Package javax.servlet.jsp

Classes and interfaces for JavaServer Pages(tm).


Interface Summary
HttpJspPage This is the interface that a JSP processor-generated class for the HTTP protocol must satisfy.
JspPage This is the interface that a JSP processor-generated class must satisfy.

Class Summary
JspEngineInfo The JspEngineInfo is an abstract class that provides information on the current JSP engine
JspFactory The JspFactory is an abstract class that defines a number of factory methods available to a JSP page at runtime for the purposes of creating instances of various interfaces and classes used to support the JSP implementation.
JspWriter This abstract class emulates some of the functionality found in the and classes, however it differs in that it throws from the print methods with PrintWriter does not.
PageContext A PageContext instance provides access to all the namespaces associated with a JSP page, provides access to several page attributes, as well as a layer above the implementation details.

Exception Summary
JspException A generic exception known to the JSP engine
JspTagException Exception to be used by a Tag Handler to indicate some unrecoverable error.

Package javax.servlet.jsp Description

Classes and interfaces for JavaServer Pages(tm).

The JavaServer Pages(tm) (JSP) 1.1 specification provides data formats, classes and interfaces for the dynamic creation of Web content. The content is usually structured text, typically HTML, XML, or XHTML, but it is not restricted to these types. The basic approach is one of extending template data with actions that insert data dynamically.

A JSP pages contains:

See the JavaServer Pages specification documents for more details.

Related Documentation

For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, tool support, and other documentation, please see the JSP home page and the Java Servlet home page