Package org.apache.avalon.excalibur.xml

Interface Summary
EntityResolver A component that uses catalogs for resolving Entities.
Parser The parser can be used to parse any XML document given by a InputSource object.
XMLConsumer This interfaces identifies classes that consume XML data, receiving notification of SAX events.
XMLFragment This interface must be implemented by classes willing to provide an XML representation of their current state.
XMLizable This interface can be implemented by classes willing to provide an XML representation of their current state as SAX events.

Class Summary
AbstractXMLConsumer This abstract class provides default implementation of the methods specified by the XMLConsumer interface.
ContentHandlerWrapper This class is an utility class "wrapping" around a SAX version 2.0 ContentHandler and forwarding it those events received throug its XMLConsumers interface.
JaxpParser An XMLParser that is only dependant on JAXP 1.1 compliant parsers.

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