Uses of Interface

Packages that use CopyStreamListener   

Uses of CopyStreamListener in

Classes in that implement CopyStreamListener
 class CopyStreamAdapter
          The CopyStreamAdapter will relay CopyStreamEvents to a list of listeners when either of its bytesTransferred() methods are called.

Methods in with parameters of type CopyStreamListener
static long Util.copyStream( source, dest, int bufferSize, long streamSize, CopyStreamListener listener)
          Copies the contents of an InputStream to an OutputStream using a copy buffer of a given size and notifies the provided CopyStreamListener of the progress of the copy operation by calling its bytesTransferred(long, int) method after each write to the destination.
static long Util.copyReader( source, dest, int bufferSize, long streamSize, CopyStreamListener listener)
          Copies the contents of a Reader to a Writer using a copy buffer of a given size and notifies the provided CopyStreamListener of the progress of the copy operation by calling its bytesTransferred(long, int) method after each write to the destination.
 void CopyStreamAdapter.addCopyStreamListener(CopyStreamListener listener)
          Registers a CopyStreamListener to receive CopyStreamEvents.
 void CopyStreamAdapter.removeCopyStreamListener(CopyStreamListener listener)
          Unregisters a CopyStreamListener.

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