
Creates a new package. ADRCI automatically assigns the package number for the new package.

Syntax and Description

ips create package {incident first [n] | incident inc_id | 
     incident last [n] | problem first [n] | problem prob_id |
     problem last [n] | problemkey prob_key | seconds secs | 
     time start_time to end_time} [correlate {basic |typical | all}]

Optionally, you can add incidents to the new package using the provided options.

Table 17-5 describes the arguments for IPS CREATE PACKAGE.

Table 17-5 Arguments of IPS CREATE PACKAGE command

Argument Description

incident first [n]

Adds the first n incidents to the package, where n is a positive integer. For example, if n is set to 5, then the first five incidents are added. If n is omitted, then the default is 1, and the first incident is added.

incident inc_id

Adds an incident with ID inc_id to the package.

incident last [n]

Adds the last n incidents to the package, where n is a positive integer. For example, if n is set to 5, then the last five incidents are added. If n is omitted, then the default is 1, and the last incident is added.

problem first [n]

Adds the incidents for the first n problems to the package, where n is a positive integer. For example, if n is set to 5, then the incidents for the first five problems are added. If n is omitted, then the default is 1, and the incidents for the first problem is added.

Adds only the first three early incidents and last three late incidents for each problem, excluding any older than 90 days. (Note: These limits are defaults and can be changed. See "IPS SET CONFIGURATION".)

problem prob_id

Adds all incidents with problem ID prob_id to the package. Adds only the first three early incidents and last three late incidents for the problem, excluding any older than 90 days. (Note: These limits are defaults and can be changed. See "IPS SET CONFIGURATION".)

problem last [n]

Adds the incidents for the last n problems to the package, where n is a positive integer. For example, if n is set to 5, then the incidents for the last five problems are added. If n is omitted, then the default is 1, and the incidents for the last problem is added.

Adds only the first three early incidents and last three late incidents for each problem, excluding any older than 90 days. (Note: These limits are defaults and can be changed. See "IPS SET CONFIGURATION".)

problemkey pr_key

Adds all incidents with problem key pr_key to the package. Adds only the first three early incidents and last three late incidents for the problem key, excluding any older than 90 days. (Note: These limits are defaults and can be changed.)

seconds secs

Adds all incidents that have occurred within secs seconds of the present time.

time start_time to end_time

Adds all incidents taking place between start_time and end_time to the package. Time format is 'YYYY-MM-YY HH24:MI:SS.FF TZR'. Fractional part (FF) is optional.

correlate {basic |typical | all}

Selects a method of including correlated incidents in the package. There are three options for this argument:

  • correlate basic includes incident dumps and incident process trace files.

  • correlate typical includes incident dumps and any trace files that were modified within five minutes of each incident. You can alter the time interval by modifying the INCIDENT_TIME_WINDOW configuration parameter.

  • correlate all includes the incident dumps, and all trace files that were modified between the time of the first selected incident and the last selected incident.

The default value is correlate typical.


This example creates a package with no incidents:

ips create package


Created package 5 without any contents, correlation level typical

This example creates a package containing all incidents between 10 AM and 11 PM on the given day:

ips create package time '2010-05-01 10:00:00.00 -07:00' to '2010-05-01 23:00:00.00 -07:00'


Created package 6 based on time range 2010-05-01 10:00:00.00 -07:00 to 2010-05-01 23:00:00.00 -07:00, correlation level typical

This example creates a package and adds the first three early incidents and the last three late incidents with problem ID 3, excluding incidents that are older than 90 days:

ips create package problem 3


Created package 7 based on problem id 3, correlation level typical


The number of early and late incidents added, and the 90-day age limit are defaults that can be changed. See "IPS SET CONFIGURATION".