CoherenceTM v3.3
Copyright© 2000-2007 by Oracle Corporation


Contains basic cluster interfaces and factories.


Interface Summary
BackingMapManager A callback interface used by CacheService implementations.
BackingMapManagerContext The BackingMapManager context used by the CacheService to pass information to the BackingMapManager during the service initialization.
CacheService A CacheService is a clustered service providing a collection of named Maps that hold resources shared among members of a cluster.
Cluster The Cluster interface represents a collection of services that operate in a clustered network environment.
ConfigurableCacheFactory An interface for XML driven cache factory.
DistributedCacheService A DistributedCacheService is a clustered cache service that partitions its data across cluster members that provide backing storage.
Invocable The Invocable object is a cluster-portable object that can be invoked on any set of remote members and each can optionally register a return value for the invocation.
InvocableInOrder The InvocableInOrder interface allows to control the ordering in which the results of Invocable tasks are returned back to the caller by the Invocation service with a thread pool.
InvocationObserver The InvocationObserver is an object that asynchronously receives notification of results from the execution of Invocable objects.
InvocationService The InvocationService is a Service for delivering executable objects to cluster members for distributed invocation.
Member The Member interface represents a cluster member.
MemberListener The listener interface for receiving MemberEvents.
NamedCache A NamedCache is a Map that holds resources shared among members of a cluster.
PartitionedService A PartitionedService is aware of a mapping of keys to partitions and of partitions to cluster members.
PriorityTask The PriorityTask interface allows to control the ordering in which a service schedules tasks for execution using a thread pool and limit their execution times to a specified duration.
Service This Service interface represents controllable services that operate in a clustered network environment.
ServiceInfo The ServiceInfo represents information about a Service that operates in a clustered network environment.

Class Summary
AbstractBackingMapManager Abstract base of the BackingMapManager implementations.
AbstractInvocable An abstract base for Invocable and PriorityTask implementations.
AbstractPriorityTask An abstract base for PriorityTask implementations.
CacheFactory Factory for the Coherence™ cache product.
CacheFactory.LoggingWriter Inner class for over-riding the destination of log(), out() and err() calls on the Base class.
ClusterPermission This class represents access to a clustered resource such as a Service or NamedCache.
CompressionFilter Provides a compression wrapper for an InputStream and OutputStream.
CompressionFilter.DeflaterOutputShell DeflaterOutputShell enforces the "end" call for the corresponding Deflater object.
CompressionFilter.InflaterInputShell InflaterInputShell enforces the "end" call for the corresponding Inflater object.
DatagramPacketOutputStream Provides an OutputStream on top of a DatagramPacket.
DatagramTest Test for datagram communication.
DatagramTest.DatagramPublisher The publisher test.
DatagramTest.ListenerConfig Holder for Listener configuration.
DatagramTest.PacketTracker Tracker of packet statistics for a single client.
DatagramTest.PublisherConfig Holder for Publisher configuration.
DatagramTest.StartFlag The start flag is used to allow a listener to control a inner process publisher.
DatagramTest.TestConfiguration Holder for Test configuration.
DefaultCacheServer DefaultCacheServer is a simple command line facility that starts all services that are declared as requiring an "autostart" in the configurable factory XML descriptor.
DefaultCacheServer.ShutdownProcess ShutdownHook implementation.
DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory provides a facility to access caches declared in a "cache-config.dtd" compliant configuration file.
DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo CacheInfo is a placeholder for cache attributes retrieved during parsing the corresponding cache mapping element.
InetAddressHelper Helper class that encapsulates common InetAddress functionality.
LoadBalancer A non-sticky HTTP load-balancer.
LoadBalancer.AddressPort An AddressPort is an immutable combination of an IP address and a port number.
LoadBalancer.Queue A Queue is used to effeciently queue up items for daemon threads to work on.
LoadBalancer.SocketHandler A SocketHandler is an abstract daemon thread.
MemberEvent An event which indicates that membership has changed: a Member has joined a Member is leaving a Member has left A MemberEvent object is sent as an argument to the MemberListener interface methods.
MulticastTest Test multicast broadcast.

Exception Summary
ClusterException Signals that a cluster related exception of some sort has occurred.
RequestTimeoutException Signals that a request execution in a clustered environment did not complete in a pre-determined amount of time.

Package Description

Contains basic cluster interfaces and factories.

CoherenceTM v3.3
Copyright© 2000-2007 by Oracle Corporation