ONLY for Spectral Charts!
Default Value is (FALSE).
setO2ExcludeMinLabel(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2ExcludeMinLabel Exclude Min Label on this Axis? Valid ONLY for Spectral Charts!
Default Value is (FALSE).
setO2LabelAutofit(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2LabelAutofit Autofit the font for the O2 (Second Group) axis labels? If FALSE, then the set font size will be used instead.
setO2LabelDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2LabelDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setO2LabelRotate(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2LabelRotate Angle, 0 = No Rotaton, 1 = 90 Degrees, 2 = 270 Degrees, by which text is rotated
Default Value is (0).
setO2LabelWrap(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2LabelWrap NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setO2TitleAutofit(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2TitleAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setO2TitleDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2TitleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setO2TitleString(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: O2TitleString NONE
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
setPieBarSeries(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieBarSeries Which series is exploded as a Bar in PieBar charts
Default Value is (0).
setPieDepth(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieDepth NONE
Default Value is (30).
setPieFeelerTextDisplay(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieFeelerTextDisplay NONE
Default Value is (1).
setPieFeelerTextFormat(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieFeelerTextFormat (Number) Format for the default data text position
Default Value is (0).
setPieFeelerTextFormatPattern(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieFeelerTextFormatPattern (Number) Custom format for the pie feeler text.
Default Value is (#.#).
setPieLabelDisplay(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieLabelDisplay Huh? how about some symbolic constants
Default Value is (1).
setPieRingSize(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieRingSize Affects only RINGPIE graph type
Default Value is (30).
setPieRingTotalDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieRingTotalDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setPieRingTotalFormat(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieRingTotalFormat Selects format for Ring Total
Default Value is (0).
setPieRingTotalFormatPattern(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieRingTotalFormatPattern Selects format for Ring Total.
Default Value is (#.#).
setPieRotate(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieRotate 0 means 12 o'clock
Default Value is (0).
setPieSliceDelete(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setPieSliceDelete(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setPieSliceDelete(int, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setPieSliceDelete(int, int, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setPieSliceDetach(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setPieSliceDetach(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setPieSliceDetach(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setPieSliceDetach(int, int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setPiesPerRow(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PiesPerRow NONE
Default Value is (2).
setPieTilt(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: PieTilt NONE
Default Value is (10).
setQuadrantLineCountX(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: QuadrantLineCountX Number of vertical Quadrant Lines
Default Value is (1).
setQuadrantLineCountY(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: QuadrantLineCountY Number of horizontal Quadrant Lines
Default Value is (1).
setQuadrantLineValueX(int, double) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setQuadrantLineValueY(int, double) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setRect(IdentObj, Rectangle) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setRect(int, Rectangle) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setRect(Rectangle) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setReshapeEnable(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ReshapeEnable Allow user to move and resize objects?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setResizeBarMode(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ResizeBarMode NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setReverseGroups(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ReverseGroups Draw groups in reverse order
Default Value is (FALSE).
setReverseSeries(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ReverseSeries Draw series in reverse order
Default Value is (FALSE).
setRiser3DThicknessY(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Riser3DThicknessY NONE
Default Value is (75).
setRiserBarGroupSpacing(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: RiserBarGroupSpacing NONE
Default Value is (25).
setRiserWidth(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: RiserWidth NONE
Default Value is (75).
setScaleFromZero(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ScaleFromZero Draw bar from 0 or from minimum value?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setScaleMax(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setScaleMax(IdentObj, double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setScaleMax(int, double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setScaleMaxAuto(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setScaleMaxAuto(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setScaleMaxAuto(int, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setScaleMin(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setScaleMin(IdentObj, double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setScaleMin(int, double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setScaleMinAuto(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setScaleMinAuto(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setScaleMinAuto(int, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setScaleMustIncludeZero(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setScaleMustIncludeZero(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setScaleMustIncludeZero(int, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setScrollOffsetGroup(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ScrollOffsetGroup Group offset within DataRange
Default Value is (0).
setScrollOffsetSeries(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ScrollOffsetSeries Series offset within DataRange
Default Value is (0).
setSelection(IdentObj) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setSelection Sets the selection list to be the object with the given ID
setSelection(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setSelection If bAdd is true, adds the object with the given ID to the selection list; if false, it sets the selection list to be only the specified object.
setSelection(IdentObj, boolean, boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setSelection If bAdd is true, adds the object with the given ID to the selection list; if false, it sets the selection list to be only the specified object.
setSelection(Vector) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setSelection Sets the selection list to be the list of objects specified by the given Vector of IdentObjs.
setSelectionEnable(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: SelectionEnable Allow user to select objects?
Default Value is (3).
setSelectionEnableMove(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: SelectionEnableMove Enable objects moving and resizing
Default Value is (TRUE).
setSeriesAreRows(boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
Property Name: SeriesAreRows Are series stored in rows?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setSeriesAreRows(boolean, boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setSeriesBorderColor(int, Color) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setSeriesFillColor(int, Color) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setSeriesLabel(IdentObj, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setSeriesLabel(int, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setSeriesLabel(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setSeriesLooping(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: SeriesLooping Controls number of unique series colors
Default Value is (32).
setSeriesType(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setSeriesType(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setSeriesType(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setShadowColor(IdentObj, Color) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setShadowDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setShadowDisplay(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setShadowDisplay(int, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setShadowXOffset(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setShadowXOffset(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setShadowXOffset(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setShadowXOffsetDefault(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ShadowXOffsetDefault Default x-offset of drop shadow
Default Value is (2).
setShadowYOffset(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setShadowYOffset(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setShadowYOffset(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setShadowYOffsetDefault(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ShadowYOffsetDefault Default y-offset of drop shadow
Default Value is (2).
setSize(Dimension) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setSize(int, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setSkipBegin(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setSkipBegin(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setSkipBegin(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setSkipCount(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setSkipCount(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setSkipCount(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setSquareMarkers(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: SquareMarkers If TRUE, forces the legend markers to be perfect squares.
setState(int, int, int, AxisTemplate, int) - Method in class tdg.NumberFormatCallBack
setStock52WeekHighDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Stock52WeekHighDisplay Show 52-week high line?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setStock52WeekHighValue(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Stock52WeekHighValue Set value for 52-week high line.
Default Value is (40).
setStock52WeekLowDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Stock52WeekLowDisplay Show 52-week low line?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setStock52WeekLowValue(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Stock52WeekLowValue Set value for 52-week low line.
Default Value is (10).
setStockCloseSplitDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: StockCloseSplitDisplay Split riser at close value? Does nothing if Close data not available.
Default Value is (TRUE).
setStockCloseTicksDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: StockCloseTicksDisplay Stock tick at close value? Does nothing if Close data not available.
Default Value is (TRUE).
setStockMovingAverageDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: StockMovingAverageDisplay Show moving average line?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setStockOpenTicksDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: StockOpenTicksDisplay Stock tick at open value? Does nothing if Open data not available.
Default Value is (TRUE).
setStockTickLength(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: StockTickLength How far the ticks extend by percentage of available space.
Default Value is (50).
setSubtitleAutofit(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: SubtitleAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setSubtitleDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: SubtitleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setSubtitleString(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: SubtitleString NONE
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
setTextAutofitMax(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: TextAutofitMax Maximum virtual size for text autofitting.
Default Value is (2200).
setTextAutofitMin(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: TextAutofitMin Minimum virtual size for text autofitting.
Default Value is (200).
setTextFormatPattern(IdentObj, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextFormatPattern(int, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextFormatPattern(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextFormatPreset(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextFormatPreset(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextFormatPreset(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextJustHoriz(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextJustHoriz(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextJustHoriz(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextJustVert(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextJustVert(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextJustVert(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextRotation(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextRotation(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextRotation(int, int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextString(IdentObj, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextString(int, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextString(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextureDisplayMode(IdentObj, int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setTextureDisplayMode(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setTextureURL(IdentObj, String) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setTextureURL(String) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setTextWrap(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextWrap(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTextWrap(int, boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setTitleAutofit(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: TitleAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setTitleDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: TitleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setTitleString(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: TitleString NONE
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
setToolTipCallBack(ToolTipCallBack) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setToolTipCustomString(IdentObj, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setToolTipCustomString(int, int, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setToolTipCustomString(int, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setToolTipCustomString(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setToolTipDelay(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
set the object tip delay in milliseconds
setToolTipDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ToolTipDisplay Display CharTips and WidgeTips
Default Value is (FALSE).
setToolTipMode(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ToolTipMode Toggle CharTips between explicit Developer Info and User Level Info (FALSE == USER)
Default Value is (FALSE).
setToolTipOff() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setToolTipOn() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setTransparentBorderColor(boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setTransparentBorderColor(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setTransparentFillColor(boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setTransparentFillColor(IdentObj, boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setURL(IdentObj, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setURL(int, int, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setURL(int, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setURL(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setURLTarget(IdentObj, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setURLTarget(int, int, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setURLTarget(int, String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setURLTarget(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setUseOffScreen(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
setUserToolTip(String) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setUserToolTipDefault() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setUseSampleData(boolean) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setUseSeriesShapes(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: UseSeriesShapes Use the getMarkerTemplate shapes?
Default Value is (FALSE).
setViewableGroups(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ViewableGroups Number of Groups to Display
Default Value is (0).
setViewableGroupsStock(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ViewableGroupsStock Number of Groups in Stock Charts to Display
Default Value is (52).
setViewableSeries(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ViewableSeries Number of Series to Display
Default Value is (0).
setViewableSeriesStock(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ViewableSeriesStock Number of Series in Stock Charts to Display
Default Value is (0).
setViewing3DAnglePreset(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Viewing3DAnglePreset Value of -1 means custom angle in use, 0-15 are presets
Default Value is (0).
setX1AxisDescending(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1AxisDescending Ascending or Descending?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setX1AxisLineDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1AxisLineDisplay Dispay X1 Axis Line
Default Value is (FALSE).
setX1AxisSide(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1AxisSide Which side of the chart will the labels for this axis be drawn on?
0=Left side (or bottom for Horizontal charts)
1=Right side (or top for Horizontal charts)
2=Both sides of the chart
Default Value is (0).
setX1ExcludeMaxLabel(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1ExcludeMaxLabel Exclude Max Label on this Axis
Default Value is (FALSE).
setX1ExcludeMinLabel(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1ExcludeMinLabel Exclude Min Label on this Axis
Default Value is (FALSE).
setX1LabelAutofit(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1LabelAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setX1LabelDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1LabelDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setX1LabelFormat(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1LabelFormat (Number) Format for the default data text position
Default Value is (0).
setX1LabelFormatPattern(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1LabelFormatPattern (Number) Custom format for the X1 labels.
Default Value is (#.#).
setX1LabelRotate(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1LabelRotate Angle, 0 = No Rotaton, 1 = 90 Degrees, 2 = 270 Degrees, by which text is rotated
Default Value is (0).
setX1LabelStagger(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1LabelStagger NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setX1LogScale(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1LogScale NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setX1MajorGridDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MajorGridDisplay Display the X1 major gridlines?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setX1MajorGridStep(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MajorGridStep NONE
Default Value is (20).
setX1MajorGridStepAuto(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MajorGridStepAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setX1MajorGridStyle(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MajorGridStyle Solid, dashed, etc.
Default Value is (0).
setX1MinorGridDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MinorGridDisplay Display the X1 minor gridlines?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setX1MinorGridStep(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MinorGridStep NONE
Default Value is (10).
setX1MinorGridStepAuto(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MinorGridStepAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setX1MinorGridStyle(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MinorGridStyle Solid, dashed, etc.
Default Value is (0).
setX1MustIncludeZero(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1MustIncludeZero NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setX1OffScaleDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1OffScaleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setX1ScaleMax(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1ScaleMax NONE
Default Value is (100).
setX1ScaleMaxAuto(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1ScaleMaxAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setX1ScaleMin(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1ScaleMin NONE
Default Value is (0).
setX1ScaleMinAuto(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1ScaleMinAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setX1TitleAutofit(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1TitleAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setX1TitleDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1TitleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setX1TitleString(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1TitleString NONE
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
setX1ZeroLineDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: X1ZeroLineDisplay NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY1AxisDescending(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1AxisDescending NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY1AxisLineDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1AxisLineDisplay Dispay Y1 Axis Line
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY1AxisSide(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1AxisSide Which side of the chart will the labels for this axis be drawn on?
0=Left side (or bottom for Horizontal charts)
1=Right side (or top for Horizontal charts)
2=Both sides of the chart
Default Value is (0).
setY1ExcludeMaxLabel(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1ExcludeMaxLabel Exclude Max Label on this Axis
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY1ExcludeMinLabel(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1ExcludeMinLabel Exclude Min Label on this Axis
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY1LabelAutofit(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1LabelAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY1LabelDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1LabelDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY1LabelFormat(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1LabelFormat (Number) Format for the default data text position
Default Value is (0).
setY1LabelFormatPattern(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1LabelFormatPattern (Number) Custom format for the Y1 labels.
Default Value is (#.#).
setY1LabelRotate(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1LabelRotate Angle, 0 = No Rotaton, 1 = 90 Degrees, 2 = 270 Degrees, by which text is rotated
Default Value is (0).
setY1LabelStagger(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1LabelStagger NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY1LogScale(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1LogScale NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY1MajorGridDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MajorGridDisplay Display the Y1 major gridlines?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY1MajorGridStep(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MajorGridStep NONE
Default Value is (20).
setY1MajorGridStepAuto(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MajorGridStepAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY1MajorGridStyle(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MajorGridStyle Solid, dashed, etc.
Default Value is (0).
setY1MinorGridDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MinorGridDisplay Display the Y1 minor gridlines?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY1MinorGridStep(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MinorGridStep NONE
Default Value is (10).
setY1MinorGridStepAuto(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MinorGridStepAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY1MinorGridStyle(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MinorGridStyle Solid, dashed, etc.
Default Value is (0).
setY1MustIncludeZero(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1MustIncludeZero NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY1OffScaleDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1OffScaleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY1ScaleMax(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1ScaleMax NONE
Default Value is (100).
setY1ScaleMaxAuto(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1ScaleMaxAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY1ScaleMin(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1ScaleMin NONE
Default Value is (0).
setY1ScaleMinAuto(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1ScaleMinAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY1TitleAutofit(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1TitleAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY1TitleDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1TitleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY1TitleString(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1TitleString NONE
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
setY1ZeroLineDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y1ZeroLineDisplay NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY2AxisDescending(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2AxisDescending NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY2AxisLineDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2AxisLineDisplay Dispay Y2 Axis Line
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY2AxisSide(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2AxisSide Which side of the chart will the labels for this axis be drawn on?
0=Left side (or bottom for Horizontal charts)
1=Right side (or top for Horizontal charts)
2=Both sides of the chart
Default Value is (1).
setY2ExcludeMaxLabel(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2ExcludeMaxLabel Exclude Max Label on this Axis
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY2ExcludeMinLabel(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2ExcludeMinLabel Exclude Min Label on this Axis
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY2LabelAutofit(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2LabelAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY2LabelDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2LabelDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY2LabelFormat(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2LabelFormat (Number) Format for the default data text position
Default Value is (0).
setY2LabelFormatPattern(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2LabelFormatPattern (Number) Custom format for the Y2 labels.
Default Value is (#.#).
setY2LabelRotate(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2LabelRotate Angle, 0 = No Rotaton, 1 = 90 Degrees, 2 = 270 Degrees, by which text is rotated
Default Value is (0).
setY2LabelStagger(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2LabelStagger NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY2LogScale(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2LogScale NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY2MajorGridDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MajorGridDisplay Display the Y2 major gridlines?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY2MajorGridStep(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MajorGridStep NONE
Default Value is (20).
setY2MajorGridStepAuto(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MajorGridStepAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY2MajorGridStyle(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MajorGridStyle Solid, dashed, etc.
Default Value is (0).
setY2MinorGridDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MinorGridDisplay Display the Y2 minor gridlines?
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY2MinorGridStep(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MinorGridStep NONE
Default Value is (10).
setY2MinorGridStepAuto(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MinorGridStepAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY2MinorGridStyle(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MinorGridStyle Solid, dashed, etc.
Default Value is (0).
setY2MustIncludeZero(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2MustIncludeZero NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY2OffScaleDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2OffScaleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY2ScaleMax(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2ScaleMax NONE
Default Value is (100).
setY2ScaleMaxAuto(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2ScaleMaxAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY2ScaleMin(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2ScaleMin NONE
Default Value is (0).
setY2ScaleMinAuto(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2ScaleMinAuto NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY2TitleAutofit(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2TitleAutofit NONE
Default Value is (FALSE).
setY2TitleDisplay(boolean) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2TitleDisplay NONE
Default Value is (TRUE).
setY2TitleString(String) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: Y2TitleString NONE
Default Value is (NULLSTRING).
setZoomDirection(int) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ZoomDirection Controls type of zooming user interface
Default Value is (0).
setZoomIndex(int) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
setZoomIndex Set the current zoom state index.
setZoomPercentage(double) - Method in class tdg.PerspectiveBase
Property Name: ZoomPercentage Controls number of unique series colors
Default Value is (50.0).
SIZE_VALUE_MACRO - Static variable in class tdg.Perspective
startListeners() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
stopListeners() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
stripExceptionalOffset(int) - Static method in class tdg.ObjClassID
Returns the object ID, stripped of the exceptional offset if necessary.


TDG_3DPRESET_CHANGED - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Notify Listeners that Preset has changed.
TDG_APPLY_COLOR - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Apply color change to current selection, if any.
TDG_CALC_PERFORMED - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Notify Listeners that CALC has been performed.
TDG_EDITOR_STATE_TOGGLE - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Notify Listeners that Editing State has been toggled.
TDG_FIRST_EVENT_ID - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
The lowest event ID allowed in the Perspective JavaCHART world.
TDG_GRAPHTYPE_CHANGED - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Notify Listeners that GraphType has changed.
TDG_KEY_PRESSED - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Notify Listeners that Key Pressed.
TDG_KEY_RELEASED - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Notify Listeners that Key Released.
TDG_KEY_TYPED - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Notify Listeners that Key Typed.
TDG_LAST_EVENT_ID - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
The highest event ID allowed in the Perspective JavaCHART world.
TDG_MOUSE_CLICKED - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Notify Listeners that Mouse Clicked.
TDG_MOUSE_DRAGGED - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Notify Listeners that Mouse Dragged.
TDG_MOUSE_ENTERED - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Notify Listeners that Mouse Entered.
TDG_MOUSE_EXITED - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Notify Listeners that Mouse Exited.
TDG_MOUSE_MOVED - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Notify Listeners that Mouse Moved.
TDG_MOUSE_PRESSED - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Notify Listeners that Mouse Pressed.
TDG_MOUSE_RELEASED - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Notify Listeners that Mouse Released.
TDG_SELECTION_CHANGED - Static variable in class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Perspective selection changed.
TDGDataGrid - interface tdg.data.in.TDGDataGrid.
Interface TDGDataGrid represents an abstract data model that is one way of preparing data for graphing by Perspective javaCHART.
TDGEvent - class tdg.event.TDGEvent.
The root event class for all perspective-level events.
TDGEvent(Object, int, Object) - Constructor for class tdg.event.TDGEvent
Constructs a TDGEvent object with the specified source Perspective and type.
TDGListener - interface tdg.event.TDGListener.
The listener interface for receiving perspective events.
toggleEditControls() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
TOOLTIP_VALUE - Static variable in class tdg.NumberFormatCallBack
ToolTipCallBack - interface tdg.ToolTipCallBack.
ToolTipDelay - Variable in class tdg.Perspective
toString(double) - Method in class tdg.NumberFormatCallBack
translateCube(double, double, double) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
translateCube No Description


update(Graphics) - Method in class tdg.Perspective
updateAccess() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
updateParamsFromMatrix() - Method in class tdg.Perspective
updateParamsFromMatrix After calling translateCube, focusCube, rotateCubeX, rotateCubeY, rotateCubeZ, or scaleCube, call updateParamsFromMatrix to keep the rotation matrix and scalar parameters stored in the look in sync.


VIEW_ALL_DATA - Static variable in class tdg.Perspective


X_VALUE_MACRO - Static variable in class tdg.Perspective
X_Y_VALUE_MACRO - Static variable in class tdg.Perspective


Y_VALUE_MACRO - Static variable in class tdg.Perspective


_paint(Graphics) - Method in class tdg.Perspective

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