Package org.apache.taglibs.session

Class Summary
AttributesTag JSP Tag attributes, used to get HttpSession attribute information using the standard JSP <jsp:getProperty> tag.
AttributesTEI TagExtraInfo for attributes tag, allows use of standard <jsp:getProperty/> with the attributes tag script variable id.
AttributeTag JSP Tag attribute, used to get the value of a single HttpSession attribute named name.
EqualsAttributeTag JSP Tag equalsAttribute, used to determine if a Session attribute equals the value of the "match" tag attribute.
ExistsAttributeTag JSP Tag existsAttribute, used to determine if an HttpSession attribute exists.
InvalidateTag JSP Tag invalidate, used to make a session invalid and remove it.
IsNewTag JSP Tag isNew, used to test whether the HTTPSession is new.
MaxInactiveIntervalTag JSP Tag maxInactiveInterval, used to set an HttpSession max inactive interval in seconds from the body of the tag.
RemoveAttributeTag JSP Tag removeAttribute, used to remove an HttpSession attribute with name name.
SessionData Used to store the scripting variable data provided by the JSP Tag session, used to access HttpSession information using the standard JSP <jsp:getProperty> tag.
SessionTag JSP Tag session, used to access HttpSession information using the standard JSP <jsp:getProperty> tag.
SessionTEI TagExtraInfo for session tag, allows use of standard <jsp:getProperty/> with the session tag script variable id.
SetAttributeTag JSP Tag setAttribute, used to set an HttpSession attribute with name name to a String from the body of the tag.

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