Uses of Class

Packages that use Term
org.apache.lucene.index Code to maintain and access indices. Search over indices. 

Uses of Term in org.apache.lucene.index

Methods in org.apache.lucene.index that return Term
abstract  Term TermEnum.term()
          Returns the current Term in the enumeration.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type Term
 int Term.compareTo(Term other)
          Compares two terms, returning an integer which is less than zero iff this term belongs after the argument, equal zero iff this term is equal to the argument, and greater than zero iff this term belongs after the argument.
abstract  TermEnum IndexReader.terms(Term t)
          Returns an enumeration of all terms after a given term.
abstract  int IndexReader.docFreq(Term t)
          Returns the number of documents containing the term t.
 TermDocs IndexReader.termDocs(Term term)
          Returns an enumeration of all the documents which contain term.
 TermPositions IndexReader.termPositions(Term term)
          Returns an enumeration of all the documents which contain term.
 int IndexReader.delete(Term term)
          Deletes all documents containing term.
 void term)
          Sets this to the data for a term.

Uses of Term in

Methods in that return Term
 Term FilteredTermEnum.term()
          Returns the current Term in the enumeration.

Methods in with parameters of type Term
protected abstract  boolean FilteredTermEnum.termCompare(Term term)
          Equality compare on the term
protected  boolean FuzzyTermEnum.termCompare(Term term)
          The termCompare method in FuzzyTermEnum uses Levenshtein distance to calculate the distance between the given term and the comparing term.
 void PhraseQuery.add(Term term)
          Adds a term to the end of the query phrase.
protected  boolean WildcardTermEnum.termCompare(Term term)

Constructors in with parameters of type Term
RangeQuery(Term lowerTerm, Term upperTerm, boolean inclusive)
          Constructs a query selecting all terms greater than lowerTerm but less than upperTerm.
MultiTermQuery(Term term)
          Constructs a query for terms matching term.
PrefixQuery(Term prefix)
          Constructs a query for terms starting with prefix.
FilteredTermEnum(IndexReader reader, Term term)
FuzzyTermEnum(IndexReader reader, Term term)
WildcardQuery(Term term)
FuzzyQuery(Term term)
WildcardTermEnum(IndexReader reader, Term term)
          Creates new WildcardTermEnum
TermQuery(Term t)
          Constructs a query for the term t.

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