Uses of Class

Packages that use SOAPMappingRegistry

Uses of SOAPMappingRegistry in org.apache.soap.encoding

Methods in org.apache.soap.encoding that return SOAPMappingRegistry
static SOAPMappingRegistry SOAPMappingRegistry.getBaseRegistry(java.lang.String schemaURI)
          Return the singleton registry instance configured for the indicated schema URI.
 SOAPMappingRegistry SOAPMappingRegistry.getParent()
          Returns the "parent" registry, if there is one.

Constructors in org.apache.soap.encoding with parameters of type SOAPMappingRegistry
SOAPMappingRegistry.SOAPMappingRegistry(SOAPMappingRegistry parent)
          This constructor takes a "parent" registry as a base registry.
SOAPMappingRegistry.SOAPMappingRegistry(SOAPMappingRegistry parent, java.lang.String schemaURI)
          This constructor is the base constructor.

Uses of SOAPMappingRegistry in org.apache.soap.rpc

Methods in org.apache.soap.rpc that return SOAPMappingRegistry
 SOAPMappingRegistry Call.getSOAPMappingRegistry()

Methods in org.apache.soap.rpc with parameters of type SOAPMappingRegistry
protected static RPCMessage RPCMessage.extractFromEnvelope(Envelope env, ServiceManager svcMgr, boolean isResponse, SOAPMappingRegistry respSMR, SOAPContext ctx)
static RPCMessage RPCMessage.unmarshall(java.lang.String inScopeEncStyle, org.w3c.dom.Node src, java.lang.Class toClass, ServiceManager svcMgr, SOAPMappingRegistry respSMR, SOAPContext ctx)
static Response Response.extractFromEnvelope(Envelope env, SOAPMappingRegistry smr, SOAPContext ctx)
 void Call.setSOAPMappingRegistry(SOAPMappingRegistry smr)

Uses of SOAPMappingRegistry in org.apache.soap.server

Methods in org.apache.soap.server that return SOAPMappingRegistry
static SOAPMappingRegistry DeploymentDescriptor.buildSOAPMappingRegistry(DeploymentDescriptor dd, SOAPContext ctx)
          Utility to generate an XML serialization registry from all the type mappings registered into a deployment descriptor.

Uses of SOAPMappingRegistry in org.apache.soap.server.http

Methods in org.apache.soap.server.http that return SOAPMappingRegistry
static SOAPMappingRegistry ServerHTTPUtils.getSMRFromContext(javax.servlet.ServletContext context)
          Return the soap mapping registry instance from the servlet context.

Uses of SOAPMappingRegistry in org.apache.soap.transport

Methods in org.apache.soap.transport with parameters of type SOAPMappingRegistry
 void SOAPTransport.send( sendTo, java.lang.String action, java.util.Hashtable headers, Envelope env, SOAPMappingRegistry smr, SOAPContext ctx)
          This method is used to request that an envelope be sent.
 void FilterTransport.send( sendTo, java.lang.String action, java.util.Hashtable headers, Envelope env, SOAPMappingRegistry smr, SOAPContext ctx)
          This method is used to request that an envelope be posted to the given URL.

Uses of SOAPMappingRegistry in org.apache.soap.transport.http

Methods in org.apache.soap.transport.http with parameters of type SOAPMappingRegistry
 void SOAPHTTPConnection.send( sendTo, java.lang.String action, java.util.Hashtable headers, Envelope env, SOAPMappingRegistry smr, SOAPContext ctx)
          This method is used to request that an envelope be posted to the given URL.

Uses of SOAPMappingRegistry in org.apache.soap.transport.smtp

Methods in org.apache.soap.transport.smtp with parameters of type SOAPMappingRegistry
 void SOAPSMTPConnection.send( toAddr, java.lang.String actionURI, java.util.Hashtable headers, Envelope env, SOAPMappingRegistry smr, SOAPContext ctx)
          This method is used to request that an envelope be sent.

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