
Class Summary
DefaultClassHolder Holder for a default class.
DiscoverClass Discover class that implements a given service interface, with discovery and configuration features similar to that employed by standard Java APIs such as JAXP.
DiscoverSingleton Discover singleton service providers.
EnvironmentCache Cache by a 'key' unique to the environment: - ClassLoader::groupContext::Object Cache Cache : HashMap Key : Thread Context Class Loader (ClassLoader) Value : groupContext::SPI Cache (HashMap) //- groupContext::Object Cache // Cache : HashMap // Key : groupContext (String) // Value : Object When we 'release', it is expected that the caller of the 'release' have the same thread context class loader...
ManagedProperties This class may disappear in the future, or be moved to another project..
PropertiesHolder Holder for a default class.
ResourceUtils Mechanisms to locate and load a class.
Service [this was ServiceDiscovery12...
SPInterface Represents a Service Programming Interface (spi).

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