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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Programming Advanced Features of JAX-WS Web Services for Oracle WebLogic Server
11g Release 1 (10.3.3)

Part Number E13734-02
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7 Optimizing Binary Data Transmission Using MTOM/XOP

The following sections describe how to use MTOM/XOP to send binary data:

Sending Binary Data Using MTOM/XOP

SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism/XML-binary Optimized Packaging (MTOM/XOP) defines a method for optimizing the transmission of XML data of type xs:base64Binary or xs:hexBinary in SOAP messages. When the transport protocol is HTTP, MIME attachments are used to carry that data while at the same time allowing both the sender and the receiver direct access to the XML data in the SOAP message without having to be aware that any MIME artifacts were used to marshal the base64Binary or hexBinary data. The binary data optimization process involves the following steps: 1) encode the binary data, 2) remove the binary data from the SOAP envelope, 3) compress the binary data, 4) attach the binary data to the MIME package, and 5) add references to the MIME package in the SOAP envelope.

MTOM/XOP support is standard in JAX-WS via the use of JWS annotations. The MTOM specification does not require that, when MTOM is enabled, the Web service runtime use XOP binary optimization when transmitting base64binary or hexBinary data. Rather, the specification allows the runtime to choose to do so. This is because in certain cases the runtime may decide that it is more efficient to send the binary data directly in the SOAP Message; an example of such a case is when transporting small amounts of data in which the overhead of conversion and transport consumes more resources than just inlining the data as is.

The following Java types are mapped to the base64Binary XML data type, by default: javax.activation.DataHandler, java.awt.Image, and javax.xml.transform.Source. The elements of type base64Binary or hexBinary are mapped to byte[], by default.

The following table summarizes the steps required to use MTOM/XOP to send base64Binary or hexBinary attachments.

Table 7-1 Steps to Use MTOM/XOP to Send Binary Data

Step Description


Annotate the data types that you are going to use as an MTOM attachment. (Optional)

Depending on your programming model, you can annotate your Java class or WSDL to define the content types that are used for sending binary data. This step is optional. By default, XML binary types are mapped to Java byte[]. For more information, see Annotating the Data Types.


Enable MTOM on the Web service.

See Enabling MTOM on the Web Service.


Enable MTOM on the client of the Web service.

See Enabling MTOM on the Client.


Set the attachment threshold.

Set the attachment threshold to specify when the xs:binary64 data is sent inline or as an attachment. See Setting the Attachment Threshold.

Annotating the Data Types

Depending on your programming model, you can annotate your Java class or WSDL to define the MIME content types that are used for sending binary data. This step is optional.

The following table defines the mapping of MIME content types to Java types. In some cases, a default MIME type-to-Java type mapping exists. If no default exists, the MIME content types are mapped to DataHandler.

Table 7-2 Mapping of MIME Content Types to Java Types

MIME Content Type Java Type
text/xml or application/xml

The following sections describe how to annotate the data types based on whether you are starting from Java or WSDL.

Annotating the Data Types: Start From Java

When starting from Java, to define the content types that are used for sending binary data, annotate the field that holds the binary data using the @XmlMimeType annotation.

The field that contains the binary data must be of type DataHandler.

The following example shows how to annotate a field in the Java class that holds the binary data.

public void dataUpload(
    @XmlMimeType("application/octet-stream") DataHandler data) 

Annotating the Data Types: Start From WSDL

When starting from WSDL, to define the content types that are used for sending binary data, annotate the WSDL element of type xs:base64Binary or xs:hexBinary using one of the following attributes:

  • xmime:contentType - Defines the content type of the element.

  • xmime:expectedContentType - Defines the range of media types that are acceptable for the binary data.

The following example maps the image element of type base64binary to image/gif MIME type (which maps to the java.awt.Image Java type).

<element name="image" type="base64Binary"

Enabling MTOM on the Web Service

You can enable MTOM on the Web service using an annotation or WS-Policy file, as described in the following sections:

Enabling MTOM on the Web Service Using Annotation

To enable MTOM in the Web service, specify the annotation on the service endpoint implementation class, as illustrated in the following example. Relevant code is shown in bold.

package examples.webservices.mtom;

import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;

public class MTOMImpl { 
  public String echoBinaryAsString(byte[] bytes) {
    return new String(bytes);


Enabling MTOM on the Web Services Using WS-Policy File

In addition to the @MTOM annotation, described in the previous section, support for MTOM/XOP in WebLogic JAX-WS Web services is implemented using the pre-packaged WS-Policy file Mtom.xml. WS-Policy files follow the WS-Policy specification, described at; this specification provides a general purpose model and XML syntax to describe and communicate the policies of a Web service, in this case the use of MTOM/XOP to send binary data. The installation of the pre-packaged Mtom.xml WS-Policy file in the types section of the Web service WSDL is as follows (provided for your information only; you cannot change this file):

<wsp:Policy wsu:Id="myService_policy">
                    xmlns:wsoma="" /> 

When you deploy the compiled JWS file to WebLogic Server, the dynamic WSDL will automatically contain the following snippet that references the MTOM WS-Policy file; the snippet indicates that the Web service uses MTOM/XOP:

<wsdl:binding name="BasicHttpBinding_IMtomTest" 
     <wsp:PolicyReference URI="#myService_policy" /> 
     <soap:binding transport="" />

You can associate the Mtom.xml WS-Policy file with a Web service at development-time by specifying the @Policy metadata annotation in your JWS file. Be sure you also specify the attachToWsdl=true attribute to ensure that the dynamic WSDL includes the required reference to the Mtom.xml file; see the example below.

You can associate the Mtom.xml WS-Policy file with a Web service at deployment time by modifying the WSDL to add the Policy to the types section just before deployment.

In addition, you can attach the file at runtime using by the Administration Console; for details, see "Associate a WS-Policy file with a Web service" in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help. This section describes how to use the JWS annotation.

The following simple JWS file example shows how to use the @weblogic.jws.Policy annotation in your JWS file to specify that the pre-packaged Mtom.xml file should be applied to your Web service (relevant code shown in bold):

package examples.webservices.mtom;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;
 import weblogic.jws.Policy;
@Policy(uri="policy:Mtom.xml", attachToWsdl=true)
public class MtomImpl {
   public String echoBinaryAsString(byte[] bytes) {
     return new String(bytes);

Enabling MTOM on the Client

To enable MTOM on the client of the Web service, pass the as a parameter when creating the Web service proxy or dispatch, as illustrated in the following example. Relevant code is shown in bold.

package examples.webservices.mtom.client;


public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String FOO = "FOO";
    MtomService service = new MtomService()
    MtomPortType port = service.getMtomPortTypePort(new MTOMFeature()); 
    String result = null;
    result = port.echoBinaryAsString(FOO.getBytes());
    System.out.println( "Got result: " + result );

Setting the Attachment Threshold

You can set the attachment threshold to specify when the xs:binary64 data is sent inline or as an attachment. By default, the attachment threshold is 0 bytes. All xs:binary64 data is sent as an attachment.

To set the attachment threshold:

  • On the Web service, pass the threshold attribute to the annotation. For example:

  • On the client of the Web service, pass the threshold value to For example:

    MtomPortType port = service.getMtomPortTypePort(new MTOMFeature(3072));

In each of the examples above, if a message is greater than or equal to 3 KB, it will be sent as an attachment. Otherwise, the content will be sent inline, as part of the SOAP message body.

Streaming SOAP Attachments


The API (see is supported as an extension to the JAX-WS RI, provided by Sun Microsystems. Because this API is not provided as part of the WebLogic software, it is subject to change.

Using MTOM and the javax.activation.DataHandler and APIs you can specify that a Web service use a streaming API when reading inbound SOAP messages that include attachments, rather than the default behavior in which the service reads the entire message into memory. This feature increases the performance of Web services whose SOAP messages are particularly large.


Streaming MTOM cannot be used in conjunction with message encryption.

The following sections describe how to employ streaming SOAP attachments on the client and server sides.

Client Side Example

The following provides an example that employs streaming SOAP attachments on the client side.

package examples.webservices.mtomstreaming.client;

import java.util.Map;
import javax.activation.DataHandler;

public class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      MtomStreamingService service = new MtomStreamingService();
      MTOMFeature feature = new MTOMFeature();
      MtomStreamingPortType port = service.getMtomStreamingPortTypePort(
      Map<String, Object> ctxt=((BindingProvider)port).getRequestContext();
      ctxt.put(JAXWSProperties.HTTP_CLIENT_STREAMING_CHUNK_SIZE, 8192);
      DataHandler dh = new DataHandler(new

      DataHandler dhn = port.fileDownload("/tmp/tmp.jar");
      StreamingDataHandler sdh = {StreamingDataHandler)dh;
         File file = new File("/tmp/tmp.jar");
       catch(Exception e){

The preceding example demonstrates the following:

  • To enable MTOM on the client of the Web service, pass the as a parameter when creating the Web service proxy or dispatch.

  • Configure HTTP streaming support by enabling HTTP chunking on the MTOM streaming client.

    Map<String, Object> ctxt = ((BindingProvider)port).getRequestContext();
       ctxt.put(JAXWSProperties.HTTP_CLIENT_STREAMING_CHUNK_SIZE, 8192);
  • Call the port.fileUpload method.

  • Cast the DataHandler to StreamingDataHandler and use the StreamingDataHandler.readOnce() method to read the attachment.

Server Side Example

The following provides an example that employs streaming SOAP attachments on the server side.

package examples.webservices.mtomstreaming;

import java.jws.Oneway;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlMimeType;
import javax.activation.DataHandler;
import javax.activation.FileDataSource;

@StreamingAttachment(parseEagerly=true, memoryThreshold=40000L)
public class StreamingImpl {

   // Use @XmlMimeType to map to DataHandler on the client side
   public void fileUpload(String fileName,
                          DataHandler data) {
      try {
            StreamingDataHandler dh = (StreamingDataHandler) data;
            File file = new File(fileName);
      } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new WebServiceException(e);

  public DataHandler fileDownload(String filename)
    return  new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(filename));

The preceding example demonstrates the following:

  • The @StreamingAttachement annotation is used to configure the streaming SOAP attachment. For more information, see "Configuring Streaming SOAP Attachments".

  • The @XmlMimeType annotation is used to map the DataHandler, as follows:

    • If starting from WSDL, it is used to map the xmime:expectedContentTypes="application/octet-stream" to DataHandler in the generated SEI.

    • If starting from Java, it is used to generate an appropriate schema type in the generated WSDL.

  • Cast the DataHandler to StreamingDataHandler and use the StreamingDataHandler.moveTo(File) method to store the contents of the attachment to a file.

Configuring Streaming SOAP Attachments

You can configure streaming SOAP attachments on the client and server sides to specify the following:

  • Directory in which large attachments are stored.

  • Whether to parse eagerly the streaming attachments.

  • Maximum attachment size (bytes) that can be stored in memory. Attachments that exceed the specified number of bytes are written to a file.

Configuring Streaming SOAP Attachments on the Server


The API (see is supported as an extension to the JDK 6.0, provided by Sun Microsystems. Because this API is not provided as part of the JDK 6.0 kit, it is subject to change.

To configure streaming SOAP attachments on the server, add the @StreamingAttachment annotation on the endpoint implementation. The following example specifies that streaming attachments are to be parsed eagerly and sets the memory threshold to 4MB. Attachments under 4MB are stored in memory.

import javax.jws.WebService;

@StreamingAttachment(parseEagerly=true, memoryThreshold=4000000L) 
@WebService(name="HelloWorldPortType", serviceName="HelloWorldService")
public class StreamingImpl {

Configuring Streaming SOAP Attachments on the Client


The API (see is supported as an extension to the JDK 6.0, provided by Sun Microsystems. Because this API is not provided as part of the JDK 6.0 kit, it is subject to change.

To configure streaming SOAP attachments on the client, create a StreamingAttachmentFeature object and pass this as an argument when creating the PortType stub implementation. The following example sets the directory in which large attachments are stored to /tmp, specifies that streaming attachments are to be parsed eagerly and sets the memory threshold to 4MB. Attachments under 4MB are stored in memory.

MTOMFeature mtom = new MTOMFeature();
StreamingAttachmentFeature stf = new StreamingAttachmentFeature("/tmp", true, 4000000L); 
MtomStreamingService service = new MtomStreamingService();
MtomStreamingPortType port = service.getMtomStreamingPortTypePort(
         mtom, stf); 