Oracle™ Business Intelligence Beans Java API Reference
Release 10
g (9.0.4)
Part number B12159_01

Package oracle.dss.calculation.client.calcBuilder

Interface Summary
CalcBuilderContext Methods specific to CalcBuilder objects.


Class Summary
CalcBuilder The main class of the CalcBuilder bean.
CalcBuilderDefault Creates a default CalcBuilder.
CalcBuilderDialog Represents the container that displays a CalcBuilder object.
CalcBuilderStepStorage Creates a MetadataManager enabled CalcBuilder implementation.
CalcBuilderWelcomePanel Creates the Welcome panel for the calculation builder.
CalcStepStorageHelper This helper class allows a CalcStep to be saved and loaded using the storage capabilities of MetadataManager and Persistence.
NameTypePanel Creates the Name Type panel for the calculation builder.
SaveCalcPanel Creates the SaveCalc panel for the calculation builder.
TemplatePanel Creates the Template panel for the calculation builder.


Exception Summary
CalcBuilderException Provides non-runtime exceptions that are thrown specifically by the CalcBuilder.
CalcBuilderRuntimeException Provides runtime exceptions that are thrown specifically by the CalcBuilder.
IllegalArgException Thrown if the caller passes in an invalid argument to the CalcBuilder API.


Oracle™ Business Intelligence Beans Java API Reference
Release 10
g (9.0.4)
Part number B12159_01

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