Interface SOAPBodyElement

All Superinterfaces:
Node, SOAPElement
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface SOAPBodyElement
extends SOAPElement

A SOAPBodyElement object represents the contents in a SOAPBody object. The SOAPFault interface is a SOAPBodyElement object that has been defined.

A new SOAPBodyElement object can be created and added to a SOAPBody object with the SOAPBody method addBodyElement. In the following line of code, sb is a SOAPBody object, and myName is a Name object.

    SOAPBodyElement sbe = sb.addBodyElement(myName);

Methods inherited from interface javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement
addAttribute, addChildElement, addChildElement, addChildElement, addChildElement, addChildElement, addNamespaceDeclaration, addTextNode, getAllAttributes, getAttributeValue, getChildElements, getChildElements, getElementName, getEncodingStyle, getNamespacePrefixes, getNamespaceURI, removeAttribute, removeNamespaceDeclaration, setEncodingStyle
Methods inherited from interface javax.xml.soap.Node
detachNode, getParentElement, getValue, recycleNode, setParentElement