Uses of Package

Packages that use org.apache.cactus
org.apache.cactus Contains all classes needed for writing Cactus tests. 
org.apache.cactus.client Contains the classes implementing of the client side of Cactus. 
org.apache.cactus.client.authentication Contains classes that support using and testing various authentification schemes. 
org.apache.cactus.client.connector.http Contains the implementation of the HTTP transport for communication of the client-side test runner with the server-side redirectors. 
org.apache.cactus.configuration Contains the classes that support the configuration of Cactus. 
org.apache.cactus.server Contains the classes implementing the server side of Cactus. 
org.apache.cactus.util Contains various utility classes. 

Classes in org.apache.cactus used by org.apache.cactus
          Test Suite that wraps all the tests of the suite in Cactus Test Case objects so that pure JUnit tests can be run on the server side.
          Contains all HTTP request data for a test case but independently of the fact that there is or there is not a Cactus redirector.
          Client cookie.
          Cookie containing an HTTP Session id.
          Tagging interface that represents all Requests objects that are used on the Cactus client side to store information related to the request that will be sent to the Cactus redirector (on the Cactus Server side).
          List of valid services that the test redirectors can perform.
          Test classes that need access to valid Servlet implicit objects (such as the the HTTP request, the HTTP response, the servlet config, ...) must subclass this class.
          Simulate an HTTP URL by breaking it into its different parts.
          Extends BaseWebRequest to add properties specific to the Cactus Web Redirectors.

Classes in org.apache.cactus used by org.apache.cactus.client
          Tagging interface that represents all Requests objects that are used on the Cactus client side to store information related to the request that will be sent to the Cactus redirector (on the Cactus Server side).
          Represent the result of the execution of the Test class by the server redirector.If any exception was raised during the test, it is saved by this class.

Classes in org.apache.cactus used by org.apache.cactus.client.authentication
          Extends BaseWebRequest to add properties specific to the Cactus Web Redirectors.

Classes in org.apache.cactus used by org.apache.cactus.client.connector.http
          Extends BaseWebRequest to add properties specific to the Cactus Web Redirectors.

Classes in org.apache.cactus used by org.apache.cactus.configuration
          Extends BaseWebRequest to add properties specific to the Cactus Web Redirectors.

Classes in org.apache.cactus used by org.apache.cactus.internal.client
          Tagging interface that represents all Requests objects that are used on the Cactus client side to store information related to the request that will be sent to the Cactus redirector (on the Cactus Server side).
          Extends BaseWebRequest to add properties specific to the Cactus Web Redirectors.

Classes in org.apache.cactus used by org.apache.cactus.server
          Simulate an HTTP URL by breaking it into its different parts.

Classes in org.apache.cactus used by org.apache.cactus.util
          Client cookie.
          Extends BaseWebRequest to add properties specific to the Cactus Web Redirectors.

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