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Package Schema

This C implementation of the XML schema validator follows the W3C XML Schema specification (rev REC-xmlschema-1-20010502) and implements the required behavior of an schema validator in terms of how multiple schema documents can be assembled into a schema and be used to validate a specific instance document.

Interface Schema

Function Index

XmlSchemaCreate Create and return a schema context
XmlSchemaDestroy Destroy a schema context
XmlSchemaLoad Load a schema document
XmlSchemaLoadedList Return the size and/or list of loaded schema documents.
XmlSchemaSetValidateOptions Set option(s) to be used in the next validation session
XmlSchemaTargetNamespace Return target namespace of a given schema document
XmlSchemaUnload Unload a schema document
XmlSchemaValidate Validate an element node against a schema
XmlSchemaVersion Return the version of this schema implementation


Name XmlSchemaClean
Interface Schema
Prototype void XmlSchemaClean(xsdctx *sctx);
sctx  (IN)  schema context to be cleaned
Returns void
Description Clean up loaded schemas in a schema context and recycle the schema context.

Example ...
xctx = XmlCreate(&xerr, (oratext *) "tlsx2",
                 "data_encoding", outcoding, NULL);
if (xerr)

    DISCARD printf("Failed to initialze XML meta context, error %u\n",
                   (unsigned) xerr);
    return 1;

if (!(scctx = XmlSchemaCreate(xctx, &xerr, NULL)))

    DISCARD printf("Failed, code %u!\n", xerr);
    return 2;

for (i = startNo; i <= endNo; i++)

    sprintf(schema, "tlsx%d.xsd", i);
    sprintf(doc, "tlsx%d.xml", i);
    if (xerr = XmlSchemaLoad(scctx, (oratext *)schema, NULL))
        DISCARD printf("Assessement of %s failed, error %u\n", schema,
                       (unsigned) xerr);

    if (!(docnode = XmlLoadDom(xctx, &xerr, "uri", doc,
                          "default_input_encoding", incoding, NULL)))

        DISCARD printf("Parse of %s failed, error %u\n", doc,
                       (unsigned) xerr);
        XmlFreeDocument(xctx, docnode);

    root = XmlDomGetDocElem(xctx, docnode);
    if (xerr = XmlSchemaValidate(scctx, xctx, root))

        DISCARD printf("Validation of %s failed, error %u\n", doc,
                        (unsigned) xerr);


        DISCARD stlptf("Document %s is valid.\n", doc);

    XmlFreeDocument(xctx, docnode);

return 0;
See Also XmlSchemaCreate, XmlSchemaDestroy


Name XmlSchemaCreate
Interface Schema
Purpose Create and return a schema context
Prototype xsdctx *XmlSchemaCreate(xmlctx *xctx, xmlerr *err, ...);
xctx  (IN)  XML context
err  (OUT)  returned error code
...  (IN)  variable arguments, with final NULL
Returns (xsdctx *) schema context
Description Return a schema context to be used in other validator APIs. This needs to be paired with an XmlSchemaDestroy.

See Also XmlSchemaDestroy, XmlCreate


Name XmlSchemaDestroy
Interface Schema
Purpose Destroy a schema context
Prototype void XmlSchemaDestroy(xsdctx *sctx);
sctx  (IN)  schema context to be freed
Returns (void)
Description Destroy a schema context and free up all its resources.

See Also XmlSchemaCreate


Name XmlSchemaErrorWhere
Interface Schema
Prototype xmlerr XmlSchemaErrorWhere(xsdctx *sctx, ub4 *line, oratext **path);
sctx  (IN)  schema context
line  (IN/OUT)  line number where error occured
path  (IN/OUT)  URL/filespec where error occured
Returns (xmlerr) error code
Description Returns the location (line#, path) where an error occured.

See Also XmlSchemaSetErrorHandler


Name XmlSchemaLoad
Interface Schema
Purpose Load a schema document
Prototype xmlerr XmlSchemaLoad(xsdctx *sctx, oratext *uri, ...);
sctx  (IN)  schema context
uri  (IN)  URL of schema document [compiler encoding]
...  (IN)  variable arguments, with final NULL
Returns (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success
Description Load up a schema document to be used in the next validation session. Schema documents can be incrementally loaded into a schema context as long as every loaded schema document is valid. When the last loaded schema turns out to be invalid, you need to clean up the schema context by calling XmlSchemaClean and reload everyting all over again including the last schema with appropriate correction.
See Also XmlSchemaUnload, XmlSchemaLoadedList


Name XmlSchemaLoadedList
Interface Schema
Purpose Return the size and/or list of loaded schema documents.
Prototype ub4 XmlSchemaLoadedList(xsdctx *sctx, oratext **list);
sctx  (IN)  schema context
list  (I/O)  address of a pointer buffer
Returns (ub4) list size
Description Return only the size of loaded schema documents if list is NULL. If list is NOT NULL, a list of URL pointers are returned in the user-provided pointer buffer. Note that its user's responsibility to provide a buffer with big enough size.

Example listSize = XmlSchemaLoadedList(scctx, (oratext **)NULL);
DISCARD printf("There are %d target namespace(s) loaded.\n", listSize);
DISCARD printf("And, they are:\n");
See Also XmlSchemaLoad, XmlSchemaUnload


Name XmlSchemaSetErrorHandler
Interface Schema
Prototype xmlerr XmlSchemaSetErrorHandler(xsdctx *sctx, 
                  XML_ERRMSG_F((*errhdl), ectx, msg, err), void *errctx);
sctx  (IN)  schema context
errhdl  (IN)  error message handler
errctx  (IN)  error handler context
Returns (xmlerr) error code
Description Sets an error message handler and its associated context in a schema context. To retrieve useful location information on errors, the address of the schema context must be provided in the error handler context.

Example XML_ERRMSG_F(schema_err_handler, msgctx, msg, errcode)

    xsdctx *sctx = (xsdctx *)msgctx;
    ub4 line;
    oratext *path;
    DISCARD XmlSchemaErrorWhere(sctx, &line, &path);
    DISCARD printf("Line Number=%d\n", line);
    DISCARD printf("Errcode=%d\n", errcode);
    DISCARD printf("Msg=%s\n", msg);

main(int argc, char *argv[])

    if (!(scctx = XmlSchemaCreate(xctx, &xerr, NULL)))
        DISCARD printf("Failed to initialize XML parser, error %d\n", 
        XmlFreeDocument(xctx, docnode);
        return 3;

    if (xerr = XmlSchemaSetErrorHandler(scctx, schema_err_handler, 

        DISCARD printf("Failed to set error handler, error %d\n", 
        XmlFreeDocument(xctx, docnode);
        return 4;

See Also XmlSchemaCreate, XML_ERRMSG_F, XmlSchemaErrorWhere


Name XmlSchemaSetValidateOptions
Interface Schema
Purpose Set option(s) to be used in the next validation session
Prototype xmlerr XmlSchemaSetValidateOptions(xsdctx *sctx, ...);
sctx  (IN)  schema context
...  (IN)  variable argument list, with final NULL
Returns (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success
Description Set options to be used in the next validation session. Previously set options will remain effective until they are overwritten or reset.

Example XmlSchemaSetValidateOptions(scctx, "ignore_id_constraint",
                            (boolean)TRUE, NULL);
See Also XmlSchemaValidate


Name XmlSchemaTargetNamespace
Interface Schema
Purpose Return target namespace of a given schema document
Prototype oratext *XmlSchemaTargetNamespace(xsdctx *sctx, oratext *uri);
sctx  (IN)  schema context to be queried
uri  (IN)  URL of the schema document to be queried
Returns (oratext *) target namespace string; NULL if given document not
Description Return target namespace of a given schema document identified by its URI. All currently loaded schema documents can be queried. Currently loaded schema documents include the ones loaded via XmlSchemaLoad's and the ones loaded via schemaLocation or noNamespaceSchemaLocation hints.

See Also XmlSchemaLoadedList


Name XmlSchemaUnload
Interface Schema
Purpose Unload a schema document
Prototype xmlerr XmlSchemaUnload(xsdctx *sctx, oratext *uri, ...);
sctx  (IN)  schema context
uri  (IN)  URL of schema document [compiler encoding]
...  (IN)  variable arguments, with final NULL
Returns (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success
Description Unload a schema document from the validator. All previously loaded schema documents will remain loaded until they are unloaded. To unload all loaded schema documents, set uri to be NULL (this is equivalent to XmlSchemaClean). Note that all children schemas associated with the given schema are also unloaded. In this implementation, it only support the following scenarios: 1. load, load, ... 2. load, load, load, unload, unload, unload, clean, and then repeat. It doesn't not support: load, load, unload, load, ....

Example xerr = XmlSchemaLoad(scctx, schema1, NULL);
xerr = XmlSchemaUnload(scctx, schema1, NULL);
See Also XmlSchemaLoad, XmlSchemaLoadedList


Name XmlSchemaValidate
Interface Schema
Purpose Validate an element node against a schema
Prototype xmlerr XmlSchemaValidate(xsdctx *sctx, xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem);
sctx  (IN)  schema context
xctx  (IN)  XML top-level context
elem  (IN)  an element node in "doc" to be validated
Returns (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success
Description Validates an element node against a schema. Schemas used in current session consists of all schema documents specified through XmlSchemaLoad and provided as hint(s) through schemaLocation or noNamespaceSchemaLocation in the instance document. After the invokation of this routine, all loaded schema documents remain loaded and can be queried by XmlSchemaLoadedList. However, they will remain inactive. In the next validation session, inactive schema documents can be activated by specifying them via XmlSchemaLoad or providing them as hint(s) via schemaLocation or noNamespaceSchemaLocation in the new instance document. To unload a schema document and all its descendants (documents included or imported nestedly), use XmlSchemaUnload.

See Also XmlSchemaSetValidateOptions


Name XmlSchemaVersion
Interface Schema
Purpose Return the version of this schema implementation
Prototype oratext *XmlSchemaVersion(void);
Arguments void
Returns (oratext *) version string [compiler encoding]
Description Return the version of this schema implementation.