Doclet API

Interface ProgramElementDoc

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable, Doc
All Known Subinterfaces:
ClassDoc, ConstructorDoc, ExecutableMemberDoc, FieldDoc, MemberDoc, MethodDoc

public interface ProgramElementDoc
extends Doc

Represents a java program element: class, interface, field, constructor, or method. This is an abstract class dealing with information common to these elements.

See Also:
MemberDoc, ClassDoc

Method Summary
 ClassDoc containingClass()
          Get the containing class of this program element.
 PackageDoc containingPackage()
          Get the package that this program element is contained in.
 boolean isFinal()
          Return true if this program element is final
 boolean isPackagePrivate()
          Return true if this program element is package private
 boolean isPrivate()
          Return true if this program element is private
 boolean isProtected()
          Return true if this program element is protected
 boolean isPublic()
          Return true if this program element is public
 boolean isStatic()
          Return true if this program element is static
 String modifiers()
          Get modifiers string.
 int modifierSpecifier()
          Get the modifier specifier integer.
 String qualifiedName()
          Get the fully qualified name.
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.javadoc.Doc
commentText, compareTo, firstSentenceTags, getRawCommentText, inlineTags, isClass, isConstructor, isError, isException, isField, isIncluded, isInterface, isMethod, isOrdinaryClass, name, position, seeTags, setRawCommentText, tags, tags

Method Detail


public ClassDoc containingClass()
Get the containing class of this program element.

a ClassDoc for this element's containing class. If this is a class with no outer class, return null.


public PackageDoc containingPackage()
Get the package that this program element is contained in.

a PackageDoc for this element containing package. If in the unnamed package, this PackageDoc will have the name "".


public String qualifiedName()
Get the fully qualified name.
  for the class java.util.Hashtable, return:
  for the method bar() in class Foo in the unnamed package, return:

the qualified name of the program element as a String.


public int modifierSpecifier()
Get the modifier specifier integer.

See Also:


public String modifiers()
Get modifiers string.
 Example, for:
   public abstract int foo() { ... }
 modifiers() would return:
   'public abstract'


public boolean isPublic()
Return true if this program element is public


public boolean isProtected()
Return true if this program element is protected


public boolean isPrivate()
Return true if this program element is private


public boolean isPackagePrivate()
Return true if this program element is package private


public boolean isStatic()
Return true if this program element is static


public boolean isFinal()
Return true if this program element is final

Doclet API

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