Package org.apache.axis.transport.http

Class Summary
AdminServlet Proof-of-concept "management" servlet for Axis.
AxisHttpSession An HTTP/Servlet implementation of Axis sessions.
AxisServletBase Base class for servlets used in axis, has common methods to get and save the engine to a common location, currently the webapp's context, though some alternate persistence mechanism is always possible.
CommonsHTTPSender This class uses Jakarta Commons's HttpClient to call a SOAP server.
HTTPConstants HTTP protocol and message context constants.
HTTPSender This is meant to be used on a SOAP Client to call a SOAP server.
HTTPTransport Extends Transport by implementing the setupMessageContext function to set HTTP-specific message context fields and transport chains.
SimpleAxisServer This is a simple implementation of an HTTP server for processing SOAP requests via Apache's xml-axis.
SocketInputStream The ONLY reason for this is so we can clean up sockets quicker/cleaner.

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