Package org.apache.cactus.server

Contains the classes implementing the server side of Cactus.


Interface Summary
ImplicitObjects Tagging interface for implicit objects.
TestController Controller interface that simlulates a bit the controller from the MVC model in that this controller implementation classes are in charge of extracting data from the request and calling the test method to execute.
WebImplicitObjects Interface for implicit objects that exist for all web requests (HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse and ServletContext).

Class Summary
AbstractHttpServletRequestWrapper Abstract wrapper around HttpServletRequest.
AbstractPageContextWrapper Abstract wrapper around PageContext.
AbstractServletConfigWrapper Abstract wrapper around ServletConfig which overrides the getServletContext() method to return our own wrapper around ServletContext.
AbstractServletContextWrapper Abstract wrapper around ServletContext.
AbstractWebImplicitObjects Holder class that contains the instances of the implicit objects that exist for all web requests.
AbstractWebTestCaller Responsible for instanciating the TestCase class on the server side, set up the implicit objects and call the test method.
AbstractWebTestController Controller that extracts the requested service from the HTTP request and executes the request.
HttpServletRequestWrapper Encapsulation class for the Servlet 2.2 API HttpServletRequest.
JspImplicitObjects Holder class that contains the instances of the implicit objects that will be accessible in the test classes (ie subclasses of JspTestCase).
JspTestCaller Call the test method on the server side after assigning the JSP implicit objects using reflection.
JspTestController JSP Controller that extracts the requested service from the HTTP request and executes the request by calling a JspTestCaller.
JspTestRedirector Extension of the jspRedirector.jsp JSP Redirector in the java realmn in order to provide a symmetry with the ServletRedirector and minimize the amount of java code in jspRedirector.jsp.
PageContextWrapper Wrapper around PageContext so that get methods that would normally return implicit objects will now return Cactus wrapper of implicit objects instead.
RequestDispatcherWrapper Wrapper around RequestDispatcher which overrides the forward() and include methods to use the original HTTP request object instead of the simulated one used by Cactus.
ServletConfigWrapper Wrapper around ServletConfig for Servlet API 2.2.
ServletContextWrapper Wrapper around Servlet 2.2 ServletContext.
ServletImplicitObjects Holder class that contains the instances of the implicit objects that will be accessible in the test classes (ie subclasses of ServletTestCase).
ServletTestCaller Responsible for instanciating the TestCase class on the server side, set up the implicit objects and call the test method.
ServletTestController Servlet Controller that extracts the requested service from the HTTP request and executes the request by calling a ServletTestCaller.
ServletTestRedirector Generic Servlet redirector that calls a test method on the server side.
ServletUtil All prupose utility methods for manipulating the Servlet API.

Package org.apache.cactus.server Description

Contains the classes implementing the server side of Cactus.

The classes and interfaces in this package are not intended for use by API clients. They may be altered in backwards-incompatible ways and even moved or removed at any time without further notice.

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