Packages: All | Callback | DOM | Range | SAX | Schema | Traversal | XML | XPath | XPointer | XSLT | XSLTVM Functions | Datatypes

Oracle XML C Function Index

XMLDOM_ACCEPT_NODE_F NodeFilter Perform user-defined filtering action on node
XML_ALLOC_F Callbacks Low-level memory allocation
XML_ERRMSG_F Callbacks Handle error message
XML_FREE_F Callbacks Low-level memory freer
XML_STREAM_CLOSE_F Callbacks User-defined stream close callback
XML_STREAM_OPEN_F Callbacks User-defined stream open callback
XML_STREAM_WRITE_F Callbacks User-defined stream write callback
XmlCreate XML Create an XML Developer's Toolkit xmlctx
XmlCreateDTD XML Create DTD
XmlCreateDocument XML Create Document (node)
XmlDestroy XML Destroy an xmlctx
XmlDomAppendChild Node Append new child to node's list of children
XmlDomAppendData CharacterData Append data to end of node's current data
XmlDomCleanNode Node "Clean" a node (free DOM allocations)
XmlDomCloneNode Node Clone a node
XmlDomCreateAttr Document Create attribute node
XmlDomCreateAttrNS Document Create attribute node with namespace information
XmlDomCreateCDATA Document Create CDATA node
XmlDomCreateComment Document Create comment node
XmlDomCreateElem Document Create an element node
XmlDomCreateElemNS Document Create an element node with namespace information
XmlDomCreateEntityRef Document Create entity reference node
XmlDomCreateFragment Document Create a document fragment
XmlDomCreateNodeIter DocumentTraversal Create node iterator object
XmlDomCreatePI Document Create PI node
XmlDomCreateRange DocumentRange Create Range object
XmlDomCreateText Document Create text node
XmlDomCreateTreeWalker DocumentTraversal Create tree walker object
XmlDomDeleteData CharacterData Remove part of node's data
XmlDomFreeNode Node Free a node allocated with XmlDomCreateXXX
XmlDomFreeNodeList NodeList Free a node list returned by XmlDomGetElemsByTag etc
XmlDomFreeString Document Frees a string allocate by XmlDomSubstringData etc
XmlDomGetAttr Element Return attribute's value given its name
XmlDomGetAttrLocal Attr Returns an attribute's namespace local name as NULL-terminated string
XmlDomGetAttrLocalLen Attr Returns an attribute's namespace local name as length-encoded string
XmlDomGetAttrNS Element Return attribute's value given its URI and localname
XmlDomGetAttrName Attr Return attribute's name as NULL-terminated string
XmlDomGetAttrNameLen Attr Return attribute's name as length-encoded string
XmlDomGetAttrNode Element Get attribute by name
XmlDomGetAttrNodeNS Element Get attribute by name (namespace aware version)
XmlDomGetAttrPrefix Attr Returns an attribute's namespace prefix
XmlDomGetAttrSpecified Attr Return flag saying whether an attribute was explicitly created
XmlDomGetAttrURI Attr Returns an attribute's namespace URI as NULL-terminated string
XmlDomGetAttrURILen Attr Returns an attribute's namespace URI as length-encoded string
XmlDomGetAttrValue Attr Return attribute's value as NULL-terminated string
XmlDomGetAttrValueLen Attr Return attribute's value as length-encoded string
XmlDomGetAttrs Node Return attributes of node
XmlDomGetBaseURI Document Returns the base URI for a document
XmlDomGetCharData CharacterData Return data for node
XmlDomGetCharDataLength CharacterData Return length of data for node
XmlDomGetChildNodes Node Return children of node
XmlDomGetChildrenByTag Element Get children of element with given tag name [non-namespace-aware]
XmlDomGetChildrenByTagNS Element Get children of element with tag name [namespace-aware version]
XmlDomGetDTD Document Get DTD (Document Type) for document
XmlDomGetDTDEntities DocumentType Get entities of DTD
XmlDomGetDTDInternalSubset DocumentType Get DTD's internal subset
XmlDomGetDTDName DocumentType Get name of DTD
XmlDomGetDTDNotations DocumentType Get notations of DTD
XmlDomGetDTDPubID DocumentType Get DTD's public ID
XmlDomGetDTDSysID DocumentType Get DTD's system ID
XmlDomGetDecl Document Returns a document's XMLDecl information
XmlDomGetDefaultNS Node Get default namespace for node
XmlDomGetDocElem Document Get top-level element for document
XmlDomGetDocElemByID Document Get document element given ID
XmlDomGetDocElemsByTag Document Obtain doc elements
XmlDomGetDocElemsByTagNS Document Obtain doc elements (namespace aware version)
XmlDomGetElemsByTag Element Get elements with given tag name [non-namespace-aware version]
XmlDomGetElemsByTagNS Element Get elements with given URI and localname [namespace aware version]
XmlDomGetEntityNotation Entity Get entity's notation
XmlDomGetEntityPubID Entity Get entity's public ID
XmlDomGetEntitySysID Entity Get entity's system ID
XmlDomGetEntityType Entity Get entity's type
XmlDomGetFirstChild Node Returns first child of node
XmlDomGetFirstPfnsPair Node Get first prefix namespace pair
XmlDomGetLastChild Node Returns last child of node
XmlDomGetLastError Document Return last error code for document
XmlDomGetNamedItem NamedNodeMap Return named node from list
XmlDomGetNamedItemNS NamedNodeMap Return named node from list (namespace aware version)
XmlDomGetNextPfnsPair Node Get subsequent prefix namespace pair
XmlDomGetNextSibling Node Return next sibling of node
XmlDomGetNodeListItem NodeList Return nth node in list
XmlDomGetNodeListLength NodeList Return length of node list
XmlDomGetNodeLocal Node Get local part of node's qualified name as NULL-terminated string
XmlDomGetNodeLocalLen Node Get local part of node's qualified name as length-encoded string
XmlDomGetNodeMapItem NamedNodeMap Return nth node in list
XmlDomGetNodeMapLength NamedNodeMap Return length of named node map
XmlDomGetNodeName Node Get node's name as NULL-terminated string
XmlDomGetNodeNameLen Node Get node's name as length-encoded string
XmlDomGetNodePrefix Node Return namespace prefix of node
XmlDomGetNodeType Node Get node's numeric type code
XmlDomGetNodeURI Node Return namespace URI of node as a NULL-terminated string
XmlDomGetNodeURILen Node Return namespace URI of node as length-encoded string
XmlDomGetNodeValue Node Get node's value as NULL-terminated string
XmlDomGetNodeValueLen Node Get node value as length-encoded string
XmlDomGetNotationPubID Notation Get notation's public ID
XmlDomGetNotationSysID Notation Get notation's system ID
XmlDomGetOwnerDocument Node Get the owner document of node
XmlDomGetOwnerElem Attr Return an attribute's owning element
XmlDomGetPIData ProcessingInstruction Get processing instruction's data
XmlDomGetPITarget ProcessingInstruction Get PI's target
XmlDomGetParentNode Node Get parent node
XmlDomGetPrevSibling Node Return previous sibling of node
XmlDomGetSchema Document Returns URI of schema associated with document
XmlDomGetSourceEntity Node Return the entity node if the input file is an external entity
XmlDomGetSourceLine Node Return source line# of node
XmlDomGetSourceLocation Node Return source location (path, URI, etc) of node
XmlDomGetTag Element Return an element node's tagname
XmlDomHasAttr Element Does named attribute exist?
XmlDomHasAttrNS Element Does named attribute exist? (namespace aware version)
XmlDomHasAttrs Node Test if element has attributes
XmlDomHasChildNodes Node Test if node has children
XmlDomImportNode Document Import a node from another DOM
XmlDomInsertBefore Node Insert new child into node's list of children
XmlDomInsertData CharacterData Insert string into node's current data
XmlDomIsSchemaBased Document Indicate whether a schema is associated with a document
XmlDomIterDetach NodeIterator Detach a node iterator (deactivate it)
XmlDomIterNextNode NodeIterator Returns next node for iterator
XmlDomIterPrevNode NodeIterator Returns previous node for iterator
XmlDomNormalize Node "Normalize" a node, that is, merge adjacent text nodes
XmlDomNumAttrs Node Return number of attributes of element
XmlDomNumChildNodes Node Return number of children of node
XmlDomPrefixToURI Node Get namespace URI for prefix
XmlDomRangeClone Range Clone a range
XmlDomRangeCloneContents Range Clone contents selected by a range
XmlDomRangeCollapse Range Collapse range to either start point or end point
XmlDomRangeCompareBoundaryPoints Range Compare boundary points of two ranges
XmlDomRangeDeleteContents Range Delete content selected by a range
XmlDomRangeDetach Range Detach a range
XmlDomRangeExtractContents Range Extract contents selected by a range
XmlDomRangeGetCollapsed Range Return whether the range is collapsed
XmlDomRangeGetCommonAncestor Range Return deepest common ancestor node of two boundary points
XmlDomRangeGetDetached Range Return whether the range is detached
XmlDomRangeGetEndContainer Range Return range end container node
XmlDomRangeGetEndOffset Range Return range end offset
XmlDomRangeGetStartContainer Range Return range start container node
XmlDomRangeGetStartOffset Range Return range start offset
XmlDomRangeIsConsistent Range Return whether the range is consistent
XmlDomRangeSelectNode Range Select a node as a range
XmlDomRangeSelectNodeContents Range Define range to select node contents
XmlDomRangeSetEnd Range Set the end point
XmlDomRangeSetEndBefore Range Set the end point before a node
XmlDomRangeSetStart Range Set the start point
XmlDomRangeSetStartAfter Range Set the start point after a node
XmlDomRangeSetStartBefore Range Set the start point before a node
XmlDomRemoveAttr Element Remove attribute with specified name
XmlDomRemoveAttrNS Element Remove attribute with specified URI and local name
XmlDomRemoveAttrNode Element Remove attribute node
XmlDomRemoveChild Node Remove an existing child node
XmlDomRemoveNamedItem NamedNodeMap Remove node from named node map
XmlDomRemoveNamedItemNS NamedNodeMap Remove node from named node map (namespace aware version)
XmlDomReplaceChild Node Replace an existing child of a node
XmlDomReplaceData CharacterData Replace part of node's data
XmlDomSaveString Document Saves a string permanently in a document's memory pool
XmlDomSaveString2 Document Saves a Unicode string permanently in a document's memory pool
XmlDomSetAttr Element Set new attribute for element
XmlDomSetAttrNS Element Set new attribute for element (namespace aware version)
XmlDomSetAttrNode Element Set attribute node
XmlDomSetAttrNodeNS Element Set attribute node (namespace aware version)
XmlDomSetAttrValue Attr Set an attribute's value
XmlDomSetBaseURI Document Sets base URI for document
XmlDomSetCharData CharacterData Set data for node
XmlDomSetDTD Document Sets DTD (Document Type Definition) for document
XmlDomSetDefaultNS Node Set default namespace for node
XmlDomSetDocOrder Document Set document order for all nodes
XmlDomSetNamedItem NamedNodeMap Set node in named node list
XmlDomSetNamedItemNS NamedNodeMap Set node in named node list (namespace aware version)
XmlDomSetNodePrefix Node Set namespace prefix of node
XmlDomSetNodeValue Node Set node value
XmlDomSetNodeValueLen Node Set node value as length-encoded string
XmlDomSetPIData ProcessingInstruction Set processing instruction's data
XmlDomSplitText Text Split text node into two
XmlDomSubstringData CharacterData Return substring of node's data
XmlDomSync Document Synchronizes the persistent version of a document with its DOM.
XmlDomValidate Node Validate a node against current DTD
XmlDomWalkerFirstChild TreeWalker Return first visible child of current node
XmlDomWalkerGetCurrentNode TreeWalker Return (get) current node
XmlDomWalkerGetRoot TreeWalker Return (get) root node
XmlDomWalkerLastChild TreeWalker Return last visible child of current node
XmlDomWalkerNextNode TreeWalker Return next visible node
XmlDomWalkerNextSibling TreeWalker Return next sibling node
XmlDomWalkerParentNode TreeWalker Return parent node
XmlDomWalkerPrevNode TreeWalker Return previous node
XmlDomWalkerPrevSibling TreeWalker Return previous sibling node
XmlDomWalkerSetCurrentNode TreeWalker Set current node
XmlDomWalkerSetRoot TreeWalker Set the root node
XmlFreeDocument XML Free a document (releases all resources)
XmlGetEncoding XML Returns data encoding in use by XML context
XmlHasFeature XML Determine if DOM feature is implemented
XmlIsSimple XML Returns single-byte (simple) character set flag
XmlIsUnicode XML Returns XmlIsUnicode (simple) character set flag
XmlLoadDom XML Load (parse) an XML document and produce a DOM
XmlLoadSax XML Load (parse) an XML document from and produce SAX events
XmlLoadSaxVA XML Load (parse) an XML document from and produce SAX events [varargs]
XmlSaveDom XML Saves (serializes, formats) an XML document
XmlSaxAttributeDecl SAX Receives SAX notification of an attribute's declaration. Oracle
XmlSaxCDATA SAX Receives SAX notification of CDATA. Oracle extension, not in SAX
XmlSaxCharacters SAX Receives SAX notification of character data
XmlSaxComment SAX Receives SAX notification of a comment
XmlSaxElementDecl SAX Receives SAX notification of an element's declaration. Oracle
XmlSaxEndDocument SAX Receives SAX end-of-document notification
XmlSaxEndElement SAX Receives SAX end-of-element notification
XmlSaxNotationDecl SAX Receives SAX notification of a notation declaration
XmlSaxPI SAX Receives SAX notification of a processing instruction
XmlSaxParsedEntityDecl SAX Receives SAX notification of a parsed entity declaration. Oracle
XmlSaxStartDocument SAX Receives SAX start-of document notification
XmlSaxStartElement SAX Receives SAX start-of-element notification
XmlSaxStartElementNS SAX Receives SAX namespace-aware start-of-element notification
XmlSaxUnparsedEntityDecl SAX Receives SAX notification of a unparsed entity declaration
XmlSaxWhitespace SAX Receives SAX notification of ignorable (whitespace) data
XmlSaxXmlDecl SAX Receives SAX notification of an XML declaration. Oracle extension,
XmlSchemaClean Schema
XmlSchemaCreate Schema Create and return a schema context
XmlSchemaDestroy Schema Destroy a schema context
XmlSchemaErrorWhere Schema
XmlSchemaLoad Schema Load a schema document
XmlSchemaLoadedList Schema Return the size and/or list of loaded schema documents.
XmlSchemaSetErrorHandler Schema
XmlSchemaSetValidateOptions Schema Set option(s) to be used in the next validation session
XmlSchemaTargetNamespace Schema Return target namespace of a given schema document
XmlSchemaUnload Schema Unload a schema document
XmlSchemaValidate Schema Validate an element node against a schema
XmlSchemaVersion Schema Return the version of this schema implementation
XmlVersion XML Returns version string for XDK
XmlXPathCreateCtx XPath Create an XPath context
XmlXPathDestroyCtx XPath Destroy an XPath context
XmlXPathEval XPath Evaluate XPath expression
XmlXPathGetObjectBoolean XPath Get boolean value of XPath object
XmlXPathGetObjectFragment XPath Get fragment value of XPath object
XmlXPathGetObjectNSetNode XPath Get node from nodeset-type XPath object
XmlXPathGetObjectNSetNum XPath Get number of of nodes in nodeset-type XPath object
XmlXPathGetObjectNumber XPath Get number from XPath object
XmlXPathGetObjectString XPath Get string from XPath object
XmlXPathGetObjectType XPath Get XPath object type
XmlXPathParse XPath Parse XPath expression
XmlXPointerEval XPointer Evaluates xpointer string
XmlXPtrLocGetNode XPtrLoc Returns xmlnode from XPtrLoc
XmlXPtrLocGetPoint XPtrLoc Returns xmlpoint from XPtrLoc
XmlXPtrLocGetRange XPtrLoc Returns xmlrange from XPtrLoc
XmlXPtrLocGetType XPtrLoc Returns type of XPtrLoc
XmlXPtrLocSetFree XPtrLocSet Free a location set
XmlXPtrLocSetGetItem XPtrLocSet Returns location with idx position in XPtrLocSet
XmlXPtrLocSetGetLength XPtrLocSet Returns length of XPtrLocSet
XmlXPtrLocToString XPtrLoc Returns string for a location
XmlXslCreate XSLT Create an XSLT context
XmlXslDestroy XSLT Destroy an XSL context
XmlXslGetBaseURI XSLT Get the XSL processor base URI
XmlXslGetOutput XSLT Get the XSL result fragment
XmlXslGetStylesheetDom XSLT Get the XSL stylesheet document
XmlXslGetTextParam XSLT Get the XSL text parameter value
XmlXslProcess XSLT Do XSL processing on an instance document
XmlXslResetAllParams XSLT Reset XSL processor parameters.
XmlXslSetOutputDom XSLT Set the xslctx output DOM
XmlXslSetOutputEncoding XSLT Set the xslctx output encoding
XmlXslSetOutputMethod XSLT Set the xslctx output method
XmlXslSetOutputSax XSLT Set the xslctx output SAX
XmlXslSetOutputStream XSLT Set the xslctx output stream.
XmlXslSetTextParam XSLT Set the xslctx output text param.
XmlXvmCompileBuffer XSLTC Compile an XSLT stylesheet from buffer into bytecode
XmlXvmCompileDom XSLTC Compile an XSLT stylesheet from DOM into bytecode
XmlXvmCompileFile XSLTC Compile XSLT stylesheet from file into bytecode
XmlXvmCompileURI XSLTC Compile XSLT stylesheet from URI into bytecode
XmlXvmCompileXPath XSLTC Compiles an XPath expression
XmlXvmCreate XSLTVM Create an XSLT virtual machine
XmlXvmCreateComp XSLTC Create an XSLT compiler
XmlXvmDestroy XSLTVM Destroys an XSLT virtual machine
XmlXvmDestroyComp XSLTC Destroys an XSLT compiler object
XmlXvmEvaluateXPath XSLTVM Evaluate already-compiled XPath expression
XmlXvmGetBytecodeLength XSLTC Returns the bytecode length
XmlXvmGetObjectBoolean XSLTVM Get boolean value of XPath object
XmlXvmGetObjectNSetNode XSLTVM Get node from nodeset-type XPath object
XmlXvmGetObjectNSetNum XSLTVM Get number of of nodes in nodeset-type XPath object
XmlXvmGetObjectNumber XSLTVM Get number from XPath object
XmlXvmGetObjectString XSLTVM Get string from XPath object
XmlXvmGetObjectType XSLTVM Get XPath object type
XmlXvmGetOutputDom XSLTVM Returns the output DOM
XmlXvmResetParams XSLTVM Resets the stylesheet top-level text params.
XmlXvmSetBaseURI XSLTVM Sets the base URI for the XSLTVM
XmlXvmSetBytecodeBuffer XSLTVM Set the compiled byte-code
XmlXvmSetBytecodeFile XSLTVM Set the compiled bytecode from file
XmlXvmSetBytecodeURI XSLTVM Set the compiled byte-code
XmlXvmSetDebugFunc XSLTVM Set a callback function for debuging
XmlXvmSetOutputDom XSLTVM Sets the XSLTVM to output document node.
XmlXvmSetOutputEncoding XSLTVM Sets the encoding for the XSLTVM output
XmlXvmSetOutputSax XSLTVM Set XSLTVM to output SAX
XmlXvmSetOutputStream XSLTVM Set the XSLTVM output to a user-defined stream
XmlXvmSetTextParam XSLTVM Set the stylesheet top-level text param.
XmlXvmTransformBuffer XSLTVM Run compiled XSLT stylesheet on XML document in memory
XmlXvmTransformDom XSLTVM Run compiled XSLT stylesheet on XML document as DOM
XmlXvmTransformFile XSLTVM Run compiled XSLT stylesheet on XML document in file
XmlXvmTransformURI XSLTVM Run compiled XSLT stylesheet on XML document from URI