Apache SOAP API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use SOAPException


Uses of SOAPException in org.apache.soap


Methods in org.apache.soap that throw SOAPException
static void Utils.checkMustUnderstands(Header header)
          Check for mustUnderstand headers, and throw a mustUnderstand Fault if we find any.


Constructors in org.apache.soap with parameters of type SOAPException
Fault(SOAPException _soapException)


Uses of SOAPException in org.apache.soap.messaging


Methods in org.apache.soap.messaging that throw SOAPException
 void Message.send(java.net.URL url, java.lang.String actionURI, Envelope env)
          Send an envelope to the given URL via the SOAPTransport that has been configured for this instance (or SOAPHTTPConnection by default).
 Envelope Message.receiveEnvelope()
          Receive an envelope from the given transport.
 javax.activation.DataHandler Message.receive()
          Receive a response from the given transport.


Uses of SOAPException in org.apache.soap.rpc


Methods in org.apache.soap.rpc that throw SOAPException
static java.lang.String Call.getEnvelopeString(org.apache.soap.transport.SOAPTransport st)
          Check if response root part is text/xml and return it as a String.
 Response Call.invoke(java.net.URL url, java.lang.String SOAPActionURI)
          Invoke this call at the specified URL.


Uses of SOAPException in org.apache.soap.util.net


Methods in org.apache.soap.util.net that throw SOAPException
static org.apache.soap.transport.TransportMessage HTTPUtils.post(java.net.URL url, org.apache.soap.transport.TransportMessage request, int timeout, java.lang.String httpProxyHost, int httpProxyPort)
          POST something to the given URL.
static org.apache.soap.transport.TransportMessage HTTPUtils.post(java.net.URL url, org.apache.soap.transport.TransportMessage request, int timeout, java.lang.String httpProxyHost, int httpProxyPort, int outputBufferSize)
          POST something to the given URL.
static org.apache.soap.transport.TransportMessage HTTPUtils.post(java.net.URL url, org.apache.soap.transport.TransportMessage request, int timeout, java.lang.String httpProxyHost, int httpProxyPort, int outputBufferSize, java.lang.Boolean tcpNoDelay)
          POST something to the given URL.
static org.apache.soap.transport.TransportMessage HTTPUtils.post(java.net.URL url, org.apache.soap.transport.TransportMessage request, int timeout, java.lang.String httpProxyHost, int httpProxyPort, int outputBufferSize, java.lang.Boolean tcpNoDelay, java.lang.StringBuffer requestCopy, java.lang.StringBuffer responseCopy)
          POST something to the given URL.


Apache SOAP API Reference

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