Ancient Rome


Channel: Justin Shaquille Manipon
Duration: 9:30
Description: Sacred Heart Academy of Novaliches Q.C.
Report about Ancient Rome
Created by: Group 3 in A.P. of III-Molave
Legend tells us that Rome was founded by (and named after) Romulus, who later murdered his brother Remus for criticizing the city. Eight hundred years later, around 100 A.D., the Roman Empire was at its peak. It included half of Europe, most of the Middle East, and the northern coast of Africa. How did Rome grow so large? What caused its downfall? These are just two of the questions asked by historians and students ever since. This video offers an overview of the History of The Roman Empire.
Published: December 25, 2011 1:26 pm

Ancient Roman Medicine


Channel: 09Lizey
Duration: 3:16
Description: A brief insight into Roman Medicine, great for revising if you’re doing the school’s history project on Medicine Through Time. Covers Public Health, Galen and War. Here’s a link to another video which is about Medieval Medicine:
Published: May 9, 2009 4:08 pm

Introduction to Roman Architecture


Channel: YaleCourses
Duration: 42:31
Description: Roman Architecture (HSAR 252) Professor Kleiner introduces the wide variety of Roman buildings covered in the course and links them with the theme of Roman urbanism. The lecture ranges from early Roman stone construction to such masterpieces of Roman concrete architecture as the Colosseum and Pantheon. Traveling from Rome and Pompeii across the vast Roman Empire, Professor Kleiner stops in such locales as North Africa and Jordan to explore the plans of cities and their individual edifices: temples, basilicas, theaters, amphitheaters, bath complexes, and tombs. The lecture culminates with reference to the impact of Roman architecture on post-antique architectural design and building practice.

00:00 – Chapter 1. Introduction: Roman Urbanism
09:47 – Chapter 2. The Urban Grid and Public Architecture
24:41 – Chapter 3. Bathing, Entertainment, and Housing in the Roman City
37:06 – Chapter 4. Roman Tombs, Aqueducts, and the Lasting Impact of Roman Architecture

Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website:
Published: September 14, 2009 6:25 pm

The Rise of Rome


Channel: AllHistories
Duration: 9:55
Description: What was the secret to the success of ancient Rome? Aqueducts, underground neighborhoods and one of the oldest sewer systems reveal many secrets. The largest and most influential empire in history leaves clues to her greatness under nearly every street. Search subterranean locales for proof that ancient Roman design inspired many modern engineering marvels.
Published: September 16, 2009 7:15 am