Uses of Class

Packages that use Record DEV package serves two purposes. 
org.apache.poi.hssf.eventmodel HSSF eventmodel Package provides an event-based API for reading HSSF files. 
org.apache.poi.hssf.model Provides low level API structures for reading, writing, modifying XLS files. 
org.apache.poi.hssf.record Record package contains class representations for XLS binary strutures. 
org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates record aggregates are not real "records" but collections of records that act as a single record. 

Uses of Record in

Methods in that return Record
static Record[] BiffViewer.createRecords( in, boolean dump)
          Create an array of records from an input stream

Methods in with parameters of type Record
 void EFHSSF.recordHandler(Record record)

Uses of Record in org.apache.poi.hssf.eventmodel

Methods in org.apache.poi.hssf.eventmodel with parameters of type Record
protected  void HSSFRequest.processRecord(Record rec)
          called by HSSFEventFactory, passes the Record to each listener associated with a record.sid.
 void HSSFListener.processRecord(Record record)
          process an HSSF Record.

Uses of Record in org.apache.poi.hssf.model

Methods in org.apache.poi.hssf.model that return Record
protected  Record Workbook.createBOF()
          creates the BOF record
protected  Record Workbook.createInterfaceHdr()
          creates the InterfaceHdr record
protected  Record Workbook.createMMS()
          creates an MMS record
protected  Record Workbook.createInterfaceEnd()
          creates the InterfaceEnd record
protected  Record Workbook.createWriteAccess()
          creates the WriteAccess record containing the logged in user's name
protected  Record Workbook.createCodepage()
          creates the Codepage record containing the constant stored in CODEPAGE
protected  Record Workbook.createDSF()
          creates the DSF record containing a 0 since HSSF can't even create Dual Stream Files
protected  Record Workbook.createTabId()
          creates the TabId record containing an array of 0,1,2.
protected  Record Workbook.createFnGroupCount()
          creates the FnGroupCount record containing the Magic number constant of 14.
protected  Record Workbook.createWindowProtect()
          creates the WindowProtect record with protect set to false.
protected  Record Workbook.createProtect()
          creates the Protect record with protect set to false.
protected  Record Workbook.createPassword()
          creates the Password record with password set to 0.
protected  Record Workbook.createProtectionRev4()
          creates the ProtectionRev4 record with protect set to false.
protected  Record Workbook.createPasswordRev4()
          creates the PasswordRev4 record with password set to 0.
protected  Record Workbook.createWindowOne()
          creates the WindowOne record with the following magic values:
protected  Record Workbook.createBackup()
          creates the Backup record with backup set to 0.
protected  Record Workbook.createHideObj()
          creates the HideObj record with hide object set to 0.
protected  Record Workbook.createDateWindow1904()
          creates the DateWindow1904 record with windowing set to 0.
protected  Record Workbook.createPrecision()
          creates the Precision record with precision set to true.
protected  Record Workbook.createRefreshAll()
          creates the RefreshAll record with refreshAll set to true.
protected  Record Workbook.createBookBool()
          creates the BookBool record with saveLinkValues set to 0.
protected  Record Workbook.createFont()
          creates a Font record with the following magic values:
protected  Record Workbook.createFormat(int id)
          Creates a FormatRecord object
protected  Record Workbook.createExtendedFormat(int id)
          Creates an ExtendedFormatRecord object
protected  Record Workbook.createStyle(int id)
          Creates a StyleRecord object
protected  Record Workbook.createUseSelFS()
          Creates the UseSelFS object with the use natural language flag set to 0 (false)
protected  Record Workbook.createBoundSheet(int id)
          create a "bound sheet" or "bundlesheet" (depending who you ask) record Always sets the sheet's bof to 0.
protected  Record Workbook.createCountry()
          Creates the Country record with the default and current country set to 1
protected  Record Workbook.createSST()
          Creates the SST record with no strings and the unique/num string set to 0
protected  Record Workbook.createExtendedSST()
          Creates the ExtendedSST record with numstrings per bucket set to 0x8.
protected  Record Workbook.createEOF()
          creates the EOF record
 Record Workbook.findFirstRecordBySid(short sid)
          Returns the first occurance of a record matching a particular sid.
protected  Record Sheet.createBOF()
          creates the BOF record
protected  Record Sheet.createIndex()
          creates the Index record - not currently used
protected  Record Sheet.createCalcMode()
          creates the CalcMode record and sets it to 1 (automatic formula caculation)
protected  Record Sheet.createCalcCount()
          creates the CalcCount record and sets it to 0x64 (default number of iterations)
protected  Record Sheet.createRefMode()
          creates the RefMode record and sets it to A1 Mode (default reference mode)
protected  Record Sheet.createIteration()
          creates the Iteration record and sets it to false (don't iteratively calculate formulas)
protected  Record Sheet.createDelta()
          creates the Delta record and sets it to 0.0010 (default accuracy)
protected  Record Sheet.createSaveRecalc()
          creates the SaveRecalc record and sets it to true (recalculate before saving)
protected  Record Sheet.createPrintHeaders()
          creates the PrintHeaders record and sets it to false (we don't create headers yet so why print them)
protected  Record Sheet.createPrintGridlines()
          creates the PrintGridlines record and sets it to false (that makes for ugly sheets).
protected  Record Sheet.createGridset()
          creates the Gridset record and sets it to true (user has mucked with the gridlines)
protected  Record Sheet.createGuts()
          creates the Guts record and sets leftrow/topcol guttter and rowlevelmax/collevelmax to 0
protected  Record Sheet.createDefaultRowHeight()
          creates the DefaultRowHeight Record and sets its options to 0 and rowheight to 0xff
protected  Record Sheet.createWSBool()
          creates the WSBoolRecord and sets its values to defaults
protected  Record Sheet.createHeader()
          creates the Header Record and sets it to nothing/0 length
protected  Record Sheet.createFooter()
          creates the Footer Record and sets it to nothing/0 length
protected  Record Sheet.createHCenter()
          creates the HCenter Record and sets it to false (don't horizontally center)
protected  Record Sheet.createVCenter()
          creates the VCenter Record and sets it to false (don't horizontally center)
protected  Record Sheet.createPrintSetup()
          creates the PrintSetup Record and sets it to defaults and marks it invalid
protected  Record Sheet.createDefaultColWidth()
          creates the DefaultColWidth Record and sets it to 8
protected  Record Sheet.createColInfo()
          creates the ColumnInfo Record and sets it to a default column/width
protected  Record Sheet.createDimensions()
          creates the Dimensions Record and sets it to bogus values (you should set this yourself or let the high level API do it for you)
protected  Record Sheet.createWindowTwo()
          creates the WindowTwo Record and sets it to:
protected  Record Sheet.createSelection()
          Creates the Selection record and sets it to nothing selected
protected  Record Sheet.createMergedCells()
protected  Record Sheet.createEOF()
          creates the EOF record
 Record Sheet.findFirstRecordBySid(short sid)
          Returns the first occurance of a record matching a particular sid.

Methods in org.apache.poi.hssf.model with parameters of type Record
 void Sheet.checkDimsLoc(Record rec, int recloc)
          in the event the record is a dimensions record, resets both the loc index and dimsloc index

Uses of Record in org.apache.poi.hssf.record

Subclasses of Record in org.apache.poi.hssf.record
 class AreaFormatRecord
          The area format record is used to define the colours and patterns for an area.
 class AreaRecord
          The area record is used to define a area chart.
 class AxisRecord
          The axis record defines the type of an axis.
 class AxisUsedRecord
          The number of axes used on a chart.
 class BackupRecord
          Title: Backup Record
 class BarRecord
          The bar record is used to define a bar chart.
 class BeginRecord
          The begin record defines the start of a block of records for a (grpahing data object.
 class BlankRecord
          Title: Blank cell record
 class BOFRecord
          Title: Beginning Of File
 class BookBoolRecord
          Title: Save External Links record (BookBool)
 class BoolErrRecord
          Creates new BoolErrRecord.
 class BoundSheetRecord
          Title: Bound Sheet Record (aka BundleSheet)
 class CalcCountRecord
          Title: Calc Count Record Description: Specifies the maximum times the gui should perform a formula recalculation.
 class CalcModeRecord
          Title: Calc Mode Record
 class CategorySeriesAxisRecord
          This record refers to a category or series axis and is used to specify label/tickmark frequency.
 class ChartFormatRecord
          Class ChartFormatRecord
 class ChartRecord
          The chart record is used to define the location and size of a chart.
 class CodepageRecord
          Title: Codepage Record
 class ColumnInfoRecord
          Title: ColumnInfo Record
 class ContinueRecord
          Title: Continue Record - Helper class used primarily for SST Records
 class CountryRecord
          Title: Country Record (aka WIN.INI country)
 class DataFormatRecord
          The data format record is used to index into a series.
 class DateWindow1904Record
          Title: Date Window 1904 Flag record
 class DatRecord
          The dat record is used to store options for the chart.
 class DBCellRecord
          Title: DBCell Record (Currently read only.
 class DefaultColWidthRecord
          Title: Default Column Width Record
 class DefaultDataLabelTextPropertiesRecord
          The default data label text properties record identifies the text characteristics of the preceeding text record.
 class DefaultRowHeightRecord
          Title: Default Row Height Record Description: Row height for rows with undefined or not explicitly defined heights.
 class DeltaRecord
          Title: Delta Record
 class DimensionsRecord
          Title: Dimensions Record
 class DSFRecord
          Title: Double Stream Flag Record
 class EndRecord
          The end record defines the end of a block of records for a (Graphing) data object.
 class EOFRecord
          End Of File record.
 class ExtendedFormatRecord
          Title: Extended Format Record Description: Probably one of the more complex records.
 class ExtSSTInfoSubRecord
          Extended SST table info subrecord
 class ExtSSTRecord
          Title: Extended Static String Table
 class FnGroupCountRecord
          Title: Function Group Count Record
 class FontBasisRecord
          The font basis record stores various font metrics.
 class FontIndexRecord
          The font index record indexes into the font table for the text record.
 class FontRecord
          Title: Font Record - descrbes a font in the workbook (index = 0-3,5-infinity - skip 4)
 class FooterRecord
          Title: Footer Record
 class FormatRecord
          Title: Format Record
 class FormulaRecord
          Formula Record - This is not really supported in this release.
 class FrameRecord
          The frame record indicates whether there is a border around the displayed text of a chart.
 class GridsetRecord
          Title: Gridset Record.
 class GutsRecord
          Title: Guts Record
 class HCenterRecord
          Title: HCenter record
 class HeaderRecord
          Title: Header Record
 class HideObjRecord
          Title: Hide Object Record
 class IndexRecord
          Title: Index Record
 class InterfaceEndRecord
          Title: Interface End Record
 class InterfaceHdrRecord
          Title: Interface Header Record
 class IterationRecord
          Title: Iteration Record
 class LabelRecord
          Label Record - read only support for strings stored directly in the cell..
 class LabelSSTRecord
          Title: Label SST Record
 class LegendRecord
          The legend record specifies the location of legend on a chart and it's overall size.
 class LineFormatRecord
          Describes a line format record.
 class LinkedDataRecord
          Describes a linked data record.
 class MergeCellsRecord
          Title: Merged Cells Record
 class MMSRecord
          Title: MMS Record
 class MulBlankRecord
          Title: Mulitple Blank cell record
 class MulRKRecord
          Used to store multiple RK numbers on a row.
 class NumberFormatIndexRecord
          The number format index record indexes format table.
 class NumberRecord
          Contains a numeric cell value.
 class PasswordRecord
          Title: Password Record
 class PasswordRev4Record
          Title: Protection Revision 4 password Record
 class PlotGrowthRecord
          The plot growth record specifies the scaling factors used when a font is scaled.
 class PrecisionRecord
          Title: Precision Record
 class PrintGridlinesRecord
          Title: Print Gridlines Record
 class PrintHeadersRecord
          Title: Print Headers Record
 class PrintSetupRecord
          Title: Print Setup Record
 class ProtectionRev4Record
          Title: Protection Revision 4 Record
 class ProtectRecord
          Title: Protect Record
 class RefModeRecord
          Title: RefMode Record
 class RefreshAllRecord
          Title: Refresh All Record
 class RKRecord
          Title: RK Record Description: An internal 32 bit number with the two most significant bits storing the type.
 class RowRecord
          Title: Row Record
 class SaveRecalcRecord
          Title: Save Recalc Record
 class SelectionRecord
          Title: Selection Record
 class SeriesChartGroupIndexRecord
          The series chart group index record stores the index to the CHARTFORMAT record (0 based).
 class SeriesLabelsRecord
          The series label record defines the type of label associated with the data format record.
 class SeriesListRecord
          The series list record defines the series displayed as an overlay to the main chart record.
 class SeriesRecord
          The series record describes the overall data for a series.
 class SheetPropertiesRecord
          Describes a chart sheet properties record.
 class SSTRecord
          Title: Static String Table Record
 class StyleRecord
          Title: Style Record
 class TabIdRecord
          Title: Sheet Tab Index Array Record
 class UnicodeString
          Title: Unicode String
 class UnitsRecord
          The units record describes units.
 class UnknownRecord
          Title: Unknown Record (for debugging)
 class UseSelFSRecord
          Title: Use Natural Language Formulas Flag
 class ValueRangeRecord
          The value range record defines the range of the value axis.
 class VCenterRecord
          Title: VCenter record
 class WindowOneRecord
          Title: Window1 Record
 class WindowProtectRecord
          Title: Window Protect Record
 class WindowTwoRecord
          Title: Window Two Record
 class WriteAccessRecord
          Title: Write Access Record
 class WSBoolRecord
          Title: WSBool Record.

Methods in org.apache.poi.hssf.record that return Record
static Record[] RecordFactory.createRecord(short rectype, short size, byte[] data)

Uses of Record in org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates

Subclasses of Record in org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates
 class RowRecordsAggregate
 class ValueRecordsAggregate
          Aggregate value records together.

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