Class WrapperComponentManager

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WrapperComponentManager
extends Object
implements ComponentManager

This is a ComponentManager implementation that can wrap around a ServiceManager object effectively adapting a ServiceManager interface to a ComponentManager interface.

CVS $Revision: 1.14 $ $Date: 2003/02/14 15:13:12 $
Avalon Development Team

Constructor Summary
WrapperComponentManager(ServiceManager manager)
          Creation of a new wrapper component manger using a supplied service manager as a source backing the wrapped.
Method Summary
 boolean hasComponent(String key)
          Check to see if a Component exists for a key.
 Component lookup(String key)
          Retrieve a component via a key.
 void release(Component component)
          Return the Component when you are finished with it.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WrapperComponentManager(ServiceManager manager)
Creation of a new wrapper component manger using a supplied service manager as a source backing the wrapped. This implementation redirects lookup requests to the supplied service manager provided under this constructor. No attempt is made to proxy object supplied by the primary manager as Component instances - as such, it is the responsibility of the application establishing the wrapper to ensure that objects accessed via the primary manager implement the Component interface.

manager - the service manager backing the wrapper.
Method Detail


public Component lookup(String key)
                 throws ComponentException
Retrieve a component via a key.

Specified by:
lookup in interface ComponentManager
key - the key
the component
ComponentException - if unable to aquire component


public boolean hasComponent(String key)
Check to see if a Component exists for a key.

Specified by:
hasComponent in interface ComponentManager
key - a string identifying the key to check.
True if the component exists, False if it does not.


public void release(Component component)
Return the Component when you are finished with it. This allows the ComponentManager to handle the End-Of-Life Lifecycle events associated with the Component. Please note, that no Exceptions should be thrown at this point. This is to allow easy use of the ComponentManager system without having to trap Exceptions on a release.

Specified by:
release in interface ComponentManager
component - The Component we are releasing.

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