Package org.apache.taglibs.datetime

Class Summary
AmPmsTag JSP Tag amPms, used to loop through all the am/pm strings so that they can be accessed by using the standard JSP <jsp:getProperty> tag.
AmPmsTEI TagExtraInfo for amPms tag, allows use of standard <jsp:getProperty/> with the amPms tag script variable id.
CurrentTimeTag JSP Tag currentTime, used to get the current time in milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 GMT.
ErasTag JSP Tag eras, used to loop through all the era strings so that they can be accessed by using the standard JSP <jsp:getProperty> tag.
ErasTEI TagExtraInfo for eras tag, allows use of standard <jsp:getProperty/> with the eras tag script variable id.
FormatTag JSP Tag format, used to format a Date for display.
MonthsTag JSP Tag months, used to loop through all the months of the year so that month names can be accessed by using the standard JSP <jsp:getProperty> tag.
MonthsTEI TagExtraInfo for months tag, allows use of standard <jsp:getProperty/> with the months tag script variable id.
ParseTag JSP Tag parse, used to parse a Date string and output the time in ms.
TimeZonesTag JSP Tag timeZones, used to loop through all the TimeZone's so that ID's and Display Names can be accessed by using the standard JSP <jsp:getProperty> tag.
TimeZonesTEI TagExtraInfo for timeZones tag, allows use of standard <jsp:getProperty/> with the timeZones tag script variable id.
TimeZoneTag JSP Tag timeZone, used to set the client timeZone for the SESSION as a script variable.
WeekdaysTag JSP Tag weekdays, used to loop through the days of the week so that weekday names can be accessed by using the standard JSP <jsp:getProperty> tag.
WeekdaysTEI TagExtraInfo for weekdays tag, allows use of standard <jsp:getProperty/> with the weekdays tag script variable id.

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