Uses of Interface

Packages that use Context

Uses of Context in org.apache.velocity

Classes in org.apache.velocity that implement Context
 class VelocityContext
          General purpose implemention of the application Context interface for general application use.

Methods in org.apache.velocity with parameters of type Context
 void Template.merge(Context context, writer)
          The AST node structure is merged with the context to produce the final output.

Constructors in org.apache.velocity with parameters of type Context
VelocityContext(Context innerContext)
          Chaining constructor, used when you want to wrap a context in another.
VelocityContext(java.util.Map context, Context innerContext)
          Initializes internal storage (never to null), and inner context.

Uses of Context in

Methods in with parameters of type Context
 boolean VelocityEngine.evaluate(Context context, out, java.lang.String logTag, java.lang.String instring)
          renders the input string using the context into the output writer.
 boolean VelocityEngine.evaluate(Context context, writer, java.lang.String logTag, instream)
          Deprecated. Use VelocityEngine.evaluate( Context context, Writer writer, String logTag, Reader reader )
 boolean VelocityEngine.evaluate(Context context, writer, java.lang.String logTag, reader)
          Renders the input reader using the context into the output writer.
 boolean VelocityEngine.invokeVelocimacro(java.lang.String vmName, java.lang.String logTag, java.lang.String[] params, Context context, writer)
          Invokes a currently registered Velocimacro with the parms provided and places the rendered stream into the writer.
 boolean VelocityEngine.mergeTemplate(java.lang.String templateName, Context context, writer)
          merges a template and puts the rendered stream into the writer
 boolean VelocityEngine.mergeTemplate(java.lang.String templateName, java.lang.String encoding, Context context, writer)
          merges a template and puts the rendered stream into the writer
static boolean Velocity.evaluate(Context context, out, java.lang.String logTag, java.lang.String instring)
          renders the input string using the context into the output writer.
static boolean Velocity.evaluate(Context context, writer, java.lang.String logTag, instream)
          Deprecated. Use Velocity.evaluate( Context context, Writer writer, String logTag, Reader reader )
static boolean Velocity.evaluate(Context context, writer, java.lang.String logTag, reader)
          Renders the input reader using the context into the output writer.
static boolean Velocity.invokeVelocimacro(java.lang.String vmName, java.lang.String logTag, java.lang.String[] params, Context context, writer)
          Invokes a currently registered Velocimacro with the parms provided and places the rendered stream into the writer.
static boolean Velocity.mergeTemplate(java.lang.String templateName, Context context, writer)
          Deprecated. Use Velocity.mergeTemplate( String templateName, String encoding, Context context, Writer writer )
static boolean Velocity.mergeTemplate(java.lang.String templateName, java.lang.String encoding, Context context, writer)
          merges a template and puts the rendered stream into the writer

Uses of Context in

Methods in with parameters of type Context
 boolean EventCartridge.attachToContext(Context context)
          Attached the EventCartridge to the context Final because not something one should mess with lightly :)

Uses of Context in

Fields in declared as Context
(package private)  Context VelocityFormatter.context

Constructors in with parameters of type Context
VelocityFormatter(Context context)
          Constructor needs a backpointer to the context.

Uses of Context in org.apache.velocity.context

Subinterfaces of Context in org.apache.velocity.context
 interface InternalContextAdapter
          interface to bring all necessary internal and user contexts together.

Classes in org.apache.velocity.context that implement Context
 class AbstractContext
          This class is the abstract base class for all conventional Velocity Context implementations.
 class InternalContextAdapterImpl
          This adapter class is the container for all context types for internal use.
 class VMContext
          This is a special, internal-use-only context implementation to be used for the new Velocimacro implementation.

Fields in org.apache.velocity.context declared as Context
private  Context AbstractContext.innerContext
          the chained Context if any
(package private)  Context InternalContextAdapterImpl.context
          the user data Context that we are wrapping

Methods in org.apache.velocity.context that return Context
 Context AbstractContext.getChainedContext()
          returns innerContext if one is chained
 Context InternalContextAdapterImpl.getInternalUserContext()
          returns the user data context that we are wrapping
 Context InternalWrapperContext.getInternalUserContext()
          returns the wrapped user context
 Context VMContext.getInternalUserContext()
          return the inner / user context

Constructors in org.apache.velocity.context with parameters of type Context
AbstractContext(Context inner)
          Chaining constructor accepts a Context argument.
InternalContextAdapterImpl(Context c)
          CTOR takes a Context and wraps it, delegating all 'data' calls to it.

Uses of Context in org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node

Methods in org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node with parameters of type Context
 java.lang.Object ASTReference.getVariableValue(Context context, java.lang.String variable)
static java.lang.String NodeUtils.interpolate(java.lang.String argStr, Context vars)
          Utility method to interpolate context variables into string literals.

Uses of Context in org.apache.velocity.servlet

Methods in org.apache.velocity.servlet that return Context
protected  Context VelocityServlet.createContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
          Returns a context suitable to pass to the handleRequest() method

Default implementation will create a VelocityContext object, put the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse into the context accessable via the keys VelocityServlet.REQUEST and VelocityServlet.RESPONSE, respectively.

Methods in org.apache.velocity.servlet with parameters of type Context
protected  void VelocityServlet.requestCleanup(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, Context context)
          cleanup routine called at the end of the request processing sequence allows a derived class to do resource cleanup or other end of process cycle tasks
protected  void VelocityServlet.mergeTemplate(Template template, Context context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
          merges the template with the context.
protected  Template VelocityServlet.handleRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, Context ctx)
          Implement this method to add your application data to the context, calling the getTemplate() method to produce your return value.
protected  Template VelocityServlet.handleRequest(Context ctx)
          Deprecated. Use VelocityServlet.handleRequest( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Context ctx )

Uses of Context in org.apache.velocity.texen

Fields in org.apache.velocity.texen declared as Context
private  Context Generator.controlContext
          Context used for generating the texen output.

Methods in org.apache.velocity.texen that return Context
protected  Context Generator.getContext(java.util.Hashtable objs)
          Create a new context and fill it with the elements of the objs Hashtable.

Methods in org.apache.velocity.texen with parameters of type Context
 java.lang.String Generator.parse(java.lang.String controlTemplate, Context controlContext)
          Parse the control template and merge it with the control context.
protected  void Generator.fillContextHash(Context context, java.util.Hashtable objs)
          Add all the contents of a Hashtable to the context.
protected  void Generator.fillContextDefaults(Context context)
          Add properties that will aways be in the context by default
protected  void Generator.fillContextProperties(Context context)
          Add objects to the context from the current properties.

Uses of Context in org.apache.velocity.texen.ant

Methods in org.apache.velocity.texen.ant that return Context
 Context Texen.initControlContext()
          Creates a VelocityContext.
 Context TexenTask.initControlContext()
          Creates a VelocityContext.

Methods in org.apache.velocity.texen.ant with parameters of type Context
protected  void Texen.populateInitialContext(Context context)
          Place useful objects into the initial context.
protected  void TexenTask.populateInitialContext(Context context)
          Place useful objects into the initial context.

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