Oracle™ Business Intelligence Beans Java API Reference
Release 10
g (9.0.4)
Part number B12159_01

Package oracle.dss.bicontext

Interface Summary
Acl Methods required for an access control list for a BIContext.
BIComparator BIComparator interface.
BIContext The directory service interface for the BI Beans.
BIFilter A custom filter for filtering each of the search results after the main search is finished.
Group Methods that are required for a group of users.
ManagerFactory The ManagerFactory creates and maintains an InitialPersistenceManager, as well as a pool of QueryManager and MetadataManager objects for a particular user session.
ObjectFactory Methods that are required for instantiating Persistable objects from XML representations in the BI Beans Catalog.
User Methods that are required for a user.


Class Summary
BIAssociation The BIAssociation class is a structure that contains the name of the object, the class name of the object, a reference to the object, as well as the attributes associated with the object.
BIConstants The BIConstants contains a list of constants shared by the MetadataManager and the Persistence Manager.
BISearchControls Encapsulates factors that control the behavior of a search.
BISearchResult The BISearchResult class is a structure that contains the name of the object, the class name of the object, a reference to the object, as well as the attributes associated with the object.
BISearchResultsComparator Implementation of BIComparator interface.
Privilege Represents the rights that a user has to manipulate a context and the objects that a context contains.


Exception Summary
BIAttributeModificationException Indicates a problem when an attempt is made to add, or remove, or modify an attribute.
BIAuthenticationException Indicates an authentication problem in accessing the repository.
BICannotProceedException Indicates a naming problem that prevents further operation.
BIContextNotEmptyException Indicates that the context that you are trying to destroy has contents.
BIInvalidAttributesException Indicates a problem with the attributes that were specified.
BIInvalidNameException Indicates a problem with the name of an object or folder.
BIInvalidSearchControlsException Indicates a problem with the specification of search controls.
BIInvalidSearchFilterException Indicates a problem with the specification of a filter expression in a search operation.
BINameAlreadyBoundException Indicates that a name cannot be bound to an object because it is already bound to dnother object.
BINameNotFoundException Indicates that an object cannot be found because the specified name is not bound to any object.
BINamingException Indicates a general problem with a persistence operation.
BINamingSecurityException Indicates a security problem with a naming operation.
BINoInitialContextException Indicates that an initial context could not be created or is otherwise unavailable.
BINoPermissionException Indicates that the requester does not have permission to do the requested naming operation.
BINotContextException Indicates that the naming operation is appropriate only for a context, but the specified object is not a context.
BIOperationNotSupportedException Indicates that the requested operation is not supported in this implementation of JNDI.
BIPartialResultException Indicates that, because the operation cannot be completed, the results that the operation returns contain only part of the requested information.
BIRemoteException Indicates a problem with a driver on the middle tier.
BISizeLimitExceededException Indicates that a method has returned a result that exceeded a size limit.
BITimeLimitExceededException Indicates that a method has returned a result that exceeded a size limit.


Oracle™ Business Intelligence Beans Java API Reference
Release 10
g (9.0.4)
Part number B12159_01

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