CoherenceTM v3.3
Copyright© 2000-2007 by Oracle Corporation


Contains classes providing various caching strategies.


Interface Summary
CacheLoader A JCache CacheLoader.
CacheMap A CacheMap is a Map that supports caching.
CacheStatistics An interface for exposing Cache statistics.
CacheStore A JCache cache store.
IterableCacheLoader A JCache CacheLoader that can iterate its underlying contents.
KeyAssociation A KeyAssociation represents a key object that has a natural association with another key object.
OldCache.EvictionPolicy An eviction policy is an object that the cache provides with access information, and when requested, the eviction policy selects and evicts entries from the cache.
OldCache.UnitCalculator A unit calculator is an object that can calculate the cost of caching an object.

Class Summary
AbstractBundler An abstract base for processors that implement bundling strategy.
AbstractBundler.Statistics Statistics class contains the latest bundler statistics.
AbstractCacheLoader An abstract base class for the JCache CacheLoader.
AbstractCacheStore An abstract base class for the JCache CacheLoader.
AbstractEntryBundler An abstract entry-based bundler serves as a base for NamedCache.put() and operation bundling.
AbstractEvictionPolicy An abstract base class for custom cache eviction policies.
AbstractKeyBundler An abstract key-based bundler serves as a base for NamedCache get() and remove() operation bundling as well as the CacheStore load() and erase() operation bundling.
AbstractSerializationCache An abstract base class for serialization-based caches.
BinaryMemoryCalculator A UnitCalculator implementation that weighs a cache entry based upon the amount of physical memory (in bytes) required to store the entry.
BinaryStoreCacheStore A CacheStore that sits directly on top of a BinaryStore.
BundlingNamedCache Bundling NamedCache implementation.
CacheEvent An extension of the MapEvent which allows to differentiate between client driven (natural) events and cache internal (synthetic) events.
CacheLoaderCacheStore A read-only CacheStore that wraps a CacheLoader.
CacheLoaderCacheStore.Iterable An extension to the CacheLoaderCacheStore that implements the IterableCacheLoader interface.
CacheStoreMap A backing Map implementation that delegates all operations to a CacheStore.
CacheStoreMap.ReadWriteMap A Map implementation that delegates straight through to a CacheStore.
CachingMap Map implementation that wraps two maps - a front map (assumed to be "inexpensive" and probably "incomplete") and a back map (assumed to be "complete" and "correct", but more "expensive") - using a read-through/write-through approach.
ContinuousQueryCache Create a materialized view of a NamedCache using the Coherence Continuous Query capability.
LocalCache A LocalCache implementation that supports the JCache API, CacheLoader and CacheStore objects.
MapCacheStore A CacheStore that sits directly on top of a Map.
NearCache A "near cache" is a CachingMap whose front map is a size-limited and/or auto-expiring local cache, and whose back map is a distributed cache.
OldCache Deprecated. As of release 3.1, replaced by LocalCache
OverflowMap An Observable Map implementation that wraps two maps - a front map (assumed to be fast but limited in its maximum size) and a back map (assumed to be slower but much less limited in its maximum size).
OverflowMap.ExpirableStatus The ExpirableStatus adds expiry to the base Status object.
OverflowMap.HistoricCacheEvent A CacheEvent that carries a recent value (to avoid it being lost during eviction).
OverflowMap.Status The Status object is used to manage concurrency at the key level for the key-level operations against the Map, to track all the items in the front Map, to manage the state transition for operations occurring against the Map, and to coordinate events across multiple threads.
ReadonlyNamedCache A simple extension of the WrapperNamedCache implementation that shields all content mutating operations such as put(), remove(), lock() etc.
ReadWriteBackingMap Backing Map implementation that provides a size-limited cache of a persistent store and supports configurable write-behind and refresh- ahead caching.
SeppukuMapListener A map listener that follows the "seppuku" pattern, invalidating the Map entries when MapEvents for another related ObservableMap are delivered.
SerializationCache A version of SerializationMap that implements an LRU policy.
SerializationMap Map implementation that stores its contents in a BinaryStore.
SerializationPagedCache A version of SerializationMap that implements an LRU policy using time-based paging of the cache.
SerializationPagedCache.FakeBinaryStore A lite BinaryStore implementation used when the real underlying BinaryStore gets destroyed.
SimpleCacheStatistics Implementation of the CacheStatistics class intended for use by a cache to maintain its statistics.
SimpleMemoryCalculator A UnitCalculator implementation that weighs a cache entry based upon the amount of physical memory (in bytes) required to store the entry.
SimpleOverflowMap A non-observable Map implementation that wraps two maps - a front map (assumed to be fast but limited in its maximum size) and a back map (assumed to be slower but much less limited in its maximum size).
SimpleOverflowMap.FrontFilterConverter A combination Filter and Converter used to iterate through the status map in order to iterate through the front keys.
SimpleOverflowMap.HashcodeComparator A stateless Comparator that compares Object.hashCode() values.
SimpleOverflowMap.Status The Status object is used to manage concurrency at the key level for the key-level operations against the Map, to track all the items in the front Map, to manage the state transition for operations occurring against the Map, and to coordinate events across multiple threads.
SimpleSerializationMap Map implementation that stores and accesses its contents through an underlying BinaryStore.
VersionedBackingMap Deprecated. as of Coherence 3.2 all the functionality of this class has been superceded by the ReadWriteBackingMap implementation
VersionedNearCache Deprecated. as of Coherence 3.2 all the functionality of this class has been superceded by the NearCache implementation
WrapperNamedCache A simple implementation of NamedCache interface built as a wrapper around any Map implementation.

Package Description

Contains classes providing various caching strategies.

CoherenceTM v3.3
Copyright© 2000-2007 by Oracle Corporation