Uses of Class

Packages that use th

Uses of th in org.apache.ecs.xhtml

Methods in org.apache.ecs.xhtml that return th
 th th.setAbbr(java.lang.String cdata)
          Sets the abbr="" attribute.
 th th.setAxis(java.lang.String cdata)
          Sets the axis="" attribute
 th th.setAxes(java.lang.String id_refs)
          Sets the axes="" attribute
 th th.setRowSpan(int span)
          Sets the rowspan="" attribute
 th th.setRowSpan(java.lang.String span)
          Sets the rowspan="" attribute
 th th.setColSpan(int span)
          Sets the colspan="" attribute
 th th.setColSpan(java.lang.String span)
          Sets the colspan="" attribute
 th th.setNoWrap(boolean wrap)
          Sets word wrap on or off.
 th th.setWidth(int width)
          Supplies user agents with a recommended cell width.
 th th.setWidth(java.lang.String width)
          Supplies user agents with a recommended cell width.
 th th.setHeight(int height)
          Supplies user agents with a recommended cell height.
 th th.setHeight(java.lang.String height)
          Supplies user agents with a recommended cell height.
 th th.setAlign(java.lang.String align)
          Sets the align="" attribute convience variables are provided in the AlignType interface
 th th.setVAlign(java.lang.String valign)
          Sets the valign="" attribute convience variables are provided in the AlignType interface
 th th.setChar(java.lang.String character)
          Sets the char="" attribute.
 th th.setCharOff(int char_off)
          Sets the charoff="" attribute.
 th th.setCharOff(java.lang.String char_off)
          Sets the charoff="" attribute.
 th th.setBgColor(java.lang.String color)
          Sets the bgcolor="" attribute
 th th.addElement(java.lang.String hashcode, Element element)
          Adds an Element to the element.
 th th.addElement(java.lang.String hashcode, java.lang.String element)
          Adds an Element to the element.
 th th.addElement(Element element)
          Adds an Element to the element.
 th th.addElement(java.lang.String element)
          Adds an Element to the element.
 th th.removeElement(java.lang.String hashcode)
          Removes an Element from the element.

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